One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 828

"Okay, let's go over and talk about this first."

"My Sensei's Spirit Seed has half a body now, It is estimated that it will soon turn into a separate Spirit Physique."

"It should be related to evolution. My Xue Ying is quite special, and its ability is to copy, so it is also a copy of my human form."

"It should be related to evolution. p>

Ye Tong also made up a sentence.

Indeed, whether it's a few girls or Ye Tong.

It is an unfamiliar existence to this spirit species.

How much do you know?

There are only so many contacts in total.

"Okay, I expect my spirit seed to become such a cute baby."

Tashigi said with a smile.


At this time, a powerful energy instantly oppressed several people.

"This is..."

"Come on, go into the diving might space, there is something terrifying here..."

Ye Tong is a little bit said anxiously.

At the same time, it also directly opens the divide might space.

"Ye Tong..."


Not waiting for Gion to say anything, he was instantly involved in a Power of Space, Disappeared in front of Ye Tong.

And then, Kuina disappeared.

Not even a word was said.

Because Tashigi was right next to Ye Tong, he was directly pulled into the dive might space.

Then, he pulled Bonnie on one side and threw it into the dive might space.

But Ye Tong did not escape being swept by this Power of Space.

Afterwards, he disappeared into the foggy forest.

I don't know how much time has passed.

Ye Tong's consciousness slowly returned.

Just after being involved in the space vortex, a powerful impact of spirit strength directly made that Ye Tong lose consciousness.


Ye Tong stood up slowly, looked at the strange environment around him, and said vaguely.

"Gion, Kuina!"

After a few seconds, Ye Tong suddenly stood up and shouted loudly.

At the same time, he also expanded his Kenbunshoku Haki.

The detection ability of the writing wheel is opened to the maximum.

But disappointingly, nothing was found.

Similar to when I first entered the Green Forest, I simply couldn't see any creatures.

In addition to trees, trees.

"It seems that this should be a random transmission of vortex, and I don't know where they were transmitted."

Ye Tong sat on the ground with a solemn expression on his face. said.

I tried the engravings that were left on them before, but there was still no way to transfer them.

Sure enough, Spatial Teleportation can only be completed with the engraving made here!

Then, Ye Tong reached out and called out Tashigi and Hina.

"Ye Tong, where are the three elder sisters!?"

Tashigi and Hina asked quickly as soon as they came out.

Hina also learned what happened to them here, so she also looked at Ye Tong with concern.

"We should be..."

Ye Tong also briefly explained.

"Now, let's go to the city first. As long as we have a certain popularity in the city, it is estimated that when the time comes, they will come to our side."

" random transmission, I don't know where they will be transmitted."

Ye Tong said helplessly.

However, according to their abilities, even in this Green Forest, they should be able to protect themselves.

"Hina got it."

"Where shall we go first?"

Hina slowly said.

"Let's go to the city of Ao Rocks first, the guy Hirinwan should have controlled that place."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also included the three of them in the dive might space. Then, step out directly.

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