One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 859

"What is this?"

Cadotner was taken aback.

How can my own abilities fail?

And, it still fails at such a close distance!

"Very good."

"Sure enough, the people in the temple are also a group of trash? If that's the case, what if they're all cleaned up?"

< p>"Freeze · Flame!"

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he lifted his hand directly, and eight ice flowers appeared in his hand.


The four have no time or mood to marvel now.

Because they felt Death Aura in the ice flower in Ye Tong's hands.

"Run separately!"

"Safe for your destiny!"

After Kurom said a word, he turned into two afterimages again and disappeared here.

Others are also flying while preparing to escape.


"In my domain, you are actually running away?"

"See clearly, I am not prepared to let You escaped!"


Ye Tong released his Mokobotma again.

You must know that Ye Tong has no limit to release this ability now.


Ye Tong lifted his hand, and a few ice flowers flew out instantly.

Here, when they were preparing to escape, they also separated the spirit species from the host.

However, in Ye Tong's eyes, they are all dead.

"ka ka ka..."

The ice flower directly enveloped the four people and the four spirits, and then, a flame in the ice flower was ready to burn.

“pu... ”

At this time, a big mouth instantly stretched out from the space.

Directly swallowed the four people and four spirits in one bite, and then hovered in front of Ye Tong.

"Groot Ye Tong?"

"didn't expect, you came in so early."

"But let's go, I I don't want to kill you yet."

"Also, that guy said, let me not kill you."

At this time, that creature On the top of the head, there is also a silhouette.

A pleasant voice entered Ye Tong's ears.

"Empty Dragon?"

"You are the only person in the temple who has mastered the empty dragon?"

"How do you know me? Yes?!"

Ye Tong said with some doubts.

"I not only know you, but also know that you are from outside. Blue Ocean is really a lovely world."

"But Ye Tong, I remember you Shouldn't your dream be to fight for hegemony or something?"

"How come, come here? You have obtained so many spiritual seeds, are you going to divide the green forest?"

< p>"Your Akatsuki, have you completed the mission? In this world, there is no object you must clear!"

The woman said again.

At the same time, Ye Tong appeared in front of him instantly.

The distance between the two is less than ten centimeters.


Ye Tong felt a strong pressure.

In addition to the two abilities of ice and fire on his body, other abilities are also suppressed.

"Want to know who I am?"

"I won't tell you!"

"However, you and him It's the same, it's cute!"

The woman extended the hand and scratched Ye Tong's nose.


Ye Tong instantly retreated 800 meters and went out.

The feeling of being unable to resist just now made him feel the endless crisis.

This was the first time someone had made him feel that way.

It was the same as when I first saw Fengyue on the sea.

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