One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 862

As for Yaya and Ye Tong, they were playing with rope flowers.

Ye Tong doesn't want Yaya to participate in such a cruel thing.

Originally, Yaya has already surpassed too many peers here, there must be something about the little child that should play.

Ye Tong ignored it. Playing rope flowers here is not what a one-year-old girl should play!

One day later.

"Boss, that guy here can't hold on anymore."

"If I continue to devour him, he will die."

Xue Ying also came to Ye Tong, wiped the saliva from her mouth, and said with satisfaction.

Xue Ying never imagined that there was so much energy in this spirit seed body.

I thought it would be absorbed in about half a day.

As a result, it took more than a day to absorb.

"Oh, can't hold on anymore?"

"This way, let me go see him."

"You and my daughter first Play for a while, don't make her angry!"

Ye Tong walked directly to the civet cat after saying a word.


Ye Tong released the restraint, then looked at him with a smile.

"Now, are you ready to tell me?"

"If you continue to persevere, I can continue to satisfy you."

Ye Tong said with a smile.

"I said it, I said it all."

"This side..."

The civet cat also quickly said everything here come out.

After they were involved in the vortex, they appeared directly on the periphery of Fear Abyss City.

And then, just happened to be met by Cardotner.

Originally, the civet cat was looking for an opportunity to devour Kuina's consciousness.

At this time, Cardotna's spiritual species, the Yagami octopus, also discussed with it.

Together they decide to take control of Kuina's consciousness and then complete the fusion.

This way, no one can see that he devoured Kuina.

After all, he also knew that Ye Tong had a certain restraint on him.

As long as the complete fusion is completed, when the time comes, there is no need to be afraid of Ye Tong's restraint.

But what he didn't expect was that Ye Tong did not restrain him, but control.

It is the kind of absolute control!

No matter what degree of fusion he has, Ye Tong here can completely strip him with a single command.

As for whether it will cause damage to him, Ye Tong doesn't care!

"Absolute fusion, will the host be controlled by the spirit species?"

Ye Tong probably knows the reason.

And here is also an important piece of information. After complete integration, the host will lose consciousness.

What exactly is this spirit seed? !

Then my own Sensei Fengyue is a human being or a spirit species! ?

For a while, Ye Tong's doubts became even worse.

"Here, go back and help Kuina by yourself."

"If you have reappeared such a problem, I will directly erase you."

"Ling I still have a lot of seeds, and I don't care about you."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he threw the ten spirit seeds to the civet cat.

After seeing the spirit seed in front of him, the civet cat was stunned for a moment, and then quickly swallowed all the spirit seed here.

You know, he just lost a lot of energy.

didn't expect , now Ye Tong will directly replenish his spiritual seed with strength.

Furthermore, devouring other spirit species can not only improve the strength, but also have the opportunity to acquire new abilities.

"I will definitely do it!"

After the civet cat said something, it sank directly into Kuina's body.

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