One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 867

"Tiomaus, you can try it too and see which one of you is more suitable here."

Ye Tong also called out Ti directly. Omaus.

"I know the master."

Tiomaus nodded, and then turned into a human figure and stood in front of Kong Konglong.


When Kong Konglong saw the two come out, he also shouted with lifting head.

Afterwards, another empty dragon appeared here.

"Are you... a Kongkong dragon with a speed attribute?"

"With speed, you have achieved the ability to break through the air?"

Tiomaus After seeing this new Kong Konglong, he also walked straight forward.


The Kong Konglong on this side shouted and charged directly towards Tiomaus.

Then, the two are directly fused together.

A powerful aura overflowed from Tiomaus' body.

"Master, I have a spirit seed."

"Also, it is of the Wind Space Attribute."

Tiomaus was a little happy Walking in front of Ye Tong, said slowly.

"Yeah, I see."

"Go ahead and get acquainted with your abilities."

"Bing Lun Wan, do you want this spirit? If you don't want it, I will go back and find other people to come and fuse."

Ye Tong glanced at Binglunwan and said slowly.

It was still Tiomaus who was obedient. He didn't ask anything when he came out, and immediately started to merge.

This guy has a lot of things to do.

"I want it!"

"Come on, let this university... let's become stronger!"

Hinrenwan wanted to say more , of this Uncle.

However, when I thought that I had just been beaten, I quickly changed my words.


After Bing Lun Wan finished speaking, the Kong Konglong here also came over and submerged into his body.

"Tzzzzzzz...ka ka ka ka..."

Then, a sound of Tzzzzzzzz's space shattering, plus a strong aura shrouded in ice after another came immediately .

The space that had just been shattered was also frozen by this icy aura.

"Hahaha, this Uncle knows, I will definitely become stronger."

"Ye Tong, now this Uncle is strong enough, do you still want to constrain this Uncle? ?"

"It was great to beat me before, right?"

"Now, it's my turn to..."

"pa pa pa pa pa pa pa... "


"Don't fight, stop fighting!"

"Boss, I was wrong. I just have improved my strength and want to pretend I don't have any other ideas."

"I followed you at first, all the way to where you are now."

"How could I have the heart of rebellion Ah~!"

"Boss, don't fight!"


Afterwards, Bing Lun Wan also began to beg for mercy.

You know, he came out because of System.

So, Innate was restrained to the death by Ye Tong.

No matter how fast his strength increases, as long as Ye Tong is still in this world, he will never be Ye Tong's opponent.

"Next time you act like this, I'll beat you up and you won't be able to take care of your life."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also threw Bing Lun Wan into the dive might space. middle.

Then, re-positioned and left here.

After returning to the foggy forest, Ye Tong moved again and came to the area of colorful clouds.

Soon, in the first half of the Grand Line.

"I'm back."

"Sure enough, it's still the smell of the sea, which makes people yearn for it!"

"The sea is indeed a symbol of freedom. !"

Ye Tong said with some emotion.

When I got to the sea, I always felt that my body was much less restricted.

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