One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 886

"Okay, let's stop talking."

"Blackbeard grabbed the Devil Fruit tree, you know?"

Ye Tong directly explained the purpose of his coming.

"Understood, they are now on Hive Island."

"Bagath has been reporting to us the address here, and as an important existence of Pirates, he One is with Blackbeard."

Long also said again.

Ye Tong is also nodded after hearing the dragon's words.

"By the way, the dragon, how many countries can we influence now?"

Ye Tong asked again.

"Now, basically, the country will give us face."

"Although we have not directly intervened in the affairs of the country, in many kingdoms, the There are our people."

"Also, their position is still high."

"The role they play is the role of supervision."

The dragon also said directly.

These are all arranged by him later, so that they will not be said to be involved in the regime of too many countries.


Hearing this, Ye Tong also had a black line on his face.

Here, the role of monitoring.

For some reason, Ye Tong thought of those Court Eunuchs.

One by one, it also plays the role of monitoring, and after a long time, there will be major problems here.

Plus the principle of Xiao's organization is to let them govern their own country by themselves.

equivalent to whatever.

But after a problem, it exists as an Adjudicator.

In that case, as soon as someone starts showing that Court Eunuch style, it will soon affect all Overseers.

"This side will remove the rights of all supervisors and let them do whatever they want."

"However, it can't violate what I said before."< /p>

"If you want to stay on the side of the kingdom and become a member of that kingdom, you must also obey the king's orders."

"Then, here, regularly select core personnel to check. "

"Dragon, a dike of a thousand miles burst because of an ant hole, such a thing must be strictly guarded against!"

"Otherwise, as long as the dyke bursts, There won't be any way to recover."

Ye Tong said quickly.

He didn't want to, in several decades, or hundreds of years later.

Xiao Group, become another Celestial Dragon!

The Akatsuki who originally brought light to everyone turned into a joke|!

"But, isn't this kind of thing very troublesome?"

"There are only so many core personnel, if we check one by one, there will be problems."

" p>

The dragon said with some doubts.

You know, when Ye Tong left, he took three core staff with him.

Now, it's a bit too much to say if you still need core staff to do these things.

After hearing the dragon's words, Ye Tong knew that the current dragon is not the dragon it used to be.

Sure enough, a person's environment is different, and his view of things is different.

"You don't need to worry about this, I'll be in charge of checking."

"What I just said, I'll order it immediately."

"I'll go first Looking for Blackbeard."

"Dragon, don't forget why we set up Akatsuki in the first place."

"It's not to let us become leaders and enjoyers after we ascend."< /p>

"Heaven and Earth that we shot down, we still need to take care of it!"

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he left a garbage recycle bin and disappeared in the here.

"Yo, Dragon Chief, I'll be here to collect waste from now on."

Ye Tong Avatar also came out from the back of the garbage collection station, said with a smile.

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