One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 892

Ye Tong tried his best to suppress the primordial urge in his body, but he still couldn't help it!

Even now, he can't move his eyes.

Because the little demon in front of me is so charming.

"I was looking for you because I wanted to kill you."

"Because, Evil God, I always feel bad."

"But I don't know why, after seeing you, I feel that there is nothing bad about this Evil God."

"What do you want to do!?"

After Ye Tong said this, he instantly opened his Samsara Eye.

A powerful immortal force quickly filled Ye Tong's body.

The charms that were attacking Ye Tong were removed.

"What your servant doesn't want to do."

"When your servant was banished to this world, I didn't expect it to be what it is now."

"Also, I didn't do anything bad, why did Master Young murder others?"

The little demon looked panicked, and at the same time put on a timid look, coquettishly said.

If it is normal, if someone talks like this, they will definitely be slapped by Ye Tong.

But I don't know why, when the little demon said such words, there was no sense of disobedience.

Even Ye Tong, who had turned on the sage mode, had an urge to pity her.

"Bing Xin!"

Ye Tong also used his Ice Attribute ability directly at this time to turn all the blood in his body into ice.

"I didn't do anything bad?"

"Do I need to say a little bit about the impact of Devil Fruit on humans?"

"Although it gave them various abilities, it also accelerated their death!"

"Don't tell me, what selfless dedication did you make when you created Devil Fruit? ?"

Ye Tong's eyes turned light blue, and Samsara Eye was also staring at the little demon, and said directly.

"Have you stopped my charm?"

"As expected of Grote Ye Tong who killed other Evil Gods!"

"However, is this also my fault?"

"I made Devil Fruit and didn't take the initiative to let people eat it?"

"Also, I just threw Devil Fruit out , the people used here, and the way of trading, I have not participated in it."

"Don't you think it's too funny to want to gain ability but don't want to pay anything?"


The little demon said again.

Although she has not deliberately released her power of charm, Ye Tong was also startled here.

"Yeah, you didn't do these things."

"So, why are you coming out now?"

Ye Tong doesn't bother about this. side thing.

After all, this thing is one willing to fight and one willing to suffer.

So Ye Tong is more concerned about why this guy came out of Raftel's penalty area.

"Your servant should not be considered your prisoner, right?"

"Where are you going, your servant has the right to move freely!"

Little The demon pouted and said with a cute face.

"No, you are gone."

"This world, it is too dangerous to have you."

"From now on, you are me The prisoner!"

Ye Tong frowned and said directly. 、

Although I don't know why I have such thoughts.

But Ye Tong knows that if he doesn't care about this guy, when the time comes the whole sea, it will cause foul wind and bloody rain because of the little demon.

You know, getting angry for a woman, loving beauty and not loving the country is not a joke.

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