One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 926

Host: Ye Tong

Age: 23

Pickup Value: 674347

Strength: 166380

Speed: 162310

Defense: 159180

Agility: 153590

Spirit: 164850

[Normal human base attribute 50]

Ability: Busoshoku Haki high level [Flower Sakura high level], Haoshoku Haki high level [Breath and Defense high level] [Pressure Intermediate], Kenbunshoku Haki top [Listen to all things high level] [Foreseeing high level] [ Insight into high level], spear technique lv13, sword technique lv13, fist technique lv11.

Digestion: 20000【Seimei Kikan high level】.

Regeneration: primary level.

Skills: Dual Blade Flow, Waterwheel Crosscut, Single Sword Flow, Hundred Birds, Shaved, Geppo, Tekkai, Kami-e, Rankyaku, Shigan, Breaking God, Hanging... Power of God* 43.

Boundary of Blood: Samsara Eye [Enjoy all the skills of the eternal kaleidoscope, add immortal art, pupil technique, wheel tomb, Six Paths mode ps: because this world does not have chakra, when it is turned on Will consume a lot of life force, or use chakra jade to supplement. ]

Woodun:Woodun Avatar,Woodun·Divine Tree is coming...


The essence of the devil [100% fusion degree has broken through ]

Thousands of Miles Flying【Enable Fusion 100%】:

Goro Goro no Mi , Mera Mera no Mi, Multiplier Fruit.

Props: Saijo O Wazamono Murasame, Saijo O Wazamono from Cloud Fang, O Wazamono Rainfall, O Wazamono Spirit Ring, Life Essence 639, Sea King Weapon 218 Sets... Evil God Lair, Mobile Derived Fortress, Abnormal Energy Radiation Antibody Pharmacy 29, False God Long Sword [temporarily unavailable], Falling Void Feather Clothes [temporarily unavailable].

Spiritual Seeds: 87 [Unrecognizing Master]

Wealth: 30.149 billion Beli

Trash Master Title: [Worn, Basic attribute +2000, The charm value is increased by 1028, the pickup value is increased by 250%, and the recovery rate of the recycling store is increased by 50%].

The False God of Ice and Fire: The title of Ice and Fire is combined with Void Power, which can use the ultimate Fire and Ice ability, and can use Void Power at the same time. [The power of fusion is stronger and can be released once a day. Void Power adaptability 1%. ]

Intermediate Portable Space: Unlimited Space [full]

Thousands of Malls.


World Mission: Protect One Piece World from shattering.

Temporary Mission: Defeat the Vandal. [Reward Adaptability]

Originally, Ye Tong was looking at his own panel information.

And at this time, the system's prompt sounded in his ear, saying that some saboteur was approaching.

In other words, there should be something here.

But Ye Tong found nothing!

At this time, I sensed the mark I left on Luo's body.

In other words, Luo has also entered the Green Forest now.

I just wanted to come over to see Luo, but I didn't expect that so many of Luffy and the others were here.

"It's so lively, what are you all doing?"

At this time, a familiar voice appeared in their ears.

"ah ha ha...Big brother!"

"Big brother!"

At this time, Luffy and Ace rushed to Ye Tong's side, shouting loudly. shouted.

You know, they haven't seen each other for a long time.

didn't expect to meet again, in such a strange environment.

"Okay, you two don't lose skin."

"As expected of the son of the plane, how can you encounter the main quest!"

Ye Tong also said helplessly.

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