One Piece: Start Fishing Thunder Fruit And Mangekyō

Chapter 6 I Still Don’T Know What Your Name Is?

Lin Yan has already hinted so obviously.

It's a pity that Wooden Golem still doesn't understand.

Lin Yan covered his forehead.

He said directly: "How much money can you give me?"

One of his words.

Just let Wooden Golem stop where he is. much?

What's the meaning?


What do you mean?

By Wooden Golem is naturally not a questioning tone.

Or put another way....

should say.


She was extremely unbelievable.


I was still thinking about it just now.

To the other party's level.

I'm afraid wealth and other things can no longer tempt him!

But I haven't finished speaking yet.

The other party gave him a blow in the head in the blink of an eye.

This blow made me dizzy and confused.

By Wooden Golem couldn't even believe what he was hearing.

Feel sorry.

He just wants money!

There is a saying that goes well.

Things that can be solved with money are not problems at all.

This is something Wooden Golem never thought of.

She was overjoyed and said quickly: "Is one million enough?"

"one million?"

Lin Yan touched his chin, how many Baileys is this million worth in the pirate world?


In the eyes of Wooden Golem, this scene completely changed.

She thought the other party thought her offer was too low.

By Wooden Golem couldn't help but secretly cursed that he was really nothing.

We have all reached this point.

If people from Rain Shinobi Village come.

I'm afraid I'm going to suffer here.

As long as she goes back to report.

Don't talk about a million Baileys.

Even if you want five million, ten million is not too much.

Why don't you drive more?

" about five million?"

By Wooden Golem rose fivefold in one breath.

Lin Yan was stunned. I haven't even thought about how many Baileys one million equals.

Why did you improve it five times again?

Seeing that Lin Yan kept looking at him without speaking.

By Wooden Golem is really anxious.


You should show your attitude!

By Wooden Golem couldn't help but secretly cursed himself for not being a thing. What on earth was he thinking about?

She said directly: "Ten million Baileys, I really made the last price!"

"Okay, okay, don't raise the price. I'm not a bully."

"Just now I was just thinking about how much one million Baileys is. Don't get me wrong. Just one million Baileys. I don't want any more!"

Lin Yan waved his hand, "As long as you don't touch the house, gamble or do drugs, what can't you do for eating, drinking and having fun?"


Stay in place by Wooden Golem.

turn out to be....

It turned out that this was what he meant by not speaking just now.

Tell the truth.

Ten million is a bit too much for me to bear.

One million words is more than enough.

Suddenly I saved so much money.

On the contrary, Wooden Golem glanced at the man in front of him.

Coupled with Lin Yan's already outstanding abilities, he also has this elegant and easy-going appearance.

By Wooden Golem's favorability towards him immediately doubled.

"Where is your home? I'll take you there!"

Lin Yan said.

"I...I can't move now, I need your help, or...or..."

By Wooden Golem is now unable to move.

As a tailed beast Jinchūriki, Wooden Golem has been tired of being treated as an alien for many years.

If it hadn't been for the will of XXX instilled by her elders, I'm afraid she wouldn't have been able to hold on.

This also leads to.

Ever since she was a child, she had never had such close and open contact with any man.

By Wooden Golem also hopes that he can be an ordinary person, enjoy the treatment of ordinary people, fall in love, get married, love each other and a series of processes.

But as a Jinchūriki, all this has nothing to do with her.

And at this time.

In today's crisis.

Lin Yan appeared.

And when he was about to drown, he pulled her out of danger.

Who wouldn’t love a hero saving a beauty?

This made her calm heart begin to pound.

She didn't know what it felt like.

But she really hoped to have further contact with the man in front of her.

if you can.

She really hopes that Lin Yan can support her.

As soon as she thought about this, she said coyly: "How about you carry..."

But she wasn't done yet.

By Wooden Golem felt like his body was floating.

Look down.

He was three meters above the ground silently.


By Wooden Golem stared at Lin Yan dumbfounded.

"Isn't this an easy solution?"

Besides Lin Yan, who else could make her float?

By Wooden Golem is speechless.

Can you please let me finish my sentence?

She crossed her arms with her arms, her slender figure was moving, and her breasts trembled.

Add to that the sullen look on her face.

At first glance, it looks quite cute!

Lin Yan said: "Okay, show me the way!"

After a while.

Lin Yan also successfully sent Wooden Golem back to the border of their country.

Along the way.

It can be said that the two of them didn't say many words.

Lin Yan was about to leave.

By Wooden Golem was shocked and couldn't help but ask: "Hey... I still don't know what your name is?"

"Lin Yan!"

Leave these two words behind.

A breeze blew, and Lin Yan disappeared in front of Wooden Golem.


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