“So I imagine you ask, where is our opportunity for self-improvement in Fishman, what can we do to change the status quo of Fishman now, completely integrate into human beings, or how Only by doing so can Fishman no longer become the slave captured by Pirate.”

“Please teach me your excellency!”

After all the questions have been mentioned, Jinbe directly addressed Chen Qiang Bow, said very sincerely.

“This question is actually very simple!” After listening to Jinbe’s question, Chen Qiang was silent for a while, and then said to Jinbe.

“Simple?” Jinbe looked towards Chen Qiang with a stunned expression. He had no idea how easy this problem was. You must know that this problem has been plagued Fishman Island for a long time.

How come Chen Qiang is here, and it is said to be simple, which makes Jinbe even more curious about Chen Qiang’s answer.

“Yes, the question is very simple. The reason why you Fishman fears or arrests the humans is because they don’t understand you.”

” As long as they understand you, their hatred or discrimination towards you will gradually decrease, and finally disappeared, and can treat you equally. Of course, those who are evil in themselves want to arrest you and sell them. Money matters, this is the pot of the world government-government. Before the world government-government is overthrown, there is simply no way to solve it.”

“You also know what I did after I left the war on the top The thing is to liberate slaves and fight against the world government. From this, it can be seen that not only your Fishman has been caught and become a slave, but many humans also have this experience, just because you Fishman itself has a smaller number of people. , So it seems even more unacceptable.”

Since I have already talked about this, the other people on the boat also got off the boat at this time, and then surrounded Chen Qiang’s side, listening to Chen Qiang talking about it. The matter of Fishman Island.

“How can we let humans understand us and be willing to treat us Fishman as equals?”

I pondered what Chen Qiang said, although Jinbe is about slaves. It’s still a bit unacceptable, but when you think about it, it is indeed the case. I still remember the slave sister Liang he met when he was on the Sun Pirates ship at the time. He was a human, but he was still caught and became a slave.

So after agreeing with Chen Qiang’s point of view, he thought of the previous solution proposed by the other party, which is how to make humans understand their Fishman.

“This is even simpler. First, you need to change some of your Fishman’s own ideas.”

“Some of our own ideas?”

” Yes! First of all, you Fishman did not put yourself on the same level as human beings. Some Fishman even have a low self-esteem in their hearts, and even some Fishman developed their own expert thoughts from this inferiority heart to comfort themselves. “

Chen Qiang first found a place to sit down, let other people sit on the ground with him, and then continued to talk to Jinbe.

“For example, Arlong of Arlong Pirates in East Blue, I believe you are familiar with him, he is the kind of original psychological inferiority, and finally because some things in reality are psychologically distorted, so There will be fishman expert first-class ideas.”

“Arlong?” Hearing Chen Qiang mentioning Arlong, Jinbe recalled Arlong’s personality and found that it was like Chen Qiang said, he Growing up with Arlong since childhood, he still knows their living environment.

“So is there any specific way to solve this?”

After fully agreeing with what Chen Qiang said, Jinbe asked Chen Qiang again.

“Of course! Now that I said it, of course there is a solution!”

Seeing Jinbe’s originally calm face, there was a trace of anxiety, and Chen Qiang did not. While going around in circles, he directly talked to the other party about the solution.

“The way to solve all problems is actually one kind of publicity. Promote your Fishman through newspapers, and post some things that your Fishman has done to the newspapers, so that more people Get to know you.”

“For example, your original Sun Pirates group, you can get a certain level of public support after you put the slave rescue work on, and you Fishman was arrested as a slave. You can put it on, and it will win the sympathy of many people.”

“Of course, sympathy is not what we want to achieve, but through sympathy, more people will pay attention to you. As long as they pay attention to you, then They will understand you a little bit. As long as they understand you, they will know that you are not at all different from them, but the place where you live is different.”


Next, Chen Qiang began to explain various propaganda methods to Jinbe, from daily life, to commercial design, to life habits, as long as it is something that can make others understand Fishman. Used for publicity.

In general, the so-called propaganda is actually a kind of cultural transmission. If you want people to understand Fishman, you must let others know your culture. As long as they can accept your culture, then accept Fishman. It will be a very simple matter.

“So it can be like this!”

After listening to Chen Qiang’s words, not only Jinbe showed a surprised expression, even the other people on the ship also showed one by one. The facial expression of the vice-taught.

To their surprise, Chen Qiang is not surprised at all. After all, these things are his previous world, and various operations are feasible. For example, black people rely on their unique music to let the world enjoy Some people rejected their prejudices.

There are also those minority nationalities in previous countries. Under the banner of national unity, they began to continuously export the characteristics of their own nationalities, allowing more people to accept their culture, and Accepted them.

So these things have been verified, they are all practical things.

“But I still have a question, that is, how can we find newspaper reports about our Fishman?”

After figuring out what Chen Qiang’s so-called propaganda is When and so on, Jinbe was really excited, but after the excitement, Jinbe thought of another question, and then asked Chen Qiang.

“This is even simpler. Find a newspaper, cooperate with the other party, and put your stuff on it. Of course, if no one wants to, you can do it yourself. Know that you are Fishman. , A race that is born to breathe in seabed, when the time comes, all newspapers control the sale of fish. Or simply send them out for free, no matter what you do!”

For Jinbe this Question, Chen Qiang gave the answer directly without even thinking about it.

“Thank you Chen Qiang your excellency, I will go to Neptune King immediately and implement it according to your plan. I believe that the situation on our Fishman Island will change soon!”

After listening to all Chen Qiang’s plans, Jinbe couldn’t help it anymore. He stood up and said excitedly. After speaking, he was ready to leave here and go to the Dragon Palace to tell Neptune about these things.


Only at this time, Chen Qiang suddenly stopped him.

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