When Chen Qiang went to the palace, the Marines scattered on Fishman Island had already discovered Chen Qiang’s traces and reported the news to Magellan.

Soon Magellan stepped up the search, and the four men he transferred from various places in Marine also sent out together to check the location of Chen Qiang and their ship.

However, because Chen Qiang did not at all expose him and their ship in front of Marine, as well as who the crew were, many Marines did not know the people on Chen Qiang’s ship.

If Chen Qiang hadn’t appeared in Sabaody Archipelago with Lin and Hulk before, Marine might not even know the existence of Lin and Huoke.

Of course, even if we now know the existence of three people, it is still very difficult to find someone on this Fishman Island, let alone that in the previous Marine report, Chen Qiang and that The little girl named Lin went to the Dragon Palace on top of the tortoise. They Marine simply couldn’t get in, so it was even more difficult to find.

But even if it is difficult to find, Magellan did not give up, but intensified the search on the island, hoping to find Chen Qiang and his ship, and at the exit of Fishman Island, they also arranged Some people can be regarded as monitoring the other side to leave.

Magellan also knows about the speech two days later, but he reports to the above, and when he wants to determine the specific situation, the other party is like you don’t care about this matter.

Although Magellan felt that the tone of the other party’s answer was weird, which was somewhat different from the tone of the superiors he contacted before, but he also didn’t care at all, but thought that the main person in charge of this matter was the world government-government. , The relationship with Marine’s not at all, so I didn’t study it further.


After Magellan finished setting up and let his subordinates leave the Battleship, and then he got into the toilet again, Hulk and Irwin also started to stroll around Fishman Island at this time.

Fishman Island Geelong Cod Plaza, as the most central square on Fishman Island, has a variety of shops, of course, there are also a variety of specialties.

At this time, Hulk and Aiwen came here, but after they came here, they were stunned.

Not because there is too little food here, but because there are too many foods here, and the two of them don’t know where to go for a good meal.

“Let’s go to that store over there! Look at that guy who has eaten that many things, the things I want to come there must be delicious!”

The two of them didn’t bother too much. After a long time, Ivan soon pointed to a direction and said to Hulk.

I saw in the direction Ivan was pointing, there happened to be a shop called Fishman Barbecued Siu, and at the door of the shop there were two people eating wildly there. At this time, all the bowls were eaten. The pile is taller than people.

“Hmm! Hulk wants to eat!”

As for Aiwen’s opinion, Hulk only glanced at the food served in the store and nodded eagerly. Up.

After all, for Hulk, now he only wants to eat, as long as there is meat in it, he doesn’t care what he is eating.

“Let’s go then! Let’s go over!” Seeing Hulk agreeing, Ivan was also a little impatient to hold Hulk and thought of walking over there.

Just before they walked into the store, one of the two people he had seen before, who was eating and eating, suddenly lifted his head and looked towards Aiwen.

“Beauty, are you interested in having dinner with me?”

I saw that person was wearing a black tuxedo with a gentleman’s hat on his head and a gentleman’s hat on his head. He wears a pair of sunglasses on his face, and at the same time there is a mustache at the corner of his mouth. He looks very handsome. I saw him stand up and turn around, appearing abruptly in front of Aiwen, blocking Aiwen’s advancement. Road, and did not know where a rose was conjured and held in his mouth, pretending to be chic, thinking about Aiwen and said.

Hearing the words of the person who suddenly appeared in front of him, I directly turned Aiwen’s entire face black, and then roared thinking about the other person: “Asshole, I’m a man!”

“Man? It doesn’t matter if it’s a man, please accept my rose and have dinner with me tonight!”

Seeing Aiwen growl, this man just looked again After a moment, I shook his head, and took the rose from his mouth, then handed it to Aiwen, and said again.

As for the man’s companion, a woman wearing a long white trench coat, after seeing this scene, she just lifted her head slightly, and after giving her a blank eye, she bowed her head again to deal with the food in front of her. He didn’t care about what his companions were doing.

“What kind of eyes are you, Lao Tzu is really a man, and who would want your roses! Bastard!”

Seeing the other person’s eyes full of unbelief, Aiwen was completely angry, grabbed the rose directly from the opponent, and then stayed on the ground, and jumped up and stepped on the rose.

“It’s okay, Young Lady, do you want to calculate his marriage?”

For Aiwen’s rude behavior, the other party is still not angry, just slightly tossed on the ground Rose, and then with the palm of his hand, a tarot card appeared in his hand, and he said again with a smile.

“Yi! Look, look, it’s a card of love! This shows that your love is right in front of your eyes, and you are right in front of me, which means that I am yours Love, let’s have dinner with me tonight!”

This person didn’t wait for Ivan to speak, and directly each minding their own business drew one from the tarot card, and then pretended to be surprised. Thinking of Ai Wen said.

“get lost!”

For this person’s shameless behavior, Aiwen completely blacked his face, and after only one word, he left here with Hulk Home store, and then I just found a store to go in, not going to take care of that guy anymore.

“Hey! I failed again!” Seeing Ivan’s back, the man retracted the tarot card in his hand while sitting back to where he had just been in frustration.

And his companion still did not speak, but once again gave him a roll of eyes, let him experience it, and then continued to eat the food in front of him.

“Ersa, how can you do this, can’t you comfort my wounded heart?”

For the eyes that his companion gave him, this man said he was very sad Said.

“Shut up Gal! That guy is a man!” The woman called Elsa couldn’t stand it. When she was eating, someone looked at herself with that kind of wronged eyes, and when that When the person was an uncle with a beard, he couldn’t stand it anymore, and he straightened up straight, fiercely thinking about the other party and saying.

“Impossible, that is obviously a mushroom cool, the smell of her body and her exposed eyes will not lie to me!”

For Ersa’s words, Gal was obviously dissatisfied , The previous Aiwen clearly looked very carefully, although the other party covered his face with a face towel, but the fragrance on the other party’s body, already that charming eyes, is definitely a mushroom cool.

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