Turning around and walking a few steps ahead, Whitebeard’s voice suddenly became louder, and towards Whitebeard Pirates, he gave his final order, apparently preparing for everyone to evacuate, but he alone blocked it. The owner of Marine.

And at the end of his voice, he slammed a strong punch towards Marine Headquarters, and the entire space seemed to be shattered. The huge shaking force directly hit the Marine Headquarters base in front of him. , It collapsed!


“Papa don’t!…”

“We will not listen This is an order! Let us go together!”


All Pirates who heard Whitebeard’s words burst into tears one by one Retorted.

“Let’s go! My sons!”

However, Whitebeard turned a deaf ear to their shouts, and after throwing a punch, he shouted at the time.

Faced with Whitebeard’s order, his crew members, although they were very reluctant, had to retreat according to their father’s orders.

“Withdrawal? Ace!”

At this time, Luffy, who was being surrounded by Marine, looked towards the Ace in front of him!

“en! ~~”

Ace’s voice was a little choked, but he still took a look. He stood in front, blocking the tall silhouette of Marine, and then knelt down to face each other Knocking his head, he stood up and evacuated here with Luffy with tears on his face.

“Let’s go first! I have a little more work to do now, I’ll follow up in a while!”

Since I have decided to withdraw, Luffy has come to become ice sculpture Chen Qiang next to Chen Qiang wanted to take Chen Qiang out of here. At this time, the ice cube that wrapped Chen Qiang was cracked.

Moving his hands and feet that were a bit frozen, Chen Qiang stopped Luffy, looked at Whitebeard who was standing in front of him, and said with a serious expression.

“What else do you want to do?”

Luffy and Ace who just rushed over, they looked at Chen Qiang with a serious face in puzzlement.

“Now that it has been decided, all I can do is to make this parting battle more exciting! It is also the respect for the most powerhouse of this World!”

Chen Qiang heard their question, turned his head back and gave them a smiling face, and then stepped towards Whitebeard in front of him.

“Okay! Although I don’t know what you are going to do, I still advise you to follow up quickly. If it’s late, you won’t be able to leave! Luffy, let’s go!”

Seeing that the direction Chen Qiang was moving forward was exactly where Whitebeard was. Although Ace didn’t know what Chen Qiang wanted to do, he still warned with a serious face.

Without waiting for Chen Qiang’s answer, he grabbed Luffy’s arm and rushed out to the back.

“Hey! brat! What do you want to do?”

Soon Chen Qiang came behind Whitebeard and found out when Chen Qiang came behind him Chen Qiang’s existence, without turning his head back, asked Chen Qiang.

“Papa Whitebeard! Since you want your life as the end of the old era and the beginning of the new era, all I can do is to make the last stop of this old era fairer. Now!”


After hearing Chen Qiang’s words, Whitebeard turned his head a little curiously and looked towards Chen Qiang who had come to him.

“Papa Whitebeard! I will recover all the injuries on your body later! At the same time, I will stimulate your life force and restore your Peak strength. Of course, these all are temporary, such a state It only lasts for half an hour, and you will die once the time has passed, so Father Whitebeard, are you willing to accept brat my help?”

“Gula la la la… …What an interesting brat, if I meet you sooner, the old man will definitely recognize you as a son, so just come! Half an hour is enough, and I haven’t experienced my Peak power for a long time!”

After hearing Chen Qiang’s words, Whitebeard first looked at Chen Qiang, and then laughed loudly.

“I’m really lucky to get your appreciation from Daddy Whitebeard, but after using this move, I may not be able to move for a while. When the time comes, I have to trouble Daddy Whitebeard. , Help throw me to the place of retreat!”

Hearing what Whitebeard said, Chen Qiang also showed a smile on his face. After all, the person in front of him is Whitebeard, who is called this World. The most powerhouse man, Chen Qiang liked this role very much in his previous life, and now he can be recognized by the other party. Of course Chen Qiang is also very happy.

“Come on! The old man is a bit broken and unacceptable! Gula la la la…”

“As you wish!”

Hearing Whitebeard’s laugh again, Chen Qiang also laughed. Since his current strength can’t organize Whitebeard’s death, let the opponent play his strongest strength at the last moment before death. !

Without hesitation, after Chen Qiang’s voice fell, he directly lifted the long road in his hand, and cut a huge hole in the palm of his hand.

At the same time, the blood that controlled his whole body was continuously converging to the position of the palm. With Chen Qiang’s powerful recovery ability, he also felt a dizziness, then completely stopped the movement in his hand.

The powerful spirit strength was injected into a large mass of blood in his hand. One second before he became unconscious, Chen Qiang applied the blood in his hand to Whitebeard’s body.

“Blood hymn! Let the last fireworks of the old age be more gorgeous!”

After finishing this blow, Chen Qiang face deathly pale fell on his back, and The blood printed on Whitebeard’s body quickly entered Whitebeard’s within the body.

At this moment, a powerful force appeared within the body of Whitebeard, quickly repairing the wound on his body, and at the same time, even the heart disease that appeared because of his old age was also fast It’s repaired!

“Not good! Whitebeard’s injuries are recovering!”

“What the hell did brat do!”

“Hurry up and let Whitebeard go completely. Recovery!”


“peng!” “peng!” “peng!” “……”

For a time there was the sound of cannonballs, and all the shells swiftly approached Whitebeard’s location!

“What a long-lost power!”

And here Whitebeard is not at all to take care of the shells flying towards him, but just lift it and fall on his own feet. Chen Qiang on the side, then flicked to the rear, and Chen Qiang flew out.

After seeing Whitebeard’s hand holding the knife, he lifted the knife and swept it towards the flying shells. After a burst of space shattering, the flying shells flew out quickly.

“Whitebeard! Even if you recover from your injury, you can’t run away!”

Seeing all the injuries on Whitebeard’s body, he recovered in an instant, and Sengoku couldn’t stay there. , Directly thrown off the cloak behind him, and then walked towards Whitebeard, in the process of walking, he directly turned into a huge golden Buddha.

“Gula la la la la la…The old man is not ready to leave, as the brat said, the old man just wants to say goodbye to the old times!”

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