Magellan, who hung up the phone, quickly flushed the toilet, and quickly took out the previous Den Den Mushi. When he wanted to inform Marine around the speech platform that something was wrong, It was discovered that Den Den Mushi could not get through.

This made Magellan even more aware of the urgency of the matter, and he left directly from here, and rushed to the location of the central speech platform on Fishman Island.

As for why Den Den Mushi can’t get through suddenly, it’s certainly not because the other party doesn’t have time to answer the phone, but because Chen Qiang had the arrangement before.

When Ivan was standing on platform and starting to give a speech, Chen Qiang took out a small machine on his body, activated it, and threw it behind him, and then a signal interference-disturbance just covering the crowd -Appears.

All signals other than the live Den Den Mushi signal will be blocked, so during this time period, if you want to make a call here, it will be blocked, and you will not be able to call it.

Of course, this is not because Chen Qiang knew someone was following him and so on, but because Chen Qiang understood the importance of information warfare in his previous life.

It is undeniable that Marine scientist Begapunk is very difficult to deal with. He can produce such a powerful battle strength as Pacifista and achieve mass production.

But the technological background of this World itself is not high, which limits the other party’s cognition of some things, not that the other party cannot make things that restrict Den Den Mushi’s signal.

But he didn’t think in this direction at all, so when Chen Qiang knew that Parker was able to develop a Divine Item such as a signal receiver, he changed the two currently used ones based on this technology. Kind of technology.

One is to cut off the signal, and then connect the signal to your side, and the other is the large-scale shielding model that Chen Qiang just used.

After all, I know that for a war, information and so on are always the most important, even in this world where individual military force can be super god.

So after blocking the private Den Den Mushi model, Ivan’s speech continued.

“Hello everyone, my name is Aiwen, I believe everyone shouldn’t know who I am, but it doesn’t matter, you only need to be able to understand what I’m going to say next, it’s fine.”

After finishing this sentence, Ivan laughed towards Den Den Mushi who was broadcast live, and then continued.

“First of all, I will not talk about our theme today, but first tell you about the form of our this World. After everyone understands the current form of our world, I am talking about this The purpose of this.”

“Well, speaking of our world, we have to talk about the supreme ruler who manages our this World, the world government-government, and the marine government in the hands of the world government-government. Power…”

In the next ten minutes, Ivan began various analyses of world government-government and Marine, as well as various Marine participations that took place around the world. Of events.

Of course, some of the news is beneficial to Marine, but more are the things that Marine oppresses people everywhere, what pretends to be slave traffickers arresting slaves, what colludes with Pirate to oppress the ordinary on the island commoner, what appeared to threaten civilians in the name of justice.

Anyway, Ivan seems to be standing in the most neutral position, reporting these things.

I have to admire that Ivan is indeed very strong. In the surrounding crowd, members of the CP organization are ambushing, already Marine’s generals, but when he is speaking.

There is a kind of magic in his voice, no matter whether they agree with what he said in their hearts, they will listen to him seriously.

Even if Den Den Mushi is broadcasted to all parts of the world through live broadcast, his abilities are reduced a lot, but no one makes any noise when he speaks.

Those who watched the live broadcast were clearly puzzled. After all, this is still a live broadcast initiated by the world government-government. Why does the content of the live broadcast feel a bit unfavorable for the world government-government? What?

Just after Ivan finished talking about the world government-government side, he paused for a while. The leaders in these places all wanted to find the people who notified them of the live broadcast. Found that no one can be found.

This allows the smarter people to immediately understand that it shouldn’t be so simple, they want to prevent such a live broadcast from continuing.

Only at this time, after taking a break, Ivan started to speak again. At the same time, those who just wanted to stop the speech were forced to look towards the live broadcast at this time. In the picture, the command just stopped at his lips.

“Okay! We have finished talking about the Marine of this World and the government-government of the world, then we are now talking about another Great Influence of this World, that is Pirate!”

After a pause, and after drinking some saliva, Ivan spoke immediately next time.

“Speaking of Pirate, many people may think that Pirate is evil and chaotic at the same time. It is a group of guys who do everything according to their own preferences.”

“Of course these cognitions Not at all wrong, in this world many Pirates are indeed the same, but what I am going to talk about now is not these Pirates, but about the Pirate King, Gore D·Roger, who was executed 20 years ago!”

“When it comes to Roger, everyone will think about whether the Big Secret Treasure that the other party said 20 years ago actually exists, although Whitebeard also said before his death that it does exist.”

“However, it is still awaiting verification. After all, no one has seen the thing. Fortunately, the Pirate I will be today is not this. After all, I don’t know if the thing exists!”

Speaking of this, Ivan made a small joke, but he didn’t know if other people laughed. He laughed anyway. After the laugh, his voice continued to ring.

“About the Big Secret Treasure, let’s put it aside first, and then let’s talk about it, Pirate King Roger, when he died, why did he say that? What was the purpose of saying it? ……”

Then Ivan began to talk about Pirate King Roger’s reasons for doing this. Of course, these things were analyzed by Chen Qiang before, and only Roger himself knows the details, but Even so, all the audience showed the expression of so that’s how it is.

Of course, during this period, Ivan also took some of the various Pirates currently on the sea, and there are already some people who are carrying the Pirate banner but doing adventurers.

Ten minutes passed before Ivan completely finished the part about Pirate, and then stopped again.

In this short period of time, the live broadcasts in many places were closed quickly, and the live broadcast was stopped.

These places have the same sobriety, that is, the island has the status of a world franchise country, and there are also some powerful powerhouses overseeing this island.

So I reacted before, only because Ivan’s re-opening made the other party live for such a long time, now I seized the opportunity to directly close the live broadcast screen, and disperse the surrounding watching the live broadcast Crowd.

But it doesn’t matter anymore. When Pirate King’s true purpose was exposed, more people who were uncomfortable with their current oppressed state chose to go to sea.

Even some powerhouses that agree with Pirate King’s actions directly raised their swords to the so-called nobles. A revolution that swept the world has begun to take shape.

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