In Chen Qiang, fighting for the opportunity of letting the opponent’s knife penetrate into his body, he slashed to the guard who was in front of him, and Chen Qiang entered the castle smoothly.

The Celestial Dragon in this castle, as early as when Chen Qiang destroyed the Chalmak Sagrada Familia castle, he realized that it was wrong and fled here. Now the only one left here is ordered to be guarded. The guard here is just that.

So Chen Qiang not at all slaughtered all the people who weren’t tested in the castle as before, but grabbed one of them, forced the other person to tell the location of the key, and quickly found it. The key, start to release the slave in it.

After Chen Qiang released the slaves imprisoned in the castle, he was about to take a look just now. When the castle was blown up, he found a hidden door in the hall.

Under curiosity, he opened the secret door and Chen Qiang entered it.

Originally, Chen Qiang thought that this was a place where Celestial Dragon stored books. It was only after didn’t expect to enter it that Chen Qiang realized that this place was not what he thought.

It is a spacious basement, and the center of the basement is a square-shaped box that is as high as one person.

On every surface of the box, there is a small hole. At the same time, above the hole, this is a pipe, and water is constantly falling from the pipe.

The low water is obviously hot water that has just been boiled.

However, for these things, Chen Qiang only glanced at these arrangements for a while, and was not paying attention anymore, but looked towards the dark iron box.

Because in this iron box, Chen Qiang clearly felt a very faint breathing sound, thinking that there were people in it.

I don’t know what this person did, but he will be kept in this small space. In order to keep the other person tortured, he constantly scalds him with hot water.

For a while, Chen Qiang became curious about the people in this iron box.

Since he was curious, Chen Qiang went directly to the side of the iron box, and then removed the water pipe above, and wanted to find a hole in the iron box that could be opened to give the people inside Release it.

But after watching it for a week, Chen Qiang discovered that this iron box had all sides welded to death. If you want to open the iron box, you can only cut it open with a knife. Otherwise, it is simply impossible. turn on.

Seeing such a situation, Chen Qiang became more interested in the people in it, so he did not hesitate to touch the fourteenth pose behind him, took out the king of Yama from it, and cut it with a knife. Above the iron box.

When it was cut up, Chen Qiang realized that this iron box was not as simple as it seemed. The material used for casting it was mixed with One Piece World’s hardest material, Kairoski .

Fortunately, Chen Qiang is now powerful and has his own research on Way of Sword, so he uses his own sword intent directly after he has not cut the iron box with a single sword.

A faint, bloody rays of light radiated from the top of Hell, and then slashed on the iron box.


The suitcase was cut in half by Chen Qiang along the edge with a single knife, that is, when the iron box was opened, a dash came out of it. The black shadow attacked Chen Qiang directly.

Fortunately, Chen Qiang reacted quickly. The moment the black shadow appeared, he backed away and avoided the attack.

And the black shadow that came out did not attack Chen Qiang this time, but stopped at the place where Chen Qiang stood just now, gasping for breath. Obviously the attack just now cost All his physical strength was gone.

It was also at this time that Chen Qiang saw the appearance of this shadow clearly, and saw that the shadow who had just assaulted him turned out to be a woman.

At this time, she was wearing a tattered cloth, long golden hair, draped over her shoulders, blocking her face, so that Chen Qiang could not see what the other person looked like.

But from her pale skin, it can be seen that she has been locked here for a while.

While Chen Qiang was looking at her, she finally stood there to change her breath and began to look at Chen Qiang. After finding out that the other party was not the Celestial Dragon who tortured her, she turned towards Chen Qiang said.

“Thank you for saving me. From now on, my life will be yours.”

Her voice is very good, but because of her weakness, there is something difficult to hide in her voice. Tired and hoarse.

“Let’s go! Let’s take you out for a bite to eat! Don’t talk about death, everyone’s life belongs to themselves!”

For this woman What did Chen Qiang not at all say, but after shook his head, he helped the opponent up, and then walked outside, and said to the opponent in a calm tone as he walked.

“Does everyone’s life belong to themselves? Really ridiculous remarks!”

After hearing Chen Qiang’s words, the woman weakly leaned on Chen Qiang’s body, and then lifted The head looked towards Chen Qiang and said with some disdain.

“Is it ridiculous? I don’t think that when I completely destroy this World, everyone in this World will have the right to dominate their own destiny.”

For women Chen Qiang didn’t care about his disdain, just laughed.

Only this time, the woman did not only refute Chen Qiang, but looked up at Chen Qiang’s smiling face earnestly, as if she wanted to remember his face completely.

Soon Chen Qiang took the woman to the garden, where Chen Qiang found some food and put the woman in the food narration.

“Okay! Recover after eating and leave by yourself. As for whether you can really leave here, you can only rely on yourself. There is only so much I can do!”


After saying this, Chen Qiang turned around and left without hesitation. At the same time, as he turned and left, a huge amount of blood energy was radiated from the castle behind, directly giving the entire castle Destroyed.

“Undead Chen Qiang! I won’t let you run away this time!”

It’s just after Chen Qiang left here, not long before, I saw it on the battlefield before The fifth Old Xing of his appeared here at this time, blocking Chen Qiang’s way forward.

There was no chance for Chen Qiang to speak. After this person appeared, he came to Chen Qiang’s face with just one stride, and then pointed his finger on Chen Qiang’s body.

The opponent’s speed was too fast, Chen Qiang simply couldn’t keep up, and even the clothes on his body that could evade the attack did not react and was directly penetrated.

Since it was attacked, Chen Qiang certainly wouldn’t just let the opponent attack like this. Chen Qiang quickly extended the hand and grabbed the opponent’s hand poking him.

The other hand danced quickly, and the Hades dashed across the air and slashed towards the opponent.

Unfortunately, Chen Qiang is not only inferior to the opponent in speed, but also in strength. So before Chen Qiang’s attack arrived, the opponent drew away from him.

In the second appearance, he has come to Chen Qiang’s back, and his fingers are constantly attacking Chen Qiang.

It was just a time to breathe, Chen Qiang’s body, there were countless cavities that penetrated through, and blood rushed out of these cavities as if money were not needed.

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