After following the indicating arrow, walking through a few aisles, and then up to a downward elevator, the two of them descended to the depths of the laboratory together with the elevator, underground 2-Layer.

Here is not at all. It is spacious as imagined, but a separate room that is not very large. The elevator they just got off is placed in the center of the room.

And their main goal this time, Lin, is also here. At this time, she is lying on an experimental flat on platform, with various wires plugged into her body. These wires are connected to these instruments. .

On the other side of the instrument, there is a middle-aged man wearing a white coat and a weird cowboy hat on his head. He is manipulating the instruments in front of him.


After seeing Lyn, Ivan rushed directly to Lyn who was testing on platform, and then pulled out the ones from her in disregard. line.

As for Parker, he had to calm down a lot. When Ivan was charging ahead, he proactively stood in front of the middle age person, and then the mechanical part of his body quickly changed into a muzzle. , Pointed at each other.

“Don’t be so nervous! I’m not at all malicious! Bo Harlan Parker!” When the man saw Ivan unplug Lin, he didn’t say anything, just slightly laughed. He released his hand on the instrument, then turned to Parker who was pointing his gun at him and said.

“Who you are? How do you know my name?” Parker was surprised when he heard the other party call out his name.

“Me? I’m Bergapunk, a scientific researcher just like you!” Hearing Parker’s question, the man introduced himself without concealing anything.

“As for how do I know you? This question is even simpler, speaking of which you still have to call me Martial Uncle!”

“Martial Uncle? Why didn’t I I heard the Master talk about your existence?”

Hearing that Begapunk said it was his Martial Uncle, Parker was surprised, and at the same time the muzzle in his hand couldn’t help but let go.

After all, as a scientist, I have never heard of Bergapunk’s name. After all, this person is known as the most powerful scientist in this world, and he is impossible if he doesn’t know him.

“But I have been apprenticeship for more than a year, not at all I have seen you at Master, nor have I seen Master contact who, how do you know about me?”

Although After knowing the other party’s name, Parker knew in his heart that it was simply impossible to deceive himself with that kind of lies based on the other party’s achievements, but he still had some doubts.

“This is even simpler. After all, the machinery on your body, but the information I gave Harry saved your life, how could I not know my first biological robot The name and appearance!”

At this time, Begapunk came to Parker’s side with a smile on his face, and then he looked up half of Parker’s mechanical body.

“What? Did you teach the Master to do it?”

When he heard the other party talking about his body, when he taught Harry to do it, Parker was even more unbelievable.

“Impossible! With Sensei’s mechanical research results, it is very simple to do this, and it is simply impossible to be guided by others!”

But Parker immediately denied Bega. Punk’s words, then said.

“Not at all, what is impossible, your Master and I, although both are mechanical research topics learned from our Sensei, our research directions are different.”

“He only needs to study power machinery, and my main research is biomechanics!”

“Although they are all mechanics, the difference is quite big, I believe This point, as a student who he brags about as much as me, he should still understand it!”

Seeing Parker’s disbelieving eyes, Begapunk was not angry, but explained to Parker. Said.

“Parker! Come and take a look! What’s wrong with Lynn, I can’t wake her up!”

I want to talk to Bergapunk at Parker During some and so on, Ivan, who went to check on Lin, did suddenly call to Parker and asked him to go over and check the situation.

“Don’t worry, I don’t at all do to this little aunt Liang, I just let her inject some of the anesthetics I researched out!”

I heard Ivan’s yelling , Parker didn’t have time to say something to Begapunk, but quickly turned and ran towards the place where Lin was, but when he ran past, Begapunk behind him said with a faint smile .

Without paying attention to Begapunk, Parker rushed to Lin’s side quickly, and then quickly tested Lin’s situation by his own means, and found that she was exactly what Begapunk said. It’s the same, not at all, it’s just a coma because of the drug-drug relationship.

Seeing this situation, Parker was a little relieved, and then asked Alvin to take Lin aside to prepare for evacuation, but he himself came to Bergapon at this time. In front of K.

“Although I don’t know if what you said is true or not, I will naturally go to the Master to confirm!”

“Now I just want to ask clearly, you take us What do you want to do here?”

After saying this, Parker’s eyes became offensive again. After all, he didn’t know what the other party wanted to do, but he was obviously organized by CP before. The captured Lin appeared in the opponent’s hands, which already means that the opponent is on the side of Celestial Dragon. They are enemies, so even if the enemy is really his own Martial Uncle, Parker will not show mercy.

“I said, I have no malice towards you. This time I am here, and it is not my body, this is just a robot of mine!”

See you When Parker was like this, Begapunk was just laughed, and then took off his cowboy hat, revealing some of the pipes in his head, and then put it on again, and said to Parker.

“Then what is the purpose of your presence here?”

For Bergapunk’s words, Parker also not at all relax his vigilance, but still watch with alert other side.

“You should also know that the biomechanical things I study require huge experimental materials, so I joined Marine. Now Celestial Dragon called me here through Marine to help them To study the method of extracting my sister-in-law Liang within the body Devil Fruit.”

“As a scientist under Marine, I cannot refuse such a request, so I sent this robot to control him to study .”

“But after I knew that this little aunt Liang was with you, I did not do anything excessive to her. I just studied it to see if she could not kill her. In the case of circumstance, it’s just her ability to obtain her fruit.”

Vegapunk also simply stated the reason why he came here.

“It’s that simple? Are you really not malicious?”

Parker still doesn’t believe the other party’s words, so he asked again.

“Of course it’s more than that, but the main reason is that yesterday I saw a piece of news that you will come here, and I want to see you, so I didn’t take out this little aunt Liang from yesterday. The fruit ability!”

Vegapunk shook his head, let Hou stare directly at Parker, and said with a smile.

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