
There was a sound of a fist coming straight into the flesh, but it was not like in the anime that Ace was penetrated by Akainu’s fist, but Before that, Chen Qiang in Luffy’s hands woke up at a critical moment.

As soon as Chen Qiang woke up, he saw Akainu’s fist attacking here, and at the same time he saw Ace suddenly appearing under his fist. Chen Qiang was really familiar with this scene. After all, this scene, When Chen Qiang watched Pirate, he went back and watched it more than a dozen times. Every time he saw Pirate, he would be very dissatisfied. He wanted to send the razor blade to the author. Unfortunately, these can’t change the fact that Ace died.

So when all this happened in front of him, Chen Qiang basically broke free from Luffy’s hand without thinking, and then smashed away Ace in front of him.

The result appeared. Chen Qiang was punched through his chest. Although Ace was knocked away because of Chen Qiang’s sudden appearance, one of his arms was still directly interrupted by this fist.

“Ace! Chen Qiang!”

Luffy who saw this scene, regardless of his physical injury, caught the beaten Chen Qiang, and broke one. Ace on the arm, crying heartbreakingly.

“I’m fine! Look how Ace is!”

Chen Qiang, who was caught by Luffy, broke away from Luffy, and then stood up swayingly , And then said to Luffy, vomiting blood while speaking.

Although Chen Qiang looks miserable now, but his condition, he knows, his injury looks serious but it only takes a few breaths before he recovers.

The most important thing now is the situation of Ace. Just now he saw that although he blocked Akainu’s attack, Ace was still attacked because of being too close, but not as in the original. It was only through the chest, but the arm was directly broken from the shoulder position.

This kind of injury is no longer minor. With the addition of the lava on Akainu’s fist, it has a strong burning effect. Maybe it’s along the wound of Ace’s broken arm and burned his. Internal organs.

After all, it can be seen from Akainu’s punch that Ace’s arm was interrupted. This fist of Akainu has Haki’s addition. Such a fist, even Ace that can elemental transformation, can’t handle it. Live, so Chen Qiang is even more concerned about Ace’s situation than Luffy at this time.

“Cough~~I…I’m fine!”

And after hearing Chen Qiang’s words, Luffy began to check Ace’s injury, but he was Ace stopped with his only hand.

“Heaven Dog!”

Obviously, I found that I just punched not at all to solve Ace. Akainu slammed his fist with lava, towards Ace and Luffy. People attacked away.

“Tiger Roar!”


Seeing that Akainu was attacking this time, Chen Qiang was not verbose, and directly squeezed his hand. The long knife, a flicker blocked Ace and Luffy in front of them, and a blood-colored tiger head appeared on the knife and collided with Akainu’s fist.

As for Chen Qiang’s current strength, it is obviously a little bit close to block Akainu. Fortunately, when Chen Qiang blocked it and was shot out, Jinbe just heard After Luffy’s heart-piercing call, he rushed over at this time, and succeeded Chen Qiang, blocking Akainu’s fist, which freed the two seriously injured brothers from the fate of death.

“Tiger Leap!”

As soon as Akainu’s attack was blocked, Chen Qiang, who had just flew out, quickly recovered and jumped directly from the ground, the scarlet giant tiger Appearing in the air, making the posture of Fierce Tiger Descends the Mountain, directly over Jinbe’s head, biting towards Akainu.

Without any accident, Chen Qiang’s attack was blocked by Akainu this time.

“Jinbe, take Luffy and Ace and leave here, and go to the back for treatment!”

Chen Qiang was not surprised that Akainu blocked his attack, but his own attack was It was that Akainu couldn’t make the next blow quickly, so through this gap, Chen Qiang quickly said to Jinbe. After speaking, before Jinbe came back, he raised the knife again and rushed towards Akainu.


Jinbe is not a long-winded person. After hearing Chen Qiang’s words, he turned around decisively, holding Ace and Luffy in one hand. He got under his armpit, and then quickly ran towards the distant ship.

“You can’t escape!”

I saw Jinbe take Luffy and Ace away, and I was stopped by Chen Qiang, a guy who couldn’t beat him. He turned his whole body into magma and rushed towards Chen Qiang at once.

“Gan! Don’t cheat like this!”

Looking at the huge magma coming back to him, Chen Qiang just came to spit out and covered his body with red light. I was directly submerged in it.

And after magma submerged Chen Qiang, it did not stop chasing directly in the direction of Ace Jinbe.

But this time Akainu did not catch up with Jinbe, but when he was about to catch up, a huge fist suddenly appeared above his head, which directly knocked Akainu out of the elemental transformation.

“The old man won’t hurt you old man’s son!”

Yes, I directly typed Akainu out of elemental transformation, and I found this side. Whitebeard of the situation shook the entanglement of the Sengoku people, and blocked Akainu before Akainu could catch up with them.

After Whitebeard appeared at the same time, the action did not stop at all. When he punched Akainu into elemental transformation, the huge palm directly covered Akainu’s face, like a doll. He mentioned Akainu directly.


Then Whitebeard pressed Akainu’s head to the ground, and at the same time a huge white vibrational rays of light appeared in his hand, and the entire ground was in contact with Akainu’s head The location is cracked every inch.

It was Garp who chased Whitebeard first, but at this time Garp also saw Ace’s broken arm, so for Whitebeard’s beating Akainu, not at all, it was just frowns. Obviously Is tangled again.

“Buddha’s Impact!”

Sengoku, who came here after Garp, is not as entangled as Garp. Seeing Akainu being beaten with one hand by Whitebeard, he directly He stopped it, and a huge shock wave was born from his hand, and then rushed towards Whitebeard.

While Whitebeard did not stop this time, he just raised Akainu in his hand again and threw it towards the shock wave.


Originally, Akainu, who was severely injured by Whitebeard, was hit by Sengoku’s shock wave again, and was completely unable to resist. I was driven into the underground of the square, and I don’t know how deep I went.

That is, at this time Whitebeard waved the Guan Knife in his hand again and slashed towards the spot where Akainu landed.


The entire island, because of the Whitebeard this blade, broke apart from the middle, which is regarded as blocking part of Marine’s pursuit.

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