
As the entire island sank below the surface of the sea, a huge roar suddenly came from the sky.

Then countless white lights emerge from the air, and everything on the sea surface is covered by this strong white radiance, so that the mechanical parker scanned by the machine can’t see the surrounding situation at all. .

Fortunately, this white light, not at all, lasted for too long, and then dissipated in the sky, but the surrounding scenery was once again restored to its original appearance.

It’s just the location of the island just now, not at all, there is sea water, but the space where Parker and them were just before, emerging from that in the sky and replacing the previous island’s location. s position.

It is as if the space that originally did not belong to reality at this time has also entered the real space with the disappearance of the island.

What’s even more amazing is that an illusory city appeared in the sky at this time, but because it was too illusory, it was impossible to see what was inside. Only one of them could be seen, with some silhouettes walking in it.

And below this illusory city, there is a white illusory light linking the place where Parker and the others were before.

The exact link point is the white gate far away from Parker and others. If you want to go through this gate now, you should reach the city above.

But now Parker has fallen into a deep sleep, and all his actions are executed by his previous commands, so he doesn’t have the ability to think.

According to Parker’s previous orders in his mind, it was to completely destroy the entire island. Now that the island has been destroyed, Parker was also awakened by the mechanical computer from his deep sleep.

Wake up Parker this time, not at all back to the original position as the previous two times, but still in the control room of the Megatron.

“It seems that my guess is correct!”

After seeing this situation, Parker also understood that his previous guesses should be correct, those where they were before The space should be built on the island.

So as long as the island is destroyed, those worlds should collapse, but the opponent appears in reality, which Parker did not expect.

But it doesn’t matter. After that place appeared in reality just now, the white light curtain disappeared with the previous white light. This is the effect that Parker wanted to achieve before. .

So after waking up, he found himself on the Megatron. Parker did not get off the robot, but directly drove the robot to the previous space, and quickly Among them, Aiwen and Lin were still fainted on the ground.

Quickly transferred the two of them to the boat, in their room, and then looked up at the city above the sky, wanting to see if they could see Chen Qiang entering it from outside. .

Obviously this is what Parker thinks too much. When observing the flying city from below, no matter how Parker looks at it, he can’t see the specific situation inside. The situation is blocked, only some moving silhouettes can be seen.


While Parker was observing the situation inside, Chen Qiang and Hulk had already entered the palace at this time.

However, after entering it, Chen Qiang and Hulk were directly trapped in an aisle.

This is an aisle that doesn’t seem to be peculiar at all, but no matter how Chen Qiang and Hulk go, they can’t get out.

And even if Chen Qiang and Hulk smashed the walls around the aisle, there was no way to get out.

Because after the aisle wall was smashed, what appeared It’s another bigger wall. Is it simply a place for people to pass through?

Furthermore, this smashed wall also has the same ability as Chen Qiang, that is, rapid recovery. In just a few seconds, the big hole that has just been smashed will directly recover as before.

Faced with this situation, Chen Qiang and Chen Qiang could only move forward obediently and honestly, but no matter how they walked, it seemed as if they could not finish walking, or they wanted to stay in place. The steps are the same, because all the decorations in this aisle are the same, making no difference at all.

As for walking towards the rear and leaving here, obviously it won’t work, because after Chen Qiang and the two entered here, the door they had entered before was already disappeared, but became a follower. The same aisle in front of them.

That is, after being trapped in this aisle for almost an hour, Chen Qiang and Hulk in the aisle suddenly felt a violent shaking, and they almost made Chen Qiang and Hulk who did not react directly. Fell to the ground.

Fortunately, both Chen Qiang reacted very quickly. When the aisle was shaking, Chen Qiang pulled Hulk and leaned against the wall together, stabilizing his figure temporarily.

As the shaking became more and more violent, the aisle began to crack due to the shaking. At the same time, behind these cracked cracks, Chen Qiang could not see the wall but It is white.

At the same time, under their feet, a terrifying imposing manner spread from below, and as the shaking became stronger, the imposing manner below became stronger and stronger.

It’s as if this shaking has awakened some great existence.

At this time, Chen Qiang didn’t have time to think about how the shaking came. As for the terrifying imposing manner under his feet, he didn’t have time to pay attention.

They have been trapped here for almost an hour. Now that there are cracks in the aisle, Chen Qiang feels that this is their chance to leave here, and of course they will not pay attention to other things.

“Hulk, attack the crack!”

He didn’t explain to Hulk the reason for doing so, but shouted directly at Hulk.

“Hulk got it!”

Fortunately, Hulk is not someone who has to ask to understand everything. After all, there are some things, even if Chen Qiang explained to him, he also You may not be able to understand it, so it’s better to just follow the captain’s words.

After all, the captain and them are Hulk’s partners, and Hulk also believes that the partners will not lie to themselves.


So Hulk did not hesitate at all, and threw the iron ball in his hand directly, and hit it on the crack above their heads. .

This caused the aisle that originally seemed to be on the verge of collapse to collapse directly.

At the moment when the aisle collapsed, Chen Qiang grabbed the Hulk next to him, and then the blood-colored rays of light on his body were full of light, wrapped him and Hulk in it, and quickly descended towards the cave. A rift in his aisle rushed over.

white! Everything around is white!

When Chen Qiang and the others rushed out of the aisle and stood firmly, they realized that they had reached a stranger place now, which was a white space.

In this space, whether it is the top of the head or all around, even the feet are all white, as if it is infinitely wide.

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