“shua!” “shua!” “shua!”

This time after the fall of the fake Chen Qiang, I did not use the energy under the mirror as before. After resurrecting the opponent, he swallowed the opponent directly into the mirror, that is, at this time, there was a burst of air breaking sound from above. Several long swords that were completely fuse together with the environment above appeared in the air, towards Chen Qiang flew over.

Obviously the person hiding in the dark also understands that Chen Qiang’s abilities cannot be replicated at all. He does not have such a strong recovery ability. It is silly to imitate Chen Qiang simply to bring about one’s own destruction. , So he gave up the plan to imitate Chen Qiang and started to attack him directly.

For this sudden attack, Chen Qiang didn’t even hide, and directly let the long sword flying in the air pierce his body.

In the sky, the long sword keeps flying, and constantly shuttles over Chen Qiang’s body, and blood is quickly sprayed from the pierced wounds.

“hehe! Useless! These attacks are useless to me!”

In this way, Chen Qiang, who was directly facing the attack, was pierced at this time. His whole body was hollow, but his face was still full of smiles, and at the same time he was still mocking the man in the dark.

Just when Chen Qiang was attacked and taunted, the battle between Hulk and Fake Hulk on the other side was almost at a fever pitch.

At this time, Hulk was completely angry. After all, fighting with someone who was like him in everything was really aggrieved.

You move the other party, and the action is exactly the same. If you punch him, he will punch you too. No one can beat the opponent.

But as a daoist, Hulk was hit by the same power as his own. It really hurts, but the other party didn’t have so many worries and didn’t know what the pain was.

How can this not make Hulk angry, so in the angry Hulk, the power of the whole body skyrocketed, and the fake Hulk who had not reacted directly fell directly to the ground.

This time Hulk didn’t prepare to give the opponent time to react, he directly sat on the opponent’s body quickly, and the huge iron ball quickly landed on the opponent’s head.

Just hit the opponent’s head like a watermelon.

However, after blasting the opponent’s head, Hulk’s movements did not stop. He kept repeating the action of lifting the iron ball and then dropping it. For a while, the sound of peng~ peng~ peng~ Feel it in your ears.

Even because of this huge power, the entire space was trembling, and as Hulk’s anger grew, his power continued to increase, until the power reached its peak.

This space has reached the limit of endurance. At this time, the mirror-like ground also began to crack under the huge force.

The blood that Chen Qiang had left on the ground before began to flow into the mirror surface along the crack.

“It’s time! Blood salute!”

Seeing this situation, Chen Qiang, who has been under attack, also knows that the time to fight back is up. The King of Hades flew quickly, and then took his own blood and plunged into the mirror at once.


A huge roar sounded, the originally calm mirror, like a real mirror, shattered piece by piece, and at the same time we met , Countless scarlet rays of light emerge from it.

For a time, the space that was originally pure white, under the shining of the scarlet rays of light, turned into a scarlet, and as the mirror surface shattered, the snow-white space above began to disintegrate inch by inch. Up.


These changes did not at all affect Hulk, who was already furious on the other side, and saw him finally hit with an iron ball, and the entire space was completely shattered. , And he himself fell down with Chen Qiang.

When the two of them were standing on top of the real object for the second time, they had already arrived in another space.

This space is different from the previously unreal space. Everything in this space is much more real.

Because the space where Chen Qiang and them are now has become a closed face cave, and there is only a small platform where he and Hulk are standing, and the bottom of the platform is endless. magma, constantly rolling under them, and releasing amazing heat.

But when the two of them came here, the first thing they felt was not the amazing heat of magma, but because of environmental reasons, a lot of oxygen and various toxic gases in the air were thinned out.

“Hulk! Hold your breath! Don’t breathe!”

Immediately feeling that he was having difficulty breathing, Chen Qiang understood what was going on, so he went straight to Hulk Shouted.

After saying this, Chen Qiang also directly held his breath, otherwise the poison gas would enter his body. After all, he understood his own situation. Under such circumstances, although I won’t be, but if the toxins in the air accumulate too much within the body, I will definitely pass out.

Afterwards, he and Hulk may fall directly into each other’s hands.

But even if he doesn’t breathe, Chen Qiang won’t die. It’s just that feeling will be very uncomfortable, just like when he was forced to learn to swim in the sea, that feeling is really uncomfortable. !

So after reminding Hulk, Chen Qiang began to look for a way to leave here, as if he had cut out a bright red slash towards the magma below with his hand.

Unfortunately, I don’t know how deep this magma really is. After Chen Qiang cut such a blow, the upper magma was cut apart, but not at all, I saw the ground below the magma, but more Magma.

Furthermore, with Chen Qiang’s attack, the magma underneath suddenly appeared a section above it, and as time passed, it quickly rose upwards, seeing it after a few breaths, It will completely submerge the platform on which they are standing.

Seeing such a situation, Chen Qiang did not try to find out if the magma below is a way to get out of here, but quickly took a shot on the fourteenth formula.

One black one white two knives flew out of the fourteenth formula, directly above the cave and into the wall.


When Chen Qiang saw this situation, his eyes lit up, and he immediately thought of a way out, that is, to leave here from above.

The space here is different from the space just now. The space all around is white, as if there is no margin, so there is no such thing as a top at all.

But here is obviously different. Here is a karst cave. This cave has a top, and judging from the Black and White Impermanence Two Swords just shot into it, the texture on it is not at all is so sturdy, so the way they want to get out of here should be on the karst cave.

Since he wanted to understand, Chen Qiang went directly to the iron chain in the Fourteenth Form and Black and White Impermanence, and lifted himself up from the flat on platform, and then went on the chance to swing. The Hulk on the other side was also held in his hand.

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