Sure enough, his feeling saved him again.

I saw that he had just left his original location, and a huge white beam of light shot out from the city in the sky, and the landing point was where he stood just now.


The place where Parker stood before was the place where the weapon was placed, but the weapon arsenal under the white light strikes directly disappeared.

At the same time as the white radiance shot down, one by one silhouettes wearing black windbreakers began to emerge from the white beams of light.

And quickly flew toward Parker’s location.

These newly-appearing black clothed persons, each holding a long Death God’s Scythe in their hands, quickly rushed towards Parker and attacked the Megatron.

Seeing such a situation, of course Parker would not stand in place to let them fight, so he directly activated the Megatron weapon System.

One by one turrets emerged from the Megatron, and quickly scanned and aimed them, firing at these black clothed persons who were constantly emerging.

It’s just that after these black clothed persons were hit by the shelling laser, nothing happened. The lasers that flew towards them directly penetrated their bodies and flew farther away.

But these black clothed persons did nothing. They continued to approach the Megatron, and the first batch that appeared was already approaching the Megatron.

I raised the Death God’s Scythe in my hand and cut it directly on the Megatron. Although these attacks were not very strong, every attack could only be on the Megatron, leaving a trace on it.

But over time, these black clothed persons have also increased.

When the opponent can attack him, and his own attack is not effective for these black clothed persons, Parker can only rely on the mobility of the Megatron to quickly dodge.

But the sea that originally appeared to be very wide, when Parker drove the Megatron and began to dodge, he discovered that many things around were fake, and the sea had a limit.

This also made him understand that even the world he believed to be the real world, in fact, does not really exist, or that it is not the original world.

Fortunately, although this space is not big, it is not small, so if you want to avoid attacks in this space, Parker can still do it.

But as time goes by, a new crisis reappears, and that is that Parker simply doesn’t know how long they have been arrested.

In this all black, no daylight space, how long the Megatron stayed, he didn’t know these conditions, so after avoiding the attack for almost half an hour, he found the Megatron station The stored energy is almost unable to support its actions.

If this continues, after the Megatron is completely out of energy, all actions will stop. When the time comes, it will definitely become scrap metal under the attack of these black clothed persons, completely scrapped. it’s here.

This was obviously something Hulk didn’t want to see, so after realizing that the energy was not enough, he completely gave up the attack and commanded to dodge the attack of these black clothed persons on the other side.

Even in order to reduce consumption, he gave up the transformation of the Megatron, restored to the original ship appearance, and activated his own ordinary Mecha energy system to input energy into the Megatron.

But these are obviously an utterly inadequate measure. During this process, the Megatron’s speed of action is also continuously reduced. If there is no other method, the Megatron will be dismantled by the opponent sooner or later. .

Fortunately, at the crucial moment, the black clothed persons who were supposed to launch a devastating blow to the Megatron were collectively stunned at this time, not facing the Megatron. Launch an attack.

After this situation lasted for about one minute, these black clothed persons began to put away the Death God’s Scythe in their hands, and quickly flew towards the white beam of light they came here before. .

Then disappeared into this space along with the white beam of light, which made Parker who was planning to start the destruction procedure of the Megatron, and took Irvine and Lin with him, and left here alone to escape. Also obviously shocked.

I couldn’t figure out what was going on at all, I just felt an observing gaze swept across his body, and then the black clothed persons disappeared.

At the same time, Aiwen and Lin, who had been brought to the control room by him, were preparing to escape here together, and woke up at this time.

“What’s the matter? Why am I here?”

Ivan, who just woke up, looked at the surrounding environment, and was a little puzzled to one side. Parker, who looked at him blankly, asked with some doubts.

“en? Parker? Where am I? Brother Qiang and Hulk?” At this time, Lin also woke up from the confusion, looking at Parker in front of him a little strangely and asked.

Because of the constant attacks, even the control room where Parker is located has been affected to a certain extent. There are many equipments that have failed at this time.

So Iwen and Lin, who were just awake, soon discovered that there was something wrong with the surrounding situation. They quickly put on a defensive attitude, looked towards the surroundings, and at the same time turned to one side. Parker asked.

“Parker! What the hell is going on? The Captain (Brother Qiang) and Hulk?”

“Thank God, you guys are finally awake! It looks like it should be the Captain. It’s successful!”

At this time, Parker didn’t at all answer to Lin and Irvine’s questions, but he just looked at them with a smile on his face and said.

After all, the awakening of the two of them now, coupled with the retreat of the black clothed persons outside, no matter how you look at it, it is not something you can do.

Under such circumstances, only their captain Chen Qiang can do this, so Parker is also very happy to understand this.

Although I don’t understand how Chen Qiang did all of this, he did it. Just knowing this is enough. Other things that think that many are useless.

Afterwards, after the two of them slowly put down their guard, Parker quickly told them what happened after they were unconscious.

Of course, Parker just talked about some of his speculations and what happened on his side. As for what happened on Chen Qiang’s side, even if he wants to talk about it, he needs to know it. .


At this time, after the virtual screen appeared on Chen Qiang’s side, he saw the old man waving his hands. All the black clothed persons receded like a tide, completely giving up attacking the Megatron.

Afterwards, the camera zoomed in, showing the awakening of Lin and Irvine. When the screen reached this point, the old man didn’t mean to watch it anymore.

He waved his hand again, the entire screen disappeared in front of them, and the old man refocused his gaze on Chen Qiang.

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