
After waiting for everyone on his side to rush out of the aisle, Warner quickly kicked a slash into the aisle again. And motioned the people around him to leave here quickly.

Of course, other people did not hesitate. After seeing what Warner did, they quickly understood what they should do.

So at the same time, he used Geppo to fly in the air, and then flew toward the direction of the Battleship.

After seeing Maxi and the others flying away, they quickly used Geppo and flew towards the direction of the Battleship.

Only when he flew back to the Battleship, he was a little strange. How long is that aisle not at all? If the battle strength demonstrated by Chen Qiang last time, this distance would be his own. It shouldn’t have been caught up for so long.

This is obviously not equal to the opponent’s strength, with this thought in my heart, while guarding against this sudden attack, he flies toward the Battleship.

Soon they all returned to the Battleship. When they were told by Magellan by what happened over there, they watched Chen Qiang with Lin, Hulk and Irving. The four people walked out from the exit position.


Obviously, the appearance of Chen Qiang and the others here does not require Warner and the others to report things. Magellan also knows the situation there. So he gave orders directly to the soldiers on the ship.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

As Magellan ordered Chen Qiang, their Megatron began a intensive bombardment. After the side firing, other Battleships that had been prepared for a long time also fired at the Megatron.

The shelling on the sea became even more intense for a while.

As for Chen Qiang, they just came out of the control room below and they saw Warner and the others on the ship, so without hesitation, Hulk attacked several people directly.

However, considering the current situation of the Megatron, Chen Qiang also knew that he could not put the battlefield on his ship at this time, because at this time the Megatron simply could not withstand such intense battles.

Maybe during the battle, accidentally, his ship was sunk. Of course, this situation was not what Chen Qiang wanted to see.

So when contacting the opponent, Chen Qiang just used the attack to scare the opponent away, not at all chasing the opponent directly, but waited until the opponent left the ship, Chen Qiang and the others Slowly come to the place where Taolin is located.

But as soon as they came out, they opened up countless cannon-balls flying towards them, trying to sink their ship directly.

However, with several battle strengths on board, it is a bit difficult to sink the Megatron.

I saw Chen Qiang who just came out, among them Lin and Huoke, two of them, directly stepped forward and danced their weapons, and shot the cannon-balls that were flying on the ship.

After all, the total length of this ship is more than a hundred meters. As far as the speed of Lin and Hulk is concerned, they are all instantaneous, and there is no problem blocking these cannonballs.

And Aiwen, this hand also took out the special weapon Parker had given him before, from behind him, and turned on the switch.

“Opposite Marine, why is this necessary? Look at the world is so beautiful, it’s not good for us to fight and kill like this!”

As the speaker turns on, Ivan The sound full of weird energy appeared from the horn, and quickly entered the ears of the Marine soldiers, apparently trying to control them to stop the shelling.

However, after the previous war, it was obvious that Magellan also had an understanding of Aiwen’s abilities.

Before coming to capture Chen Qiang and the others, Magellan deliberately pointed out Aiwen’s ability and said the way to deal with it, that is, to plug her ears with earplugs. , So you can avoid the influence of Aiwen’s ability.

So this time when Ivan just appeared, Marine soldiers on the surrounding Battleship consciously brought the earplugs sent to them.

When Aiwen uses his own abilities, these soldiers have already put on earplugs, so when the ability is activated, they can’t hear Aiwen’s voice, so they just use Aiwen’s The attack was negotiable.

The artillery-ball still flew towards the Megatron as if it didn’t cost money.

After all, there are only two defenders on their side. Although the speed is very fast, it is inevitable that there are still some missing cannon-balls falling on the ship, causing some damage to the Megatron.

However, Lin and Hulk did not wait for too long. After coming out of the aisle, Chen Qiang was already preparing for style.

To defend against such a wide range of attacks, Chen Qiang needs a lot of blood to do it, so as soon as he came out, he started to cut his body with sword aura, allowing the blood of his body to continuously flow in. Into the sea.

It’s just that in less than one minute, Chen Qiang’s blood directly dyed the sea near the Megatron to red.

Seeing this situation, Chen Qiang temporarily stopped cutting his body, allowing his body to recover quickly.

“Heavenly Overflowing Blood Waves!”

I saw him stretch out a hand, and then lift it up, a huge amount of blood will be mixed with bright red blood from the sea It quickly emerged, forming a huge wave almost fifty meters high, blocking the artillery shells that were still flying here.


According to Chen Qiang’s words, Zai pushed in the direction of the Battleship, and the huge wave that had just formed quickly rushed towards the Battleship with a roar.

“Quick! Focus on one point!”

The Magellan here also reacted very quickly. When this huge amount appeared and came towards them, he immediately He reacted and quickly issued orders to the surrounding Marine soldier.

However, due to the previous defense against Aiwen’s attack, all Marine soldiers wear earplugs at this time, so although Magellan’s commands were executed, their actions were much slower.

So when the waves hit, their attack was not ready to complete.

But just as Magellan grabbed the things around them and prepared to meet the impact of the waves, the imaginary situation of being hit by the waves did not appear at all.

When these terrifying waves hit their Battleship, they just made the Battleship sway from side to side.

The imaginary situation where the ship is overturned by the waves does not appear at all.

“Not good!”

Seeing such a situation, after adding that wave, the blood that was originally in the wave, at this time, was left on the Battleship. , This made Magellan immediately realized that it was not good.

So immediately prepare to stand up and prepare the soldiers to defend against the attack.

It’s just that it’s obviously too late, because Chen Qiang has already come to Battleship when the waves are completely charged ahead from the Battleship.

I saw Chen Qiang really standing on the surface of the sea at this time. Under the surface of the sea was a mass of condensed blood, supporting Chen Qiang from sinking into the seabed.

At this time, Chen Qiang not at all came here with soft hands, and directly waved to the boat again! He whispered in his mouth.

“Blood Kill!”

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