The sudden appearance of this scene really shocked Chen Qiang and the others. After all, he hadn’t taken any action yet, and these people fell like this. How did this happen? What a thing!

Fortunately, there are two people who can use Kenbunshoku Haki on the boat, Chen Qiang and Parker, so when they saw the first person fell.

The two directly turned on their Kenbunshoku Haki, only to find that silhouette flashed by among the crowd, and saw the fast-moving person.

It’s just that the opponent’s moving speed is too fast. With Chen Qiang and Parker’s current Kenbunshoku, they can’t keep up with the opponent’s speed at all, and they can’t see the opponent’s appearance.

However, when Chen Qiang and Parker wanted to see whether the other party was who, the islanders who gathered here had just settled down because of the appearance of priests. At this time, I was concerned about being unable to control it.

The fear in my heart emerged from my heart as if I didn’t need money, and then fled to the depths of the island one by one in horror.

Even some people believe in the Oracle of God, and feel that they and the others have to stop the demons in front of them, even if they sacrifice their lives.

I was only taken away from the coast while being coerced by other fearful people.

When everyone escapes here, silhouette disappeared, this process only took a few minutes, and the speed is not unpleasant.

However, it was really because of the escape of these people that the silhouette of the black shadow that had just been used was completely exposed, allowing Chen Qiang to see the other side’s appearance.

“It’s you!”

After seeing the other person’s golden hair and the perfect figure, Chen Qiang instantly recognized who the other person is. This person is exactly The woman she rescued in Mariejois before.

Although Chen Qiang at that time could not at all see the specific appearance of the other party, Chen Qiang did remember it because of the unique aura of the other party. With the addition of that perfect figure, his head was already full. Golden’s hair made Chen Qiang recognize him instantly.

“Benefactor! Although it was an accident to meet you here, when you saved me before, I said from now on that my life is yours, and these people dare to be right. The benefactor is rude, and even death cannot wipe out the crimes!”

When she saw Chen Qiang, she recognized herself. The woman did not refute, but directly nodded, and then said to Chen Qiang, her voice and Chen Qiang was the same when he saw each other before, and he was cold and could not hear any emotions.

After seeing this woman, and after seeing Chen Qiang who seems to be very familiar with her, Lin’s heart suddenly felt a sense of crisis at this moment, and she put down a candle of meaning Chen Qiang Arm.

As for Lin’s movements, Chen Qiang not at all pay attention. After all, Lin likes to pull his arm. Chen Qiang also knows this, so he didn’t pay attention at all, but continued to communicate with the woman opposite. Get up, wanting to know something about this island from the other person.

After all, looking at the place where the other party just appeared, it is in the crowd. From this point, you can know that the woman should have been on this island for a while.

And Chen Qiang just came, so they don’t know anything about the situation here. Now that there is someone who knows it, it is of course necessary to ask carefully.

So Chen Qiang invited the other party to the boat, and then communicated with the other party. In the process, Lin kept holding Chen Qiang’s hand, but her eyes were full of alert and stuck at the woman.

But for all this, Chen Qiang not at all noticed that he was just asking the woman about the situation on the island, and while inquiring, he was still analyzing the specific situation of this place based on the information provided by the other party. So Chen Qiang not at all cares too much about other things at this time.


At this time, in the misty in the sky, at this time there are a few people who are very similar to the Golden Ox that Chen Qiang and the others have met before. They have four pairs of wings behind them, and they are wearing golden. Full body armor.

It’s just that their armor is different from the original Golden Ox.

At this moment, these people are flying high in the sky, looking at Chen Qiang below.

“I said Gemini, you can’t do this! It’s obviously impossible to test this Chen Qiang with these sad mortals!”

When I saw the islanders, it was all because of fear After escaping from the coast, one of the people with a fish-shaped pattern on his body moved to the other side at this time.

The person he called Gemini is also a golden armor, but on the shoulder of the armor, it is decorated like two children.

After hearing what the other party said, the Gemini laughed gently, and then said to the other party: “Pisces, how do you know that my test failed?”

“Just like you It’s also considered a success? This action not only lost several priests in the underground, but didn’t even move after training. What are you testing?”

For Gemini, Pisces is obviously very dissatisfied. He suffocated his mouth and said.

“Pisces, you stayed in your own dream for too long, and your mind is stupid? Have you taken a serious look at the information the master gave you!”

The one who answered Pisces this time was not the Gemini who had spoken out before, but the other person behind them who had been observing the situation below. On his armor shoulders was a huge lion, and he was accompanied by a very majestic face. , Just opened his mouth slightly, and a powerful coercion radiated from his body.

“Boss Lion, I haven’t had time to watch it yet!”

The huge pressure made Pisces, who had just been opposed to Gemini, soften and talk. The sound was not consciously reduced a lot, until finally all the voices disappeared.

“hmph!” Seeing that Pisces is soft, the lion is only coldly snorted. He didn’t say anything more about this issue, but told Pisces to say: “Now you go, those village names about this After a period of amnestics, wait until the night Chen Qiang and those people fall asleep, enter their dreams, especially the one named Chen Qiang, you must take a good look.”

“Yes!” After Pisces heard the other party’s words, they agreed, but after agreeing, they asked the lion with some doubts: “Why do you want to enter their dreams? What do I want to watch?”

“Go back and take a good look at the information given by the master, others who shouldn’t ask!”

For Pisces’ question, what did the lion say not at all, just simply looked at the other person After a glance, he flew directly away from here. After all, since the battle is no longer possible at this time, then of course there is no need to stay here.

He still has important things to report to Gabriel.

The Gemini also left here after the lion left, but when they left, their lips moved slightly, not at all making a sound.

But Pisces understood the other party’s meaning from the slightly moving lips. There are only two words, that is.


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