Okay at this time Pisces flying in the air has reacted, and the golden light on his body is showing up again.

After the golden rays of light appeared, Pisces was about to open a channel to leave Chen Qiang’s dream, or to follow this channel and lead Chen Qiang into his dream.

After all, at this time he wanted to understand how Chen Qiang did all this, and it was all because of the other party’s terrifying spirit strength.

Now he is in the opponent’s home court, and the opponent’s spirit strength is stronger than himself. It is simply not something he can contend. If he wants to solve the opponent, it’s definitely impossible to do it here.

As for how he discovered this, of course it was because of his ability, not only to enter the other party’s dream, but also to quickly let the other party into the dream.

One way to use it is called dreaming in a dream, which is to let the other person fall into a dream in the dream, so that not only can the other party quickly be confused whether the world is real or illusory, but also follow this This ability to design some traps for each other.

Just when he used this ability just now, he found that he had no way to shake Chen Qiang’s spirit strength’s protection mechanism for himself.

So at this time he understands, everything is understood, the opponent is completely crushing himself in spirit strength, in such a situation, he is simply impossible to be the opponent’s opponent, so he prepared Run away.

As for if Chen Qiang is chasing him, he can also introduce Chen Qiang into his dreams and completely defeat the opponent.

It’s just that sometimes although the idea is perfect, there are many accidents when sitting up.

After he just opened the channel to his world, another light curtain appeared on the channel.

So after he entered it, he realized that this was simply not a way out, but brought him to a new scene.

Everything here is broken, whether it is the earth or other places, it is a broken scene, and in this place, in the sky is densely packed with a group of silhouettes flying.

Some demon with wings, at the moment of his primary election, he saw the demon standing in the forefront, holding a sword and pointing towards where he was, and the small demons behind him were right. He launched a death attack.

Although the death attacks of these demons, he did not at all avoid how much, but these demons caused very little damage to him.

Basically, the defense was not broken, even the light shield outside him was not broken.

But in these attacks, he felt another thing, that is, a kind of energy that can suppress his own ability.

When he discovered this, he immediately thought of Kairoseki. After all, he wanted to exercise restraint on the Ability User because only sea water and Kairoseki could do it.

However, he was even more surprised when he discovered this. It was only in this short period of time that the other party had learned to change the nature of the material in the dream, which was simply incredible.

You must know that when he discovered this, it was already the tenth year since he got the fruits. He didn’t expect this ability at all. The other party only took control of it in such a small amount of time.

So after discovering this, he didn’t want to stay here any more. After all, you can’t beat you at all, and the opponent can easily hit you and kill him in a dream. He is even less of an opponent.

If you want to escape, of course he must first guard against these attacks. The demon with the Kairosaki attribute attacked him, so he saw a side in his hand, a golden rays of light shield, blocking these. demon.

The other said that he cut through the space at the time and was about to leave.

But at this time, Chen Qiang is already thoroughly familiar with the feeling of manipulating his dreams, that is, in his own dreams, as long as he wants to do things, that can be done.

As long as you dare to think, there is nothing impossible.

So since they are all here, how can one’s dreams be a place where they want to come and leave.

When Pisces cut through the space and was about to leave the space channel, Chen Qiang again attached a layer to his space channel.

So when Pisces passed through the space gate, they still did not go out, but came to a battlefield. On the two sides of the battlefield, one is a human, and the other is an ugly orc.

As soon as he appeared, the two people directly yelled and attacked him.

“Blood and glory!”

“Glory belongs to the alliance!”

“For the tribe!”

“For the alliance!”

“For Azeroth!”


Together with the roar, countless people fell on him The attacks on his body made Pisces who had just come out of the space door completely unreacted, and directly ate these attacks.

Although in these attacks, the power of Kairoseki is not very great, but there are too many attacks, which caused his body to have a slight pause.

That is the little bit of a pause, so that he suffered more attacks, and his movements became slower.

Fortunately, Pisces, who was holding on to the attack, quickly opened the space channel and wanted to escape again.

But obviously these all are in vain. When he enters the space channel, he will appear in a new place and suffer more attacks.

These scenes are all extracted by Chen Qiang from game novels or animations in his previous life, not to mention the Pisces who are constantly escaping in them.

At this time, Chen Qiang, who is hiding in the air, is also playing. After all, the things that exist in his mind have been realized by himself and appear in his eyes. How can this make Chen Qiang is not excited yet.

So when it came to the back, Chen Qiang gave the other party what the Nine Dragons pulled the coffin, the Heavenly Dao was destroyed, and the gods and demons tomb.

Even when the opponent knew how to escape and couldn’t escape, he chose to give up, but Chen Qiang was still not ready to let him go.

Since he doesn’t want to move, he can do it by himself, so the scene is still constantly changing, and the people in the environment are constantly attacking Pisces.

After Chen Qiang had a good time, he stopped in the last scene.

I saw that this scene was a weird black ocean, and the place where Pisces stood was on the body of a huge fish, and this fish had a name, it was called Kun.

“Hehe! How is it! Excited?”

Just when Pisces was waiting for this, and what kind of attack the whole scene would be attacked, Chen Qiang, who had disappeared for a long time, was at this time, It did appear, and he was smiling at this moment, looking at Pisces and asking.


When Chen Qiang appeared, Pisces actually wanted to say something and so on, but thought that the other party was in his strongest field. After defeating myself, I don’t know what to say for a while.

“hehe! Regardless of whether you are happy or not, I am happy anyway! I haven’t been so happy for a long time!”

Seeing the other person looking at him without talking, Chen Qiang is here Laughed once, and then said with a face full of beating.

“If you want to kill or slash, do whatever you want! Anyway, I can’t beat you here!”

Hearing Chen Qiang’s mockery, the other party’s face was full of slaps. , Pisces didn’t want to say anything, so he turned his head and broke the jar.

“Now you can tell, what is your purpose?”

Seeing the other person like this, Chen Qiang is not playing with him anymore, but puts it away He lost the playful expression on his face, and then asked the other party.

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