But even so, after all, they were only two people who shot separately and were defeated. That can only mean that the strength of the other person is not weaker than them.

But now they are shooting together with twelve people, so the final result is not yet known.

So after getting some information from the hands of Golden Ox and Pisces, the Lion began to think about the way to deal with it, and quickly simulated how to deal with each other in the heart.

A plan was slowly formed, and then the lion said all his plans, and after a dozen other people complemented each other, a plan that seemed to work well, This is done.

Since the plan has been made, the few people have not stayed here any longer, and they are all ready to go. When the preparations are completed, they will begin to attack Chen Qiang.


“That’s how things are!”

Just as the twelve guardian angels were preparing for each, Chen Qiang also told his friends about the previous situation.

“What is the purpose of that Heavenly God? What’s the point of this game?” After listening to Chen Qiang’s introduction, obviously everyone has such doubts, just because Aiwen’s mouth is the most Hurry up, just say what you want to say.

“I am not very clear about this, but I always feel that they want to make a big chess game, and they still regard me as an important chess piece!”

Chen Qiang shook his head first, answered Iwen’s question, and then said some of his guesses.

After all, after so many battles before, basically anyone who reads his own information will find that he is simply unkillable, and the more he is injured, the stronger his strength.

Under such circumstances, the other party is still forcing himself to play such a game, and then he has a plan, but Chen Qiang is not clear about their purpose, let alone knows what the other party is giving. What kind of layout did I make.

“Then what shall we do now?” After hearing Chen Qiang’s words, Ai Wen continued to ask.

“I don’t know when his so-called attack will come, and what the abilities of the twelve people are, so now we can only do our best to prepare for the upcoming battle!”

“Understood!” Regarding Chen Qiang’s words, the others thought about it and felt that the situation is indeed like this now, so they didn’t say much.

After nodded agreed to Chen Qiang’s method, they all returned to their room and prepared, but when everyone was preparing, Chen Qiang let the piano flow down.

“Qin! I’m asking you now, do you really want to join us in Spark?”

After leaving the piano, Chen Qiang’s face was solemn Looking at Qin, he asked the other person.

“After I was arrested, I was tortured every day for two years. At that time, I swore in the heart that as long as someone can rescue me, then I will His life is his.”

“And you are the one who saved me, so naturally my life belongs to you!”

Seeing Chen Qiang so solemnly Asked, there was still no expression on Qin’s face, and he still answered Chen Qiang’s words coldly.

“Then do you know what we people do and so on?” Chen Qiang asked again.

“I don’t know! But that doesn’t matter, my life is yours! I will help you whatever you do!”

The piano’s voice was cold, but it was accidental Of firmness.

“Okay! I get it!”

After hearing Qin’s answer, Chen Qiang carefully looked at the other party for the second time, nodded, and agreed to join the other party. Meaning in their own team.

“Come with me!”

After agreeing, Chen Qiang didn’t bother and took her directly out of Taolin and came to Lin’s room.

At this time, Lin was in the room, making preparations for battle, such as repairing her own power sledgehammer.

“Brother Qiang! Why come to me suddenly!”

After seeing Chen Qiang entering her room, Lin immediately stood up from her position He got up, and then bounced to Chen Qiang’s side, and took Chen Qiang’s hand.

“Lin! Qin has officially joined us from today, so I brought him over and let you establish a contract with us.”

Chen Qiang is not long-winded, Just smiled and touched Mo Lin’s head, and then directly told Lin what he was going to do this time.

“Really? Did Qin elder sister really join us?” After hearing Chen Qiang’s words, Lin also looked at Chen Qiang in surprise and said.

“Of course! Brother Qiang, when did I lie to you?” For Lin, Xiaoguliang, she dared to question her, Chen Qiang flicked his finger on the other party’s head in an angry manner. a bit.

“Oh!” Lin covered her forehead with her hands with a pain, then looked at Chen Qiang with aggrieved eyes and said: “Why is there no more, last time you promised me to give I bought delicious food, but after I bought it, you ate more than me!”

“Um…” Chen Qiang was also a little embarrassed when he heard Lin’s complaint. He hurriedly changed the subject, shouted the outside Qin in the room, and said: “Okay, let’s not talk about other things, now let’s give me a contract with Qin Zida first!”

“hmph!” Obviously Lin expressed dissatisfaction with Chen Qiang’s change of topic, but she came to Qin obediently and said to Qin: “Qin elder sister, really good, we will be real partners in the future!”

“En!” Hearing Lin’s words, the expression on Qin’s face changed too much, not at all, but he was still nodded towards Lin, which was regarded as agreeing to the other party’s words.

Qin is always cold, and basically has no communication with the other people on the boat, but for Lin, it is different from the others, and the relationship between them is obviously better.

As for why this is the case, Chen Qiang can’t figure it out. He just understands that this is a friendship between women, and men don’t understand it at all, just as women don’t understand friendship between men.

The so-called contract does not require any preparation. After Lin greeted Qin, she directly condense a rune with her hands.

Then Chen Qiang and Qin cut a wound on their fingers, and quickly dropped the blood from the wound onto the purple rune.

The purple rune was quickly divided into two parts after being exposed to two drops of blood, and injected into the bodies of Qin and Chen Qiang respectively.

This process is very simple, just after each drop of blood, the contract is completed, and the wound on the hands of the two is only an instant, and it disappeared.

Although the contract is very plain, there is one thing that surprised Chen Qiang, that is, regardless of Qin’s thin figure, but her physical fitness is not much lower than Chen Qiang’s.

If you add her identity as a killer, it is more suitable and powerful, so this point surprised Chen Qiang.

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