However, Qin was not at all anxious to attack, instead he closed his eyes and began to feel the air around him, trying to find the opponent’s position, and then launched an attack on the opponent.

From the previous attack, after he had blocked the attack, the reaction force shown by the opponent, already that kind of latent ability, immediately let Jin understand that the opponent is the same person as himself, and There is also a stealth function that you don’t have.

For such a person, it is obviously impossible to find the silhouette of the other person with his eyes, so if you want to find the other person, you must rely on the sense of breath in the end.

As for Kenbunshoku Haki, although this piano is also good, if you use Haki, the subordinates will release their own breath, but as a killer, exposing their breath, they are equivalent to reveal their position , So they generally won’t use it.

So as Qin closes his eyes, he seems to blend in with the surrounding environment. If you don’t look at it with your eyes, no one can find her existence by other things.

And her opponent, Cancer, although the strength is similar to that of Qin, but as an old monster who has not known how long he has lived, for the concealed aura, it can be said that it is much stronger than Qin.

So after Cancer fell into invisibility, he never showed a trace of breath, even though he was almost reaching the back of Qin by this time, Qin still did not find him.

But this is Taolin of Megatron after all. Some high-tech equipment is used here. The entire Taolin can be said to be a large-scale device.

There is not only an identification system, but also a powerful attack system.

If the Cancer didn’t move before, Taolin’s device would not be able to detect him, but when he moved, even if there was no habitat exposed, it would disrupt the peach blossom petals flying in the sky.

So when he was about to approach the back of Qin, he happened to block the trajectory of a petal falling.

You must know that these petals are also machines, some small robots that dance according to a certain pattern, so after the trajectory is blocked, Taolin’s detection system found that it was wrong, and the attack mode was directly activated. A piece of flower petals flashed in the air and directly hit the Cancer’s body.

“ding ding dong dong!”

A sound of steel intersecting sounded. It was the flower petals hitting his armor. In fact, the sound was not loud, but In such a close distance, how could the assassin Qin not be found.

So when the sound appeared, the piano turned directly on the spot, and the knife in his hand was so fancy that it pierced the place where the sound just appeared.

And here, when the petals hit him, there was a sound of steel colliding. The Cancer obviously also meant that it was not good, so he acted quickly.

Avoiding Qin’s attack, the dagger slashed through the air, piercing Qin’s neck.

The opponent moved, and the speed was still very fast. Of course, this could not escape the perception of Qin, so before the dagger reached her, she made an evasive action in advance.

At this time, the piano didn’t kick the opponent out like before. Instead, after avoiding the opponent’s attack, he quickly changed the knife to the other hand and held it backhand. Hold the knife and stab at the location of the Cancer.

The Cancer also avoids the attack when the opponent stabs at him, and then rotates to avoid the opportunity to pierce the heart of the Qin directly.

However, it is obvious that Jin also felt the opponent’s attack, and dodged this time, and continued to change hands to attack the opponent.

In this way, the two began to fight in the peach forest. Whether it is a Cancer that can see the target or a piano that can’t see people, both of them will attack quickly and attack the location. , Are the deadly position of the opponent.

Especially Qin, if accidentally stabbed by the opponent, even with Chen Qiang’s recovery ability, the opponent can seize the little chance of recovery and cause more damage to her.

In addition, Qin couldn’t see the opponent at all, and could only barely dodge the opponent’s attack with the help of perception and the peach blossom petals in the peach forest.

At this time, the Cancer is also very uncomfortable. Although he can see the target and attack the opponent, he can escape his own attack under the opponent’s powerful perception.

And he can also make some counterattacks, especially if he wants to hide his silhouette, and then when looking for a chance to sneak attack, he will always be exposed by the petals flying in the peach forest, let him The two of them fought like this.

Actually, Cancer didn’t think about it, using the armor on his body to take a hard blow to the opponent, and use his powerful armor to change the opponent’s injury.

It was just that when the opponent’s knife stabbed his own armor, he even covered the knife with Haki and almost broke the defense.

And when I found that the defense was not broken, I also squatted and rolled decisively, evading my own killer blow, and then using the petals to block the sound, I found my position and attacked again. come.

So after trying this one time, Cancer is also more careful, knowing that the opponent is not unable to break his own defense, just want to break the defense, not a single attack can be successful.

But even so, Cancer doesn’t dare to try to get the opponent to hit him.

In the following battle, the two of you came and fought like this in the peach forest. In the process, Qin did not hit the Cancer, nor did the Cancer stabbing the Qin. For a time, it was so stalemate.

Because the Cancer has always been in a state of invisibility during this process, if there is an ordinary people here at this time, in fact, you can only see the Qin alone in the peach forest. Dagger dancing.

Don’t say that if you don’t understand the danger, this dance still has a trace of beauty. If the person watching is a good drinker, then the books will say: “When Floating!”

So the battle that the two only saw was deadlocked, no one could attack anyone. To end this battle, you can only see who makes the mistake first, as long as it is weak. When the spot appears, I believe that the opponent will never give the opponent a chance to fight back.


On the other hand, when being irradiated by golden rays of light, when everyone reacted, a strange space appeared.

In front of the few people, except Chen Qiang who disappeared, the others are indeed still there, but these people seem to be a little tangled now.

Because of where they are now, they really don’t know what to do.

At this time, they were surrounded by a white wall. The wall was very high. Before he came, Parker was going to fly with his Mecha to check the situation, but no matter how he flew, he couldn’t reach it. To the top of this wall, the more he flies up, the wall will become taller with his flight.

After returning to the ground and reuniting with the players, Parker told the others about the matter.

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