As for other things, Chen Qiang didn’t want to do things, but the situation is that they don’t even understand the dense fog in front of them.

Obviously, wanting to mess up is to think too much, and now all they can do is wait.

Furthermore, after regaining his sanity from the previous experience in dreams, Chen Qiang understood that the other party’s so-called game simply wanted to use the power of these guardian angels to improve himself. Strength.

As for why the other party wants to do this, and what is the meaning of doing this, this is not something Chen Qiang can know. I want to know that at least they have to wait until they see each other before they can ask each other. ask.

Of course, the other party’s answer is another matter.

So in the face of this situation, all they can do is wait, and they can’t do anything else.

Fortunately, this waiting time, not at all how long, when they quickly wiped out the second table of food, the thick fog outside the ship, in one direction, was quietly dissipating. Up.

In this direction, the small island they had seen was revealed.

Furthermore, at the edge of the island at this time, it was still the same as they had seen when they first came here, and many islanders were already there waiting.

The only difference between this time and the last time is that when they came to the edge of Taolin, these islanders knelt on the ground after seeing them, speaking respectfully in their mouths. : “Welcome to the envoy!”

“What’s the matter?” Seeing the performance of these islanders, the gap between the front and the back is so huge, as if nothing happened before, which made the ship Everyone at is very confused.

But obviously no one will come to solve their doubts at this time, and it is also at this time among the islanders standing on the shore.

Several people in the costumes of priests have walked out of the crowd, all golden light bursting out, one by one just like walking on the ground, stepping on the sea and walking directly to the Megatron.

“Dear Sir Divine Envoy, we have received Oracle, and the ascension ceremony is ready to be completed. Please come with us!”

When they came to Chen Qiang, Several priests gave a salute to a few people neatly, and then respectfully invited them and said.

“Captain, what do we do? Should we follow them?”

Seeing the behavior of these people and the strange words of the other party, Aiwen carefully came to Chen Qiang’s Beside, he asked Chen Qiang in a low voice.

And when Aiwen asked Chen Qiang, other people’s eyes were obviously on Chen Qiang. After all, he, as the captain, had to make the decision.

“What else can I do, of course I followed!” Chen Qiang saw the gazes of his friends looking towards him, and there was no nonsense, and he said directly.

After all, in the current situation, they don’t know where to start if they want to resist, and even if they resist, they can’t beat the opponent. In this case, it’s better to go on according to the opponent’s will.

At least at this time, what the other party did not at all endangered oneself and the others, even if it was the previous game, it was just a way for the other party to figure out how to improve their own strength.

So after saying this, the blood energy of one after another emerged from his body, and then quickly formed blood-colored wings behind him and his partner, and flew out with them. After arriving at Taolin, he came to the front of several priests.

“Lead the way ahead!”

“Yes! Sir Divine Envoy!”

These priests are very respectful to Chen Qiang, even if they are Chen Qiang Scarlet wings emerged from their backs. They did not look like divine envoys, but more like evil angels. They also completely ignored them.

After the respectful salute, he turned around and led Chen Qiang and the others towards the island.

Since they have started to lead the way, Chen Qiang and the others have of course followed. As for why not leave a person on the boat to watch the boat this time.

Of course, this is because it is completely unnecessary. After all, after coming here, everything around here is under the control of the so-called Heavenly God Gabriel. As long as he doesn’t want to, simply no one will go. The idea of ​​hitting their Megatron number.

And if he wanted to move the Megatron, even if they were guarding people on the ship, it would not have any effect, so he simply dispatched them all.

Soon, with the priests leading the way, Chen Qiang and the others came to the island.

And passing by these islanders, these islanders will consciously kneel on the ground and salute them.

This allowed Chen Qiang and the others to enjoy the VIP treatment.

After arriving on the island, Chen Qiang and the others continued to follow the priests. After passing by all the islanders, you came to a blanket floating in the air not far away.

“This is a kind of transportation on this island!” Seeing this thing, Qin naturally introduced to others what the previous thing was.

After all, among them, Qin stayed on this island for a period of time. Of course, he knew some things on the island better than the others.

So at this time, Qin gave a brief introduction to a few people.

Hearing Qin’s introduction, the others looked towards the so-called traffic supply in front of them with curiosity. They were all imagining how this thing could be moved.

After all, this thing looks like an ordinary blanket, and it feels like there is nothing strange about it. How could it be a means of transportation?

Only among these people, Chen Qiang couldn’t help being twitched after hearing Qin’s introduction.

When Qin introduced that this blanket was a means of transportation, Chen Qiang knew about it. It was also a kind of thing that appeared in the legend. He called it a flying heavenly demon blanket.

If this were the case, Chen Qiang wouldn’t be like that. After all, the other side had already gotten out of heaven, and it was nothing strange to get such a means of transportation.

The reason why it looks like this is because in Chen Qiang’s cognition, this thing is not a thing of the heaven system at all, but comes from a mythical story called Aladdin.

The two of them simply have nothing to do with each other, and this is what makes Chen Qiang look something wrong.

“Captain? What’s the matter?” At this time, Aiwen discovered that Chen Qiang’s face was a little wrong, so he left the flying carpet, came to Chen Qiang’s side, and asked Chen Qiang.

“Nothing! Let’s go up! Since this is a means of transportation, let’s also experience how this magical means of transportation works!”

But this time Chen Qiang But they didn’t explain anything to the other party. After all, they might be under the supervision of that Heavenly God all the way at this time, and there are some things that are not easy to say.

If this Heavenly God Gabriel is the same as the old man I met before, maybe this little discovery can also become some bargaining chips between Chen Qiang and the other party.

So of course Chen Qiang didn’t say much at this time. He just greeted other people and took the lead on the flying carpet.

While others saw that their captain had already gone up, of course they did not hesitate, they went up to the flying carpet one after another. This is after reaching the flying carpet, Parker is still exploring The structure of this flying carpet wants to start from a scientific level to understand what the flying carpet is like.

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