It was also when the other party spoke for the second time that Chen Qiang noticed that in the palace, there was a gorgeous seat at the forefront, and one was very handsome. Young man is sitting high on the gorgeous divine throne.

I think this person is the Gabriel who I’ve talked to before, but at this time Chen Qiang is not in the mood to talk to the other party anymore, just looking at the palace with a lot of worry. In, I want to find a way to save my partner.

Obviously, Chen Qiang’s realization, Gabriel is also in the eye, and of course he also knows what the other party is thinking.

So he didn’t say much at this time, just a few screens with golden light appeared around Chen Qiang, and the screens were those of his buddies. Things experienced.

I saw the other people on the ship at this time, all being separated and teleported to various places in the palace, one by one, just like Chen Qiang, looking at everything around him with guard.

However, the room where they are located is still very different from where Chen Qiang is now.

They were individually transported to a room with very simple furnishings. There was no one in these rooms, and there was no extra furnishings except for a large box in front of them.

“Lin, Parker, Hulk…”

At this time, I saw Chen Qiang on the screen in front of me and called out the names of his team members softly.

However, after calling the names of his partners, Chen Qiang remembered such a screen. What he saw should be video data, so they couldn’t hear them.

Obviously Chen Qiang underestimated Gabriel’s ability. When he called out the names of his partners, all the partners on the screen looked in the same direction at the same time, obviously hearing Chen Qiang’s silhouette, and called the captain one by one, and asked what was going on.

Seeing that all his partners could hear his own voice, Chen Qiang first turned to Gabriel, who was still sitting high on the divine throne, and then spoke to the partners what Gabriel had just said.

Although Chen Qiang was not sure at this time whether what the other party said was true or not, it was all in this situation. Of course, he had to choose to trust the other party, otherwise what else could he do.

And the people who heard their captain explain at this time, they didn’t believe in the so-called Heavenly God, but they still believed in their captain.

So after Chen Qiang finished talking about the situation, he put his eyes on the boxes in front of them one by one, wanting to see what the so-called rewards were.

The first to act was that the most obedient Hulk, without any hesitation, took a few steps forward and opened the box in front of him.

After opening the box, I found that the contents in the box were a weapon, a weapon that looked very similar to the black iron ball in my hand.

It’s also an iron ball, or it can’t be called an iron ball, but a golden ball. It should be because the whole thing inside is golden, and on top of the golden ball, there are strips of Eastern Divine Dragon styles. , Was inscribed on Golden Ox.

After seeing this gorgeous weapon, Hulk seemed to like this new weapon at first glance, took out the weapon from the box with a smile on his face, and danced directly in the room stand up.

As Hulk danced the weapons, the whole room was blasted with dragons. At first glance, I knew that this weapon was definitely not just looking gorgeous, but the weapon itself was very powerful.

And after the Hulk action here, the other partners on the ship also opened the boxes one after another at this time. Except for the accident of Parker and Aiwen, both Lin and Jin got all arms.

One is a golden sledgehammer, and at the place where the hammer handle and the hammer body are combined, there are several long black streamers. I don’t know what it is for.

And what is placed in front of the Qin are two golden daggers. At the moment when the Qin is held in his hands, the two hundred daggers are still trembling, thinking that these two daggers have been born. .

As for Parker and Ivan after they opened the box, they didn’t at all get weapons and so on, but books. In Parker’s box, all the books were about research. Obviously Listen to the collection of dragon people about some things that someone has researched before.

The books in Ivan’s box are not that many on Parker’s side. There is only one book in such a big box, lying quietly in it.

The name of the book is called “The Art of Speaking”. Obviously, it is a book about speaking, which can enhance the charm of one’s own language.

Seeing all the partners have gained, Chen Qiang really didn’t know for a while, what the man named Gabriel wanted to do.

Before, I let my subordinates constantly attack me and improve my strength. After they come here, I will give my friends all kinds of things that don’t look like ordinary goods. .

What the hell is this, Chen Qiang can’t understand at all, so he can only look towards the other party with strange eyes, wanting to hear the other party’s explanation.

“Don’t worry now! What I said, I am not at all malicious to you!”

See Chen Qiang looked towards himself, Gabriel not at all, answer first Chen Qiang’s question, but waved his hand to make the screen in front of Chen Qiang disappear before explaining to the other party with a smile.

“Then they……”

“Don’t worry! They will be treated well by me, leaving you behind, but I have something to say and want to be alone Just tell you! When we finish talking, you will naturally see your friends again!”

Seeing what Chen Qiang wants to say, Gabriel seems to have seen through his thoughts. , Interrupted him directly, and then briefly explained to Chen Qiang.

“What do you want to talk about?” Since the other party has already said so, of course Chen Qiang couldn’t spend more time on the previous question, so he could only ask the other party along the other party’s thoughts.

“Come with me!”

But this time Gabriel not at all said something directly, instead he got up from his position, with twelve wings behind him There was a slight incitement in the air, and he came to Chen Qiang, then pointed to a door on the edge of the main hall, and said.

After saying this, Gabriel led Chen Qiang directly in front, and first walked towards the door.

And Chen Qiang only hesitated for a few seconds on the spot, followed behind the other party, and entered the door.

After entering, Chen Qiang discovered that the scene behind the door was very similar to the place where he had seen his friends on the screen before entering.

It’s just that in the center of the room, instead of a box, there is a table with two cushions standing opposite each other.

After entering Chen Qiang and entering the room, Gabriel not at all invites Chen Qiang to sit down directly, but the golden body is full of glory.

After a golden mask wrapped Chen Qiang and him in it, he was satisfied and nodded, invited Chen Qiang to sit down, and then sat down on the opposite side of Chen Qiang.

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