Gabriel not at all tells what his purpose is, but instead admonishes Chen Qiang from the perspective of Chen Qiang.

But even if Gabriel doesn’t talk about Chen Qiang, he will not improve his strength again so quickly. The current strength is indeed a bit reluctant to control himself, and he wants to completely control his strength. , It takes a good battle at the airport to be able to do it.

“Okay! I have finished what I want to say, now I should send you out of here!”

After finishing what I should say, Gabriel He stood up directly and said this sentence.

Then, without waiting for Chen Qiang to say anything, he waved his hand and removed the mask on their bodies, and then the golden light appeared again, wrapping Chen Qiang in it.

A dizzy sensation appeared. Chen Qiang had lost all perception of the outside world. When all this recovered, the golden light on his body had already disappeared, and he had returned to the Megatron.

At this time, his friends, just like themselves, woke up in a daze from the peach forest.

Around the Megatron, at this time, the mist that envelops them has completely disappeared, and the island they have visited before is also disappeared.

Everything did not seem to have happened before, if it weren’t for the fact that the things in Hulk’s hands were still in their hands, and the uncontrollable power in Chen Qiang’s body still existed.

It almost made them feel that everything that happened before was just a dream.

“Captain, what’s the matter? Why are we back?”

At this time, other people also slowly wake up from the strange dizziness. , Looked a little strangely at where he was, and then found Chen Qiang on one side, and Aiwen first asked Chen Qiang what was going on.

“I talked to the other party about something, and the other party sent us out!”

Chen Qiang’s question about Aiwen was just a brief talk to the other party before Circumstances, but didn’t elaborate, after all, some things are not the time to tell each other.

“By the way, Parker, you first check what you got before, what’s the strange thing in it!”

After giving a brief explanation to the partners, Chen When Qiang turned around, he saw the golden in Hulk’s hand that he was fond of stroking the ball. He thought of something and said to Parker.

“Captain I understand! I’ll check it now!”

When Parker heard Chen Qiang’s words, he immediately responded. After all, the so-called harmfulness is not allowed. The defensive heart is indispensable. In this case, Parker still knows.

Since the other party is giving away things like himself and the others for no reason, maybe there is some plan in it, and it will be accidentally, so it is better to check it and use it afterwards.

So after understanding Chen Qiang’s meaning, he started his own action, took the other person’s hand from everyone’s hand and just obtained something.

It was a bit reluctant to be surprised when Hulk came out. Others simply gave the things to Parker. Even Chen Qiang gave the parchment to each other, wanting to see if Parker can do it. Be able to study what is in it.

On the Hulk side, even though he was reluctant to bear it, Chen Qiang’s personal persuasion, he still handed Parker his newly obtained golden ball.

When Parker went to the research room and began to study these items, Chen Qiang and the others were not idle. They started the Megatron and chose a random direction.

As for why they choose any direction to drive, of course it’s because at this time they simply don’t know where they are, so they can only choose a random direction and see if they can find a small island with people. , Determine where they are now.


Just after Chen Qiang left Heavenly God Gabriel, he began to look like a lost fly. When they wandered around in New World, above the Skypiea where they were before, Gabriel took out Den Den Mushi, reported the previous situation to the person above him.



After Den Den Mushi connected, Gabriel respectfully shouted at the other party .

“en! How is the situation?”

“It has been determined whether the other party is a member of our world, and the method by which the other party acquires the ability is not owned by our world Something!”

After the other party asked about it, Gabriel directly explained all the information he had obtained from Chen Qiang here, and amongst which is included he gave the other party a boost.

Of course there are some things that he can’t say, and he didn’t say it either. He just briefly said something that he had chatted with Chen Qiang.

After all, Gabriel also knew that lying and so on in front of this Lord Yim were all impossible, so he simply said all of them, but he just vaguely said some of them. .

This will not make the other person suspicious, but also let the other person know that there is no lie in his words.

“In that case, why don’t you take action to improve his strength?”

However, after listening to Gabriel’s report, Eim was somewhat dissatisfied and said to the other party. .

“This is such a Master Yim, Chen Qiang’s ability is very strange, only after the physical injury, the body’s strength will increase, and the purgatory under my control is aimed at the soul. The above tools are not great for the improvement of the other party!”

“Although I have touched the barrier of this World just like everyone else, my attacks are mostly aimed at the soul, the body The above attack effect is very poor.”

“So if I shoot directly at this time, it will not be able to help the opponent reach the power to break the world boundary. This gives the opponent a chance to control his own power, when The time comes If the opponent is strong, it will form a certain obstacle to our future plans!”

“So I told the opponent the location of Xingtian, I believe he will go to Xingtian soon , With Xingtian’s offensive power that can almost break the limits of the world, he will definitely be able to achieve the plan customized by you, Lord Yim.”

Apparently Gabriel also heard the dissatisfaction with him in the other party’s words, so Explained hurriedly to Duo Ang.

“Is it really like this?” Obviously the other party didn’t believe Gabriel’s words so much, but through his own ability, he found that Gabriel was not at all lying. At that time, Gabriel was not at all lying. Column-indeed think so.

“Master Yim, Gabriel will always be a dog swung down, and how can the dog lie to his master!”

At this time, Gabriel saved him directly Kneeled down and slammed several heads towards Den Den Mushi. Although Eim was not in front of him, Gabriel knew that the other party would definitely know what he was doing now.

“hmph! You don’t dare to measure!”

After coldly snorted, Eim directly hung up Den Den Mushi.

And Gabriel here, even if the other party hung up the phone, he still knelt on the ground respectfully and didn’t dare to move at all.

“Get up!” I don’t know how long it took before a faint voice floated in the sky, obviously the voice of Lord Yim.

After hearing this voice, Gabriel dared to slowly get up from the ground.

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