At this moment when Chen Qiang was slightly distracted, Shiliew of the Rain quickly waved the long knife in his hand, and one after another slash appeared on him. Around his body, and quickly flew towards all around.

“hong long!”

When Chen Qiang reacted and wanted to stop it, it was already too late. All the slashes had hit the surrounding walls, so he The whole house collapsed.

The two were pressed under the collapsed house at the same time, but this injury was directly resisted without any difficulty for the two physique perverts.

However, the injury from the collapse of the house is not serious, but the impact on the battle is great. First, after the collapse of the house, their battlefield is not limited to the house, but outside. .

The space outside is too large, even with Chen Qiang’s current strength, it is impossible to spread the bloody energy over the entire battlefield.

So there will be a situation that is when Shiliew of the Rain directly turns on the transparency ability, it will become more difficult to find him, and he can only rely on his own Kenbunshoku Haki.

Shiliew of the Rain, who was fighting against Chen Qiang, obviously had this idea and used slash to directly destroy the entire house.

So after appearing outside, he immediately used his abilities and disappeared in front of Chen Qiang, and then disappeared in front of Chen Qiang by night, not prepared to be with Chen Qiang Fighting.

Because this Chen Qiang seems to him to be a lunatic, no matter how he attacks the other party, the other party will take his own injury for injury. This kind of dismissal is for someone like him who has no healing ability. , There is simply no solution.

In addition, compared with Chen Qiang, his own strength is stronger than Chen Qiang, but it is impossible to completely suppress the opponent.

So out of the consideration of these two situations, after finding an opportunity, he immediately disappeared in front of Chen Qiang with his transparent ability, ready to fight with other members of Whitebeard Pirates.

After all, this is a battle, and it cannot be ended by one person’s failure, but by the complete rout of the opponent.

In such a situation, instead of entangled in how to defeat Chen Qiang, it is better to shift the target and defeat some members of the Whitebeard force to be more valuable.

So after the house collapsed, he decisively left here and headed to other places where the fight was still going on, ready to fight other people.

You must know that when fighting Chen Qiang, it was really black and aggrieved.

After Chen Qiang came out, he saw Shiliew of the Rain’s activation ability disappeared in front of him. He also quickly released Kenbunshoku Haki, trying to find the other’s silhouette, but No matter how he looked for it, he couldn’t find it.

This makes Chen Qiang speechless, but Chen Qiang can only temporarily give up Shiliew of the Rain, and then focus on other places in the battlefield.

But what happened after that made Chen Qiang completely speechless.

That is, no matter what kind of battle he goes there to join, his opponent will choose to withdraw after a few moves with him, and go to other places to continue fighting.

If Chen Qiang chases over, they will continue to run away. If they don’t chase, they will find their opponents nearby and start fighting.

After this situation appeared several times, with the exception of a few people who were not very strong, Chen Qiang seized the opportunity to solve it, and the results were basically not achieved.

Seeing such a battle, Chen Qiang was also completely speechless, so he simply looked towards Blackbeard who was fighting Ace at the most central position.

He is ready to join in that battle, as long as he finally defeats Blackbeard, his crew will naturally retreat.

So with this in mind, Chen Qiang directly attacked the Blackbeard Teach on the other side.


The huge bloody slash appeared in the air this time, and went directly towards Blackbeard over there.

And Blackbeard, who is playing against Ace at this time, simply hasn’t come up with all his strengths. After all, the Gura Gura no Mi ability he acquired at the beginning is not something that has not been developed yet. .

It has been developed by Whitebeard to be called the most fruitful ability. In this case, if Blackbeard makes a full shot, it only takes one blow, and the entire island can be directly broken by the opponent. .

Now playing against Ace like this, I obviously want to play Ace a little bit, and then let the subordinates cause more damage and damage to Whitebeard Pirates, so that they can continue to achieve results in effective time.

If you have been directly crushing Ace with strong strength from here, let’s not say that you can stay on the opposite side. Even if you can stay, it’s not that simple. After all, how do you say Ace? It is also the Ability User of Logia’s fruit ability.

Moreover, I have also mastered a flame ability that can restrain my Yami Yami no Mi ability. Under such circumstances, it is even more difficult to keep the opponent.

So the best choice now is to show the enemy’s weakness first, let Ace think that his strength is just like this, when the opponent reacts, they are almost crippled here.

It’s just that while carrying out such a plan, Chen Qiang’s attack flew towards him. This had to make Blackbeard a little serious, and then only saw a punch to get the slash. Hit the past.

The body of ka-cha kept ringing, and the huge vibrating force shook the surrounding air into pieces like glass, blocking Chen Qiang’s slash.

The Ace here is still very innate talent for combat. In addition, when he did not join Whitebeard Pirates, he has experienced a lot of combat and has rich combat experience.

So when Chen Qiang’s attack came here, he also immediately coordinated with Chen Qiang’s attack, and a huge dim-blue flame column emerged from the ground, directly wrapping Blackbeard in Up among them.

“ka-cha! ka-cha!”

It was another sound of shattering courage. It was after seeing Ace’s attack that Blackbeard kicked the air directly with his foot. Out of Gura Gura no Mi’s ability, the flames that came back toward him were returned to the ground after the shock.

It is precisely because of such a block that when the power of the vibration fell on the small island below, the entire island shook together.

Countless houses on the island collapsed under the huge force of the entire building.

As the house collapsed, the battle on Whitebeard’s side finally fell into Ace’s eyes.

When he found out that he was completely at a disadvantage, Ace immediately realized what was wrong.

Because in the short period of time before, the battle strength on their side has basically been injured by all members. If they continue to fight, the failure will be in sight.

Seeing this situation, Ace fiercely glanced at Blackbeard in front of him, and then gave the order to retreat.

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