Since the decision has been made to go to the place Chen Qiang said, of course Zephyr’s previous plan has to be moved back.

Fortunately, his plan itself is something on the other three islands. Anyway, things won’t run. If you look at Chen Qiang’s things and still can’t satisfy him, then he I will definitely go back and fight back.

So after making the decision, Zephyr got the life paper from Chen Qiang, which pointed to the place where Chen Qiang was before.

This kind of paper is still very common in New World. After all, due to the environmental reasons on New World, it is easy to get lost, so if you want to find someone, this kind of life paper is the fastest way.

After getting the life paper, Battleship left here directly and moved forward in the direction pointed by the life paper, and Chen Qiang was able to get up to the Battleship smoothly and got on the ride.

And after knowing Chen Qiang’s great strength, Zephyr even asked Chen Qiang to use the Sensei of the students on his ship, and begin to exercise the students’ combat ability.

For this, Chen Qiang certainly did not refuse. After all, his strength will also increase in this process.

Although these students have limited attack power, and even just broke the defense, this is already considered an injury. As long as it is an injury, Chen Qiang will be strengthened when he recovers. Even if it is slower, it will be strengthened.

So in the process of driving in Battleship later, Chen Qiang has been fighting with these students. Every day after these students have completed basic training in the morning, they will have a fight with Chen Qiang to supplement them. Lack of combat ability.

But one of them, after one such training, found Chen Qiang and pulled him aside. Obviously there was something to talk to Chen Qiang.

And this person was the student who had the Knight illusory shadow behind him. The thing he found Chen Qiang wanted to ask about was not about cultivation, it was just his personal business.

It’s just that when he saw Chen Qiang before, he didn’t at all think of who the other party was. Then when he remembered who Chen Qiang was, they had already entered the training.

Daily battle Chen Qiang didn’t show mercy at all when he started, especially the four most powerful students. Everyday all, after being knocked out, fell asleep until 2nd day and then training. of.

Today, it may be Chen Qiang who felt that everyday all knocked them out, so that they had no time to summarize their gains and losses in the battle, so show mercy, so that they did not faint.

This allowed him to find the opportunity to ask Chen Qiang what he wanted to ask.

“Tell me! What are you looking for me-for?”

“Hello Captain Chen Qiang, my name is Woolley! Woolley Burk Knight!”

After the other party found Chen Qiang, he was not at all anxious to say what it was, but first introduced himself.

“Wolly Burk Knight?” After hearing the name, Chen Qiang felt a sense of familiarity, appeared in Zhi’s heart, and then began to think about where he had heard of it. The name.

Soon Chen Qiang remembered. This was not what Parker had told them before. When he was a teacher, he was talking about the brother who was best with him.

“It turned out to be you? It really surprised me? Didn’t expect to see you here! If Parker knew you were here, he would be very happy too!” After hearing this name, Chen Qiang said in surprise.

“It seems that I did not admit the wrong person, you are really the Captain of Parker!”

Wurley was also very surprised to hear that the other party knew his name. Chen Qiang said.

“The Captain Chen Qiang! I don’t know how Parker is doing now?”

After knowing that he did not admit the wrong person, Woolley turned to Chen with a bit of disbelief. Qiang asked about Parker.

“Parker? I’m doing well now, and I am learning now, and I am constantly improving my strength just like you!”

Since it’s Parker’s brother, then this Woolley is Chen Qiang’s brother, and seeing the other person so excited to ask, Parker’s things don’t look like a fake from the expression, then he and Parker are indeed the real brother.

Parker’s brother wanted to know Parker’s situation. Of course, Chen Qiang had no reason to hide it, and directly told him about what Parker was doing recently.

“Sure enough, I knew Parker was very smart since I was a child, and now I am a scientist, that’s great!”

I heard that Parker became a scientist and made some very powerful Woolley also said with some emotion when he was using the equipment.

“Where is his elder sister? Did he save it?”

When he learned that Parker was doing well recently, Woolley continued to ask Chen Qiang about Parker About the elder sister, I want to know if the other party has rescued his elder sister.

“It has been rescued, and now his elder sister is also following his Master, learning some scientific research together!”

“That’s good! That’s good!”

After hearing that Parker rescued his elder sister, Woolley said a few words, and there were tears rolling in his eyes, which was obviously very excited.

Seeing Woolley like this, Chen Qiang really believed the other party and really regarded Parker as his brother, so he didn’t say anything to the other party. Among the four types, a phone was taken out and handed to his hand.

“Take this! Just hit it directly. If Parker knew it was you, he would be very happy too!”

That’s right, Den Den Mushi, just behind Parker It was researched out that Den Den Mushi was encrypted, but because of the flaws in technology, this kind of Den Den Mushi can only be contacted by one line, so Chen Qiang who is leaving is only equipped with one, so that he can contact them without letting him. The people at Marine know the news.

“Thank you Captain Chen Qiang!” After getting Den Den Mushi, Woolley happily thanked Chen Qiang.

“What is this, you are Parker’s brother, and Parker is my partner. I am also very happy to be able to meet your brother. I want to come here as Parker hopes to see.”

For Woolley’s thanks, Chen Qiang directly waved his hand, saying that it was nothing, and then consciously each minding their own business left here, and wanted to come to the other party and still have a lot to follow. What Parker is talking about, he may not be able to let go of what he is here.

So after Chen Qiang gave things to the other party, he also decisively left here.

For Chen Qiang’s behavior, Woolley is really grateful, but now after getting Den Den Mushi who contacted Parker, Woolley also ignored Chen Qiang who had just left.

Called Den Den Mushi directly.


After the phone rang for a while, Parker on the other side of the phone quickly picked up the call.

“Hey! Captain, what’s the matter?”

Parker’s voice came from the other side of the phone.

“Parker is me! Woolley!”

After hearing Parker’s voice, Woolley was also excited and quickly said his identity.

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