
Hearing this, Woolley didn’t know what to say for a while, so it became a little bit silence.

“What’s wrong? Why didn’t you speak suddenly?”

After hearing the other party’s reply, Parker asked Woolley a little strangely.

“Well, compared to Captain Chen Qiang in terms of your strength, is there a big gap?”

“This is hard to say, I am taking the technological route, if I use everything If the captain doesn’t use his abilities, then I can prevent him from getting in.”

Although I don’t know why the other party asked like this, Parker still thought about it and replied. Said.

“Is it like this? Then I know, when the time comes, we’d better meet and see each other. As for the matter of comparing strength, let’s forget it!”

After hearing Parker’s analysis, Woolley’s face was a little embarrassed. After all, he was fighting with Chen Qiang every day the past few days, and he had a clear understanding of Chen Qiang’s strength.

Even if the opponent does not use the ability of infinite recovery, the opponent can hang himself with his own strength. Such a powerful person, Parker actually said that he can make the opponent without using the ability. Can’t get close, it must be so powerful.

So Woolley simply rejected Parker’s proposal. You can meet when you meet. We can still have fun without mentioning the strength.

“What’s the matter? What’s the problem? I follow the technological route, which is a powerful offensive force. Otherwise, how can I use the weapons in my hand to cause harm to those powerhouses! But my own strength is very strong. Low, for the captain, it’s not worth mentioning.”

Listening to Woolley’s words, Parker thought that the other party did not know how to explain his strength, so he gave him a serious analysis this time. Said after a while.

“Uh, anyway, forget it!” Even after hearing Parker’s explanation, Woolley refused the other party’s proposal again.

“What’s the matter? Did you do it with the captain?”

“It’s not a hand! It’s just that during this time, Zephyr-sensei called Chen Qiang over to help us Enhance the combat ability, we will join a group of people, and even the defense of the other party can’t be broken!”

Although this is a bit embarrassing to say, after all, a group of people on my own side are completely crushed by the other side. It’s not a glorious thing.

“Hey! You said this. This is very simple. When the time comes, I will give you a weapon. You can break the defense as you want. The decision is simple!”

However, after hearing what Woolley said, Parker did not take it seriously, and then said very relaxedly, and said that waiting for them to meet, give Woolley a good weapon, the kind that will definitely break the defense. .

“By the way, didn’t you say that you had the Devil Fruit ability? It’s still a while before you come to me. You can ask the captain about the development of the fruit ability. Give you a lot of thinking!”

“He can even understand my fruit ability? You know I am Mythical Zoan Type Everyone Fruit·Knight form, and this kind of fruit has always been in our house. , How could people outside develop the fruits of our family!” For Parker’s proposal, Woolley did not understand why the other party said that. After all, this kind of fruit, listen to what his father means, but Always in their hands, outsiders simply don’t understand the development of this kind of fruit.

“Don’t worry, you don’t know our captain yet. He knows a lot of things. This little fruit development can definitely help you, Fire Fist Ace, you know, right? When he was fighting against Blackbeard, the flame he used was developed after following the advice of our captain! Isn’t it very strong?”

Parker knows his captain’s abilities very well. He has his own understanding of all kinds of things, whether it is technology or fruit, he has a strong idea, as long as he works hard according to the method he said, he will definitely strengthen his strength.

For this, Parker absolutely believes in this. This is also the confidence that he has given them after spending such a long time with Chen Qiang. After all, their captain has never let them down.

“Then I will ask later!”

Since Parker has said so, Woolley also wants to improve his own strength, so I plan to go there later Ask Chen Qiang about the fruit.

Afterwards, the two chatted about other things, they hung up the phone, and waited until Woolley and the others arrived at Parker’s place, and recounted the past with him.

After hanging up the phone, Woolley found Chen Qiang on the boat, and passed Den Den Mushi in his hand to the opponent’s hand.

“How are we finished talking?”

At this time, Chen Qiang was really sitting at the bow of the ship, holding the boom in his hand, and hanging fish on the Megatron before. Seeing Wuli Laidou in front of him, he gave Den Den Mushi to him, he laughed over Den Den Mushi, and then asked him.

“Well! Thank you, Captain Chen Qiang, for helping Parker rescue Pali’s elder sister!”

After seeing Chen Qiang picking up Den Den Mushi, Woolley turned to Chen. Qiang saluted.

“Don’t do this! Parker is your brother and my partner. The partners are supposed to help each other, it’s not and so on!”

I heard Woolley’s words Chen Qiang shook his head, saying that it was nothing.

“no! Parker’s gratitude is Parker’s, and Pali’s elder sister was also very good to me when she was young, so my gratitude is my own!”

This time Woolley retorted seriously.

“Okay! I accept your gratitude!”

Seeing the other person’s expression seriously, Chen Qiang will no longer postpone it. Since the other person wants to thank himself, accept it by himself That’s fine, so that the other party can also make the other party feel at ease.

“Captain Chen Qiang! I have one more thing I want to get rid of you!”

Seeing that Chen Qiang has accepted his thanks, Wuli’s expression is also loose. Then after laughed, he said to Chen Qiang again,

“What’s the matter?”

“When talking with Parker before, he said that you are very good at Devil Fruit. Research, if I want to take a step closer to the development of fruit ability, I can ask you, I don’t know if Captain Chen Qiang can help me with my doubts!”

Wully is not long-winded, either. He directly stated his request.

“Is it just this? Of course there is no problem, and Parker asked you to come to me, whether it is because of your relationship with Parker, or your dísciple as Zephyr Old Master, as long as you want If you want to ask, then I will explain it to you!”

When the other party’s so-called request was just this, Chen Qiang immediately said that there was no problem at all, after all, there was nothing to hide.

In addition to the relationship between the other party and Parker, as well as the relationship with Zephyr, any of these two relationships, as long as he comes to him and wants to help himself, I will not refuse.

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