Just after the black clothed person turned into a dark alley, not at all left here, but took out a small Den Den Mushi from his arms and dialed it in.

“Master Toby, I have taken people to the slave market according to your instructions!”

After Den Den Mushi called, the black clothed person first spoke to the other party.

“Are the people determined? Are they the two people I want?”

“It has been determined, one of them is Undead Chen Qiang, the other is a sister-in-law Liang, and It looks like what you described at the beginning!”

“en! Let your people continue to monitor and make sure they enter my playground!”

“Okay! I understand Lord Toby! I promise you won’t be disappointed!”

After hearing the satisfied voice of the other person, the heart that the black clothed person had originally raised, finally settled down a bit. After hearing the arrangement behind the other person, he even more It is guaranteed to say.

“Asshole! There are more than one hundred places to buy information in the city, why did you choose me!”

After hanging up Den Den Mushi, black clothed The leader person, very angry, punched the wall next to him. Obviously, he didn’t really want to participate in this matter.

After all, one side is the underground emperor of this city, and the other side is the bounty 200 million. If there are still 200 million Undead Chen Qiang captured alive, both sides can be said to be the people he cannot afford to offend, but now Had to accept the arrangement from both sides and caught him in it, how could this not make him angry.

Although he is very angry, he still has to do what should be done. After all, it was arranged by Copperfield’s underground emperor Toby. If he offends Chen Qiang, at most If you escape here, the other party will not be able to find him, but if you offend Toby, even if you run to the ends of the earth, you will be found and killed by the other party’s hunting team. This is something he cannot bear. He still has to deal with him. Very important things are not done.

So there is no way, even if he is involved in this matter because of how uncomfortable his heart is, what Toby has ordered, he still has to be careful and complete it well.

After venting his dissatisfaction, the black clothed person leader calmed down, and quickly used the secret words of his own organization to transmit information, contacted his subordinates, and took what he had just obtained. The instructions are issued.

But I want to come, just watching the other party enter the largest and most luxurious building in the slave market, in the palace of the playground called Toby. There should be no problem with this, because he saw the other party before. The way forward is there.

And when I just left, the black clothed person also took a look. The person on the Defu slave ship that Chen Qiang was looking for was also standing at the gate of the amusement park. It was also Lord Toby who wanted to come. Arranged, I just want to lead the other party to the playground.

Although Toby did not know the purpose of doing this, the leader of the black clothed person only knew that there should be nothing to do next.


When Chen Qiang was leading Lin towards Toby’s playground, he was quickly spotted by members of the Defu slave group standing at the door. After discovering the existence of Chen Qiang, these people quickly left from the door. Entered the playground.

When Chen Qiang arrived at the door, they were no longer here. This time Chen Qiang did not follow directly into it, looking for them, but stopped at the door.

“What’s the matter? Those people just entered, we will definitely be able to find them now, so we can find the folks quickly!”

Suddenly seeing Chen Qiang When he stopped, Lin beside him was a little anxious. She was about to find the folks who raised herself. But at this moment, she stopped suddenly. How could she not be anxious.

But Chen Qiang was anxious about Lin, not at all responding, instead, he frowned when he stared at the gorgeous building in front of him.

“Wait! We have to make some preparations before we go in. The next battle may be a tough battle!”

Chen Qiang did not directly answer Lin’s words, but instead I also caught Lin who wanted to rush in when Chen Qiang ignored him and each minding their own business. After thinking for a while, he said to Lin.

After talking, Chen Qiang took Lin’s hand and walked to the side of the lane with fewer people.

“Come on, we sign a symbiosis contract. If you wait for any harm, transfer the harm to me!” After entering the lane, Chen Qiang did not explain What, but squatted down directly and said to Lin.

“Huh?” Lin looked towards Chen Qiang very puzzled, obviously didn’t understand why the other party had to sign a contract with herself.

“In that building, I felt a very powerful breath. The opponent is not under me, even stronger than me. If I wait for a fight, I might not care about you. Now! And my ability is speeding regeneration, no matter how big the injury is, I can recover quickly, sign a contract with me, so that I can guarantee your safety, otherwise I won’t take you in!”

Seeing Lin’s confused eyes, Chen Qiang knew that if he didn’t explain clearly, the other party would not agree to the signing. After all, in the kind heart of sister-in-law Liang, those who were constrained by her to sign a substitute contract before were all bad guys, why? There is no problem with the treatment, but Chen Qiang is indeed a good person. How can he sign a contract with the other party and transfer the damage to the other party? This is obviously against his own heart.

So when she heard what Chen Qiang said before, sister-in-law Lianglin was obviously still very hesitant, but when she heard that if she didn’t do this, the other party would not bring herself in, which made Lin feel in her heart. The small and medium entanglement becomes a lot smaller at once.

“What you said is true? Do you really have the ability to speed?” But before doing it, Lin asked Chen Qiang hesitantly.

“Don’t worry! I won’t lie to you, and after signing the contract, don’t you also get some of my abilities? When the time comes, you can check it out for yourself!”

“Well then!”

After obtaining Chen Qiang’s repeated guarantees, my sister-in-law Lianglin finally agreed to Chen Qiang’s suggestion, and purple rays of light began to appear in her hands. And these purple rays of light that appeared in his hands slowly condensed into a purple rune, and at the same time, there were mutter incantations in Lin’s mouth.

“The sky is the proof, in my name, the blood is the guide, to conclude the eternal life guardian contract, condense!”

As Lin’s last condensed word fell, purple in her hand The rays of light disappeared, and a completely solidified purple rune floated in front of Chen Qiang and Lin.

“Okay, just drop a drop of blood into it! Then the contract is complete!” After saying that, Lin took the lead in biting her finger and sprinkling the blood on the purple rune. on.

“Are all contracts so ceremony? It’s really a strange ability!”

Although Chen Qiang is a little confused that the contract concluded by the fruit of the contract is so ceremony, But I still bit my finger intuitively and dripped my blood on the purple rune.

After Chen Qiang’s blood dripped on the rune, the rune quickly split into two parts in the air, and flew into the bodies of Chen Qiang and Lin respectively, that is, the rays of light flew separately. When they entered the bodies of the two, Chen Qiang and Lin both felt that there seemed to be an invisible thread connecting the two together.

Even if you feel it seriously, you can still follow this feeling and barely feel the other person’s inner thoughts.

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