Since I heard the other person’s question, Im also felt that he might understand something incomplete. Since the other person wanted to hear the specific situation, he also simply explained it to the other person. Again.

In this way, I can get some news from the opponent. I know if it is really because of the different races that I did not feel the aura of disaster in the opponent’s body.

In fact, there is such an idea, and I can’t blame Yim, thinking that the two magical battles he experienced were due to some reasons, so that he did not know too specific things.

For example, in the first battle of God, in order to keep himself alive, he directly chose a place to live in seclusion. Simply did not participate in that battle.

Even if Divine Road had passed his seclusion at that time, he just felt a strange aura in these gods.

The strange breath he felt was the breath brought by those who had surpassed the limit. He named this breath robbery.

In the second battle, although he was also involved, after all, not only God participated in this battle, but even humans were also involved.

This also made the situation of this battle very complicated. Basically all the gods were involved in this battle, which also prevented him from being alone.

And the human beings at that time, speaking of which were not very strong, even if their strength reached the limit of battle strength, but for these gods, it was actually not worth mentioning.

After all, these gods from the very beginning are different from what the other party has. If humans use some of the law fragments left behind after the death of the gods, and they have to continue to develop themselves, If you grow up.

Then these gods, the power that they control is the world law that those humans control when they rise to the maximum level.

So in this situation, those humans are simply impossible to defeat them.

But at that time, they had a war, originally for some people to withstand the catastrophe and make the entire world advance, so after this battle started, they couldn’t stop at all.

The humans in the back didn’t know where they heard the news. With the danger of death, they confronted a powerful god, directly exposing this god’s power beyond the limit, and finally This god was driven to death by catastrophe.

After solving the first god, mankind has also determined that this method is true and feasible, so this method has been used to slaughter the gods.

Of course, during the period, some of the human beings were shocking and stunning, and the breakthrough was above the limit, but at this time, they would all find the existence of a god and perish together with each other.

In such a big environment, although Eim survived in the end and hid it smoothly, the so-called catastrophe was on the side of the gods and faced by the humans. The catastrophe, but he didn’t know anything.

But since Chen Qiang wanted to know, he also told all the things he knew.

From his words, Chen Qiang can know that the so-called catastrophe is actually a kind of world consciousness targeting, which has already strikes by abilities outside the world.

Just when these energies attack the real world, the world will allocate part of these abilities to the powerful people in the world. This is also the so-called catastrophe.

“You mean, before the catastrophe comes, there will be a strange energy entanglement on my body, and at the same time my luck will get worse! But I didn’t feel this!”

After listening to the other party’s explanation, Chen Qiang didn’t figure out what was going on for a while, because Chen Qiang didn’t feel the omens that the other party said before the catastrophe came.

“Impossible! Even if the catastrophe will not come directly, but in the process, there will definitely be other signs that will come to that person.”

After hearing Chen Qiang’s words, his face was completely darkened in one scene, and then he retorted Chen Qiang’s words. .

“How do I know what’s going on? Anyway, I just didn’t feel the feeling you said!”

For Eim’s rant, Chen Qiang is also speechless curl one’s lip, then spread his hands and said.

After all, Chen Qiang did not feel such a thing. In this regard, Chen Qiang did not have the meaning of lying, so what he said was indeed the truth.

During the previous battle, Chen Qiang will still suffer some damage, but in the face of a stronger recovery ability, he will soon be able to recover, and his strength can also be quickly improved.

But during this process, Chen Qiang not at all received the omens that the other party said. He just felt that the world’s suppression of him was getting stronger and stronger, but nothing else was felt.

“Impossible! Impossible! How could it be like this!”

But after hearing Chen Qiang’s words, Yim still showed incredible expression. After all, if Chen Qiang didn’t feel it Those catastrophic words.

Then everything he did before was basically in vain. Even the men who were originally sacrificed to establish the Divine Kingdom were completely in vain.

If the energy cannot reach a certain level, his Divine Kingdom is simply impossible to complete, and if the world does not advance, the energy of this World simply will not change qualitatively, then his Divine Kingdom is also impossible to become The real Divine Kingdom.

It can only be said that it is a subspace with God living, and the others are no different.

In addition, now that he has exposed his existence, if the world does not advance and Chen Qiang continues to grow stronger, he may even die directly in the opponent’s hands.

After all, for Chen Qiang’s ever-increasing strength, even if he can suppress the opponent now, but if the opponent continues to grow, he may really be defeated by the opponent. This is him. Things you never want to see.

So at this time, he was really hysterical, and he didn’t believe that Chen Qiang didn’t feel the harbingers of those disasters. Everything was just the other party cheating on himself.

But in such emotions, Yim soon thought of a way, and saw him stretch out his hand to the dull-looking crowd on his side.

One of the old man standing at the most marginal position flew directly towards his location, and then only the rays of light in his hand flashed again, taking the person who had just flown over All wrapped in rays of light.

After the rays of light were all sucked into his body by the flying person, Yim directly threw the opponent out.

And at this time, the rays of light flashed in the opponent’s eyes, not as sluggish as before.

At the same time, the imposing manner on the opponent’s body also climbed quickly, and then quickly broke through the so-called limit.

That is, after the breakthrough reached its limit, a weird imposing manner appeared on him, and then he didn’t see any action from the other party, and his body suddenly began to fester.

At the same time, some space gaps appeared behind him, bursts of powerful force ran out of this gap, and then quickly eroded onto his body.


Finally, in a terrifying cry, his whole person directly became a gas-like existence, dissipated in the air, and nothing. Left.

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