“giant tiger pounce!”

Huge bloody energy emerged from Chen Qiang’s body, and at the same time the blood in the bodies of the guards who had just died , Also quickly flowed out of their bodies, gathered to Chen Qiang’s side, and then a line of blood flew out of these blood, forming a huge blood-colored tiger in the air.


After a roar, the blood-colored tiger that just appeared, pounced from behind Chen Qiang, and hit the splendor in front of him. Above the palace.


A violent impact sounded, and the gate of the original glorious palace was directly knocked down. It was only when the giant tiger charged violently inside, A bright red gem was shot from the second floor of the palace, and hit the top of the giant tiger’s head. A violent explosion would blow up the giant tiger, and maybe the entire palace would collapse in this giant tiger. Up.

“Undead Chen Qiang, this is not something a guest should do!”

After the red gem blocked Chen Qiang’s giant tiger, the one that was blown up On the second floor wall, a sturdy man appeared in the broken place, looking at Chen Qiang below and said.

“I’m not a guest, I’m just someone who can’t understand you, and why do you look like a lady?”

See this appearing The man on the second floor, Chen Qiang was first attracted by the other party’s eyes, because the other party was wearing a pretend that he didn’t know what Chen Qiang should say.

When he was in the shadows before, he could only barely make the opponent strong, wearing a suit. After the opponent came out completely, Chen Qiang could see clearly what was on the opponent.

I saw that the man’s suit was divided into grids, and in each grid there was a gleaming gem, which looked very gorgeous. There are a lot of gemstone jewelry on the gem ring, and on the ears and neck!

This is why Chen Qiang was shocked by the other’s equipment. After all, this person is simply not wearing clothes, but wearing a suit of gems.

“I’m Copperfield’s controller Toby. Undead Chen Qiang is making trouble on my chassis. Have you ever thought about the price that will be paid?”

Obviously this person is also Hearing what Chen Qiang said about himself just now, so the originally smiling face went black.

“It turns out that this city is called Copperfield? I just know it too? But it doesn’t matter. Anyway, it’s something that is destined to disappear in this World. It doesn’t matter what the name is!”


As for the attitude of the other party, Chen Qiang didn’t care at all. Instead, he said with a smile on his face. At the same time, Chen Qiang informed Lin behind him through the contract through the contract and asked her to wait while he was speaking. When I was fighting this Toby, I went into the palace to find the people in the Defu slave ship, grabbed them and asked the whereabouts of the villagers.

After all, the symbiosis contract was signed, so Chen Qiang just turned around and Lin immediately understood what the other party meant, so when Chen Qiang turned his head, Lin was nodded, and at the same time finished Ready to rush in.

“You want to ruin this place, it depends on whether you have this ability!”

For Chen Qiang so arrogant, how could Toby as the emperor of this city be so arrogant? He could bear the existence of someone more arrogant than himself, so without hesitation, he attacked Chen Qiang directly.

“Very poisonous gem!”

“xiū xiū xiū !”

one after another, a deep green gem shot out of Toby’s hand, swiftly towards Chen Qiang attacked, and before Chen Qiang acted, these flying gems exploded in front of him. After the explosion of these gems, the poisonous gas of the huge crack appeared, and Chen Qiang was quickly wrapped in it. Up among them.

“Tiger Roar!”


Chen Qiang’s movements were very fast. When the poisonous gas was about to envelop him, a bloody The tiger’s head appeared and wrapped him and Lin in it, and at the same time roared towards the sky.

As the saying goes, the cloud is from the dragon, and the wind is from the tiger. Just when the giant tiger is roaring, a fierce wind rises around Chen Qiang and quickly blows the poisonous gas around him. The top of the cave.

“It’s now, let’s go!”

After blowing away the anger around, Chen Qiang loudly shouted, and after reminding Lin, he directly carried the long knife and rushed towards Toby. Past.

At the same time, after hearing Chen Qiang’s words, Lin quickly disappeared without any reason, and rushed into the palace toward the gap that Chen Qiang had exploded before.

“hmph! It’s just a trick! Go grab the little girl, and he will leave it to me!” A huge red gem appeared, blocking the rushing Chen Qiang, of course Toby was also at this time I found Lin rushing into the palace, instructed towards other minions around.


The subordinates took their orders and left here quickly, chasing Lin who had rushed into the palace.

“Burst gems!”

I didn’t care about his men. After giving an order, Toby kicked directly on the gems in front of him, so that he didn’t react. Chen Qiang, who was about to split the gem, had an intimate contact with this huge red gem.


As soon as I touched the gem, the whole gem exploded violently, blasting Chen Qiang to the ground. He was on the slave ship before. The new clothes just changed were blown up into strips at once.

Fortunately, Chen Qiang reacted quickly. When he was bombed, he protected his pants, otherwise he would almost leave the country naked.

“Why are the clothes in this World so weak? When I watched anime before, I didn’t see them ruining the clothes at every turn! How come I have changed this, what a pit!”

Chen Qiang complained and tore off the clothes that had been turned into strips, threw them aside, and then rushed towards Toby again.


When Chen Qiang was playing against Toby, not far from the slave market, a man wearing a black trench coat opened an unremarkable door and entered it.

“The Chief of Staff, it has been determined that the previous voice was due to the voice of Undead Chen Qiang, fighting Toby.”

The black clothed person after entering the door Just to the room, the man sitting on the main seat wearing noble clothing, wearing a gentleman hat on his head, and a burn mark on his face reported the man.

If Chen Qiang is here, he will definitely recognize who this person is at a glance. This person is Luffy and Ace’s other brother Sabo.

“Undead Chen Qiang, why did he come here?”

Hearing the report from the person who just came in, Sabo said in surprise, and stood up immediately, a little anxious Said.

“No, I’m going to save him. I can’t let him fall into Toby’s hands.”

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