Before, Chen Qiang was afraid that Lin would hesitate and so on when he started to be killed by the enemy, so he reminded him before entering the city.

If she feels unbearable when she does it, then think about how ruthless and cruel they were when they arrested themselves and killed the villagers. As long as they think of this, naturally they will not There will be the saying “show mercy”.

Lin believed in Chen Qiang’s words. When she first started killing, she was a little uncomfortable, but she always thought of the villagers killed when they arrested themselves in order to draw them out. , Her little discomfort was suppressed, and the more she worked, the less discomfort in her heart would be.

So when she started to slaughter the crew of the slave group, she asked them one by one. As long as she didn’t know, or the answer was slow, she would ruthlessly deprive each other of their lives.

At the same time, with the use of abilities, life is constantly being deprived. Lin also found that those lives deprived of herself can strengthen her body and make her body stronger quickly.

The more so, Lin actually felt a little in her heart like the feeling of controlling other people’s lives, and the more she killed, the stronger this feeling became.

Even when she got to the back, Lin didn’t ask the other party at all, and just killed her all the way.

“I… I said, please let me go!”

Just after Lin completely killed the ordinary crew members who said there was a slave group , When I saw the senior cadres on Bark and the others.

These people couldn’t hold on either, they knelt directly in front of Lin, and then kept kowtow, praying to Lin.

“There are too many of you, I just need to live alone, just take me to find someone!” Regarding these people’s begging for mercy, the expression on Lin’s face did not change, but she just stretched out. Braving the hand of purple rays of light, he said blankly.

Among those who were kneeling down, Balk was the most decisive. After hearing Lin’s words, a stern look flashed through his pleading eyes, and then stood up without the slightest hesitation.

At the same time, the long knife in his hand swung quickly, and before the other four hadn’t reacted, they cut off their necks.

“Now I am the only one left, please let me go, I will lead you to find someone!”

I am quickly solving the four people around me Later, he quickly knelt in front of Lin, trembling all over his body and pleaded with Lin.

“Lead the way!”

For what Barker did, the expression on Lin’s face remained unchanged, just a slight hook, the purple on the four of them The rays of light flew into her hands, and then put her hands away. He glanced at Balk who was kneeling in front of him and said.

“Yes! Thank you, my lord, for bypassing the villain, I will lead the way now!”

After hearing Lin’s words, Balk quickly got up from the ground, not daring Go and take a look at Lin, just lowered her head and started to lead the way.

“What a terrifying sister, cool!”

“It’s true terrifying. It killed dozens of people in just two 3 minutes without blinking my eyes.”

Just as Barker led Lin to the entrance of a downward staircase, a group of people did suddenly come down from above, blocking their direction.

Standing in front of these people are two tall men. These two people are both over two meters tall. They are all wearing a black cloak. One person is holding an apple in his hand and each minding their He was gnawing his own business, while the other was with a cigar hanging from the corner of his mouth, with his hand on the sword on his waist, looking at Lin with a solemn expression.

“My lord, help!”

Seeing the appearance of the two, Barker, who was very obedient before, quickly lifted his head and rushed in front of the two of them, towards them Said beggingly.

For the changes in front of him, the expression on Lin’s face remained unchanged, except that the rays of light in her hand appeared again, and she shook Bark far away.


The person who just ran to Bark who suddenly appeared in front of the two people here, once again appeared strong purple rays of light, and quickly turned Bark was wrapped in it.

The rays of light in the outermost layer quickly turned into a small knife, and quickly slashed across Bark’s body. One after another wound appeared on Bark’s body.


The severe pain caused Barker to fall to the ground in pain, constantly rolling and screaming.

The two people who just appeared, they shot when Barker fell to the ground in pain. Of course, they weren’t trying to rescue Barker, but just when Lin was dealing with Barker. The gap in recruiting is also the best time to take action. As two experienced combatants, of course, they will not miss this opportunity.


The man with the knife before flashed in front of Lin, and at the same time a brilliant blade light flashed.

The other man didn’t look at him either, he quickly gnawed off the apple in his hand, and stood there, punching Lin where he was.

After the fist was punched, it quickly grew bigger. When it was close to Lin, it was already bigger than Lin’s height, and it was directly printed on Lin’s body.

Faced with such an attack, Lin didn’t move at all, but the purple rays of light on her body broke out in the next storm. The purple rays of light did not attack the two people who were fighting against her. Those who are behind the two, blocking the entrance.

So when the two of them attacked Lin, Lin had already signed a contract with the people behind them.

After the attack fell on Lin, some of those people suddenly had their waist cut open and broke in half, and the other one seemed to have been hit by something and turned into a mess. .

And Lin, who was under attack from the front, did nothing. She stood there intact, quickly picked up a long knife about the same height as her own from the ground, and pointed it at the huge fist in front of her. Chopped over.

Because of Chen Qiang’s physical fitness, Lin’s physical skills are also much stronger. When fighting with the two, although she is often chopped and hit due to lack of combat experience, all The damage was transferred to the people behind him by the contract.

So in this battle, Lin was not only not injured, but because of the death of those contractors, more life force was absorbed by her, making her body stronger.

The two people who fought against her were not so lucky. In the case of Lin’s complete defense, although there are reasons for lack of combat experience, they did little harm to them, but they The injuries on his body are increasing, and there is no way to recover.

Until the guys who were contracted by Lin, all died. These two people had large and small wounds all over them, blood was constantly flowing out of the wounds, and the faces of the two people were also because of the large number of wounds. His blood loss turned pale.

But I have to say that the personal body in Pirate King is really strong. Even so, the battle strength of the two is still not affected too much, and they are still fighting against Lin vigorously.

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