“Okay! You guys have to prepare too, hurry up and get out of here, I don’t want long, people from the world government and government will come over, and they have already received it when I want to come. News here.”

“What about you?”

When he heard Chen Qiang tell them to go, Sabo looked towards Chen Qiang a little puzzled and asked.

“Me? Of course I want to play this game well, after all, the game is not over yet, how can I go, even more how, I said before, I will completely destroy this place , My own words have not yet reached, of course I won’t leave so soon!”

When Chen Qiang said these words, the smile on his face has not disappeared, and it is still very brilliant.

“Well then! After I go back, I will tell the leader what you say. I think we will definitely refer to your words in our future actions!”

After listening to what Chen Qiang said, Sabo thought about it for a while, but he was still nodded. Although Chen Qiang’s previous revolution sounds really good, he does not only represent himself, after all, there are a group of people behind him. , He must be responsible for others.

“Lin! You follow them too!”

Only after Sabo left, Chen Qiang realized that Lin was still behind him.

“no! I want to follow you to see the country where everyone is equal!” Lin shook her head, then looked at Chen Qiang seriously.

“But what I will do later will be very dangerous, so you should leave with them first!”

“No, you have said it yourself before , As long as you don’t die, I won’t die! I believe you!”

Lin’s words are very firm and will not allow any doubt.

“Are you really sure, are you going to be my partner?”

Seeing Lin’s firm eyes and the expression on Chen Qiang’s face, he also got serious and turned to The other person asked.

“I’m sure!”

“Good! Lin, you will be my partner in the future, let us work hard to overthrow this decadent world!”

Hearing Lin’s affirmative reply, the smile on Chen Qiang’s face appeared again, and at the same time he touched Lin’s head, making the other party’s messy hair even more messy.

“Well, now let’s say goodbye to your folks, there will be a big battle waiting for us!”

—— ——————————-

Just in Chen Qiang staying at the dock, Sabo took those The slave who was willing to leave with them, after leaving here, the whole city became even more chaotic.

As time goes by, all the slave dealers who are still alive have gathered together, united under Toby’s hands, and are preparing to rush to the dock and leave here.

After arriving at the dock before, there were slaves who returned to the city again and again because of Chen Qiang’s words. At this time, the whole city began to save people, and more people slowly gathered. Begin to return to the dock.

It’s just that they didn’t at all leave. Except for children, old people and women who didn’t have battle strength, they got on the boat first. Everyone took their weapons one by one and waited firmly for the upcoming battle. Obviously When those people were saving them before, they also told them what Chen Qiang said. Now they have become Chen Qiang’s staunch supporter.

“Undead Chen Qiang, although I don’t know what you want to do, but with these slaves, do you want to stop us from leaving the city?”

not at all let Chen Qiang them After waiting for a long time, the surviving slave traffickers in the city came to the dock under Toby’s leadership, and Toby’s arrogant voice was the first to arrive.

“They are not slaves now, they are steadfast revolutionary fighters!”

Seeing the appearance of Toby and the others, Chen Qiang also brought Lin to come. In front of the slaves, and then replied with a serious expression.

“Warriors? Just them? Really ridiculous!”

“As long as those who are willing to take up arms against fate, no matter whether they are strong or weak, they are all respectable fighters! And You are just rubbish under this decadent world. Compared to them, you are nothing!”

“This World is not a warrior who can take up a weapon. Only a strong person can match it. Called a warrior, these of yours are just clowns!”

“Try it! Let me go!”

After saying this, Chen Qiang also No more nonsense with the opponent, he directly took the lead and launched a charge towards the opponent.

“Boom!” “peng!” “shua!”

When the two parties officially collided, the sound of artillery, gunfire, and sword waving on the entire pier The sound is in one piece.

In this process, people are falling down constantly, whether it is the soldiers following Chen Qiang or the slave traffickers on the opposite side, people fall down every second, and the scene is very bloody for a while. .

However, because of the different concepts on the two sides, the people on Chen Qiang’s side want to destroy the other party, not only because the other party has captured them as slaves, but also want to thoroughly clear the garbage. It’s a good time to realize the world where everyone is equal, as Chen Qiang said. That is, there will be no war in the world after that, without Pirate, and no one will be suddenly arrested as a slave, and their children and grandchildren don’t need to be afraid of this. Or.

The slave dealers on Toby’s side just want to live, so after the fight, these slave dealers are obviously better than the people on Chen Qiang’s side, but because The people on Chen Qiang’s side were fierce and unafraid of death, so for a while, Chen Qiang actually pressed the other side to fight.

However, the slave dealer is not without a powerhouse. It’s just that Toby, the most powerful, was stopped by Chen Qiang. As soon as Lin on the side came up, he signed a contract with a lot of other people. Let the pair be a little constrained when fighting.

Of course on Chen Qiang’s side, there are of course some powerhouses among those slaves, but they are one section short of Toby. After all, not everyone becomes a slave after being threatened. , More because of his own strength is not good enough, can not beat the opponent, so he was arrested.

Although these slaves have been rescued, they have suffered a lot before. Many people’s battle strength is not at all at Peak, so when the two parties fight, Chen Qiang is here. There are advantages, but not great.

The battle continued in this way. There were people from both sides falling and dying, but none of them stopped and continued to attack each other.

As the battle strength of the cream of the crop, Toby and Chen Qiang did fight directly from the battle at first. After all, Chen Qiang knew that the opponent’s strength was really strong, even if These people behind him all have a strong will, but when the difference in strength is too great, even if they rush up, they will die.

So in the battle at first Chen Qiang took the initiative to stop Toby, and the opponent also fought together, and due to the previous battle, both of them have a certain understanding of the strength of each other, so at first battle strength, both of them directly showed their strongest strength, and simply did not test this.

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