“Oh? Have you finished eating?”

After coming in, Harry thought that the sudden appearance of the two of him must have disturbed Chen Qiang’s meal and prepared to call them I continued to eat, but when I saw that there was nothing left on the table, I felt a little dazed.

After all, he had thought that the two might have a surprising amount of appetite, so he made special food for ten people, but didn’t expect just chatting with Parker in this short period of time, all the food was eaten. .

“Thank you for the hospitality!”

Regardless of whether Harry was shocked or not, after the host appeared, Chen Qiang and Chen Qiang stood up politely and bowed to each other in thanks.

“It’s okay, as long as the guests are happy to eat!” Harry said with a smile, “I just don’t know if the guests are full, if not, I will continue to ask the robot to do it!”


“Can you still eat it? The food just now is so delicious!”

When he heard Harry’s words, Lin Shui’s big eyes lit up, looking towards expectantly. Harry then swept to the side of the robot standing in front of the stove.

Seeing Lin like this, Chen Qiang felt a little embarrassed. He couldn’t think of it. How could a Little Loli who looked quiet before suddenly became a foodie.

Although he felt embarrassed, Chen Qiang didn’t mean to stop him. After all, he also thought the food just now was delicious and wanted to eat more.

Here, when Harry saw Lin’s appearance, he immediately understood what the other party meant. He didn’t get too long, so he arranged for the robot to start food production next time.

Soon a plate of food that looked very appetizing was brought to the table.

Because of the presence of outsiders this time, Chen Qiang and Lin both restrained themselves and ate a lot slower, especially Chen Qiang talked with Harry while eating.

As a person who crossed over, he has a thorough understanding of the word “commitment”, so when chatting, Chen Qiang deliberately talked about some technology topics with the other party.

I may not understand the research of Chen Qiang, but when it comes to technology, Chen Qiang still has some say. After all, I have seen a variety of technology products in the past, and also watched various Science fiction movies, these things can be talked about.

Especially in the process of chatting, Chen Qiang put forward many scientific and technological concepts, so that Harry and Parker knew that they were taught. After eating, Harry got up and left here. , Went to his laboratory.

Of course, with regard to Harry’s departure, Chen Qiang felt that perhaps the other party was really inspired by his own words, but it should be that Parker has something to say to himself.

Sure enough, after Harry left, Parker wiped his mouth with a napkin, stood up with a serious expression, and walked in front of Chen Qiang.

“I! Bo Harun Parker! I am willing to accept the invitation of Captain Chen Qiang to work as a boatman on your boat.”

When speaking, Parker had a serious expression and firm eyes. , The language is also very sincere, all the movements are meticulous, and they seem to be very solemn.

Faced with Parker’s solemn look, Chen Qiang also wiped the food remnants from the corners of his mouth. Hehe Haha’s previous expression had disappeared, and he stood up to extend the hand.

“Welcome, Parker, you will be my partner on board from today, and I hope you will take care of each other in the days to come.”

“Welcome Parker!”

Lin next to her also stood up and said to Parker with a smile.


As soon as he grasped Chen Qiang’s outstretched hand, a smile appeared on Parker’s original serious face.

“Do you have any wine here?”

After the three of them looked at each other and laughed, Chen Qiang asked Parker again.


“Yes! Do you have wine here?”

“Why do you want wine?” Hearing Chen Qiang’s words, more than just Parker was a little puzzled, even Lin couldn’t figure out what Chen Qiang wanted to do, so she looked at Chen Qiang curiously and asked.

“hehe! New members join, of course you have to celebrate, but how can you celebrate without alcohol!” Chen Qiang laughed when he heard Lin’s words.

“That’s good! I’ll get it right away!” After hearing Chen Qiang’s words, Parker also smiled, stood up directly, and ran to get the wine.

Soon the wine was taken by Parker, Chen Qiang took it, and at the same time took out three bowls, placed them in front of the three, and filled them up personally.

“Come on! Cheers to our new member Parker!”



After the wine was full, the three of them picked up the bowls in front of them, touched them in the air together, and then drank them with pride. It felt like a Peach Garden triumphant.

It’s just that Lin may not have drunk before. After drinking a bowl, her face flushed, which made Chen Qiang and Parker laugh.

This meal has been eaten for a long time. As for when it will end, the three of them don’t know. At the end of anyway, all three of them were already drunk on the table.

Then send the three people back to the room, because Harry, who is doing the experiment there, returned to the restaurant after receiving the notification from the robot, and arranged for the robot to return the three people to the room that was already prepared. Among.

Next, it will take a few days to reach Sabaody Archipelago. After Chen Qiang and the others woke up, they began to prepare.

First of all, Parker began to adjust the weapons he made on the island, the inspection and maintenance of various weapons, and also began to study some things Chen Qiang mentioned, which became very busy for a while.

The two Chen Qiang and Lin are much simpler, that is, on the 2nd day after waking up, the two began to cultivate, although Lin’s fruit ability is very strong, especially in dealing with those strengths. When it’s not as good as her little soldiers, if the opponent doesn’t know Haki, there is basically no solution.

But it is precisely because of her ability that she can only play a role when dealing with small soldiers, but when you meet someone with the same level of strength, or strength higher than her, it will become very difficult Passive.

So at the request of Chen Qiang, Lin began to practice Way of Sword. Although Chen Qiang is also a half-hearted in this respect, as a Chen Qiang who has been influenced by many martial arts film and television dramas in his previous life, she actually wants to There is no way to exercise.

That is to keep swinging the knife, 10,000 times a day. If this continues, turning the knife into an instinct. No matter what, Way of Sword must have some insights and strengths. It’s enhanced.

At the same time, Chen Qiang also taught Lin some fighting experience, which can barely improve her battle strength. Of course, in this short time of seeing the sky, the improvement is only a little bit, not much. , But according to this kind of exercise, sooner or later Lin will be able to stand alone.

Of course, on the 2nd day, Chen Qiang asked Lin to use his abilities to sign a contract with Parker. Although Parker is half a machine and half a human, his injuries can be adequate after signing the contract. Transfer to Chen Qiang’s body.

In this way, even if the body on the machine side is destroyed, he will not die, and he can repair his body autonomously. This can be considered Chen Qiang gives his partner a trump card to save his life.

But I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Chen Qiang feels that the contract he signed with Parker is different from the contract he signed with Lin. Although he can transfer the injury to his body, he has that kind of heart. There is no induction between them.

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