“If you say, maybe you can actually use that thing!”

I looked at Chen Qiang carefully, and I saw Chen Qiang on the screen. The performance of fighting to find that, and his powerful ability, Harry Nodded said.

“What is that?”

Chen Qiang continued to ask Harry.

“I made a work when I was young, but after I made it at that time, I found that the side effects were too obvious, so I never used it!”

“Old Master, your work Didn’t you say that technology and swordsman’s weapons are two things? How come there are works again?”

When he heard Harry say that it was his own work, Chen Qiang was a little shocked. After all, the other party said before that technology and weapon manufacturing are two things, but how can they be combined now? This made Chen Qiang very puzzled.

“Come with me! You’ll know!”

Harry did not explain, but after showing a mysterious smile, he put down his research and brought Chen Qiang out. After leaving the research room, he walked toward the depths of the base.

As Harry moved forward, Chen Qiang followed behind him, heading towards the depths of the base, that is, the bottom of the ground. He didn’t know how far he went down until he came to the bottom of the entire base. On the lower level, Harry stopped moving forward.

After coming here, Chen Qiang was really shocked by the surrounding scenes. Of course, this is not because of the gorgeous decorations around, but because this is the place where the abandoned items of the entire base are piled up. Those who fail the research will be thrown here.

The reason for the shock is that everything here is abandoned, and I don’t know why Harry brought him here, or what he meant.

However, Chen Qiang not at all hurriedly asked, but began to observe around, but this observation found something wrong.

Except for those obviously newly thrown waste materials, the other things here are all in the shape of swords, layered on the ground.

Curiously picked up a long sword, flicked it with my fingers, and made a sword cry sound. If you only look at the materials, the materials here are all good, they are all alloys. material.

“This is?”

Chen Qiang, who has been thinking about it for a long time, did not understand. After lifting his head, he looked towards Harry in confusion, wanting to know the answer from the other party. .

“I found it, I came here!”

Harry not at all heed Chen Qiang’s question, but after coming here, it seems that he is here After searching, he was obviously looking for something. Near the pile of newly scrapped machines, after searching for a while, Harry stopped searching, and then recruited Chen Qiang and signaled him to pass.

After coming here, Chen Qiang seriously looked at the machine in front of Harbin, and saw that the metal on this machine was not at all different from the discarded machines around it, and Some parts of the shape, even screws, appeared. If Harry thought that this was what he was looking for, Chen Qiang thought it was abandoned and thrown here.

But obviously looking at Harry, this is what they are looking for, not at all wrong.

“Old Master, what is this thing? Why does it look different from the abandoned machines around not at all!”

As a diligent, learning, and motivated Three Young Virtues, of course, wanted to show the good character of asking if he didn’t understand, so after seeing this thing, wondering why Harry would bring him here, of course, he directly asked the other person.

It’s just that his words have just fallen, and Harry hasn’t answered him yet. At this time, the machine that he thought was abandoned, broke directly from the middle, and a huge steel mouth appeared, biting towards Chen Qiang.

“I’ll go!”

This sudden change made Chen Qiang almost unresponsive and was bitten by one bite. Fortunately, Chen Qiang was so skilled that he found something wrong. At that time, he jumped directly away from the place.

“It turned out to be alive!”

Chen Qiang, who was taken aback by such an attack, after keeping a safe distance from the machine, carefully looked at the machine this time. Come.

At this time, the living machine, leaning on the small wheels below him, came to Harry’s side, and spit out a long tongue from the huge mouth it just opened, adding Tim Harry’s face left some oil stains on his face, and at the same time he used its steel body to get close to Harry, wanting to rub the other person to express intimacy.

But obviously Harry also understands that only this small body can not withstand its intimacy, so when the other party is about to approach, he directly stops its forward movement, strong and hands on It touched its steel body.

The machine didn’t feel any dissatisfaction because it didn’t touch the opponent, but under Harry’s touch, the huge face formed by the machine showed an expression of enjoyment.

“This…this…….what is this?”

Although there are many black technologies in this World, Chen Qiang has none Thinking of how powerful it is, the robot has such a powerful intelligent system.

When he came to the island, Chen Qiang did see some robots, but those robots, no matter how they looked at them, were only products of primary level intelligence, but the one in front of him was different. He was completely I have what I think about, and judging from the performance of the other party just now, it is obvious that there is still a very powerful emotional system, which is very powerful.

Fortunately, Chen Qiang did not surprise Chen Qiang for long. After touching the head of the machine, Harry began to explain.

“It is Xiaoha, the first intelligent robot I made when I was young, and it is also a weapon making machine. It can make all kinds of weapons according to the ideas of the people who use it. “

When Harry introduced the machine, the machine, lifting the front wheel, made himself look up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle, which seemed very proud.

“Weapon-making machine?”

“Yes, Xiaoha is a weapon-making machine, but when I was making it, in order to improve its performance, I also let it After swallowing Devil Fruit, which can be used to make various weapons, Xiao Ha will have the same intelligence as he is now.”

“Why put it here again?” Chen Qiang looked at the one. The machine called Xiaoha asked Harry at the same time.

“oh! This is also the reason for thinking that Devil Fruit. After having intelligence, Xiaoha no longer needs electricity to provide him with power, but needs to eat. Its food is some steel. Things like that, and special abilities.”

As if to prove Harry’s words, Xiao Ha directly bit into an abandoned machine next to him, and chewed in his mouth. , And then I saw it turned red all over, obviously digesting what I ate.

It didn’t take long for a small door behind it to open, and several newly made swords slowly fell out of it and fell onto the pile of swords on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Chen Qiang said that he threw the long sword he had just picked up on the ground, and wiped it on his body with disgust.

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