“That’s it. If you don’t have anything, then I’ll be dead!”

“Wait! I really have something to ask you !”

As soon as Chen Qiang heard the other party’s consent, he was about to hang up, but at this time Sabo suddenly stopped Chen Qiang with a loud voice.

“What’s the matter?”

“It’s about the things you told me about the revolution in Copperfields.”

” Oh? Revolutionary matter? Do you follow the method I said?”

When the other party said it was revolutionary matter, Chen Qiang didn’t hung up the phone in a hurry, but asked instead. What is going on in the end.

“After leaving Copperfield before, I told the leader what you said, and the leader said that I can arrange this kind of thing by myself.”

“So I think your method is feasible, so I just set up a small newspaper office in Sabaody Archipelago according to the method you said. Only after the establishment of the newspaper office, I discovered that there are not many people who can read and write in this world. , I have written many metaphors on it and no one can understand them.”

“Plus, Marine is still very strict on the newspaper section. We simply cannot directly control our The idea is written directly on it, so the current situation is that although our newspaper is published, few people can understand it.”

“For such a situation, I couldn’t think of a solution for a while. To solve it, but since you proposed this solution, you should have a solution, so I want to ask you how to carry out the changes here.”

Sabo didn’t hesitate, and directly brought him to the nearest I told Chen Qiang about all the problems I encountered and wanted to get a solution from Chen Qiang.

“The literacy rate is low. This is really difficult, but it is not without a solution.”

“What is the solution?”

I heard Chen Qiang said there was a way, and Sabo asked quickly.

“Before I talk about the solution, let me analyze the situation on the ocean now!”

“I listen, you say it!”

See Chen Qiang not at all directly talking about the solution, but want to analyze the current situation with him first. Although the Revolutionary Army knows the intelligence from all parts of the world, after all, Chen Qiang is the person who proposed the new revolutionary concept. The people must have a different view of the current situation, so Sabo did not refuse.

“First of all, let’s take a look at the powerful forces on the sea. The first is the world government-government. This is also the most powerful force in the world, whether it is military or They have the most peak military strength. This is undeniable.”

“The Pirate forces that are ranked second in the future, although Pirate is basically a scattered force, if you can take all If the Pirates of Pirates get together, it will become the strongest power in the world.”

“The reason why this happens is because of the arrangement of Pirate King Roger when he died. The words before his death directly opened the Great Age of Pirates. Although this era has affected many people who originally wanted to enjoy life in peace, it has to be said that after these two decades of development, The Pirate power is no longer weaker than the world government.”

“And if one day, someone ascends the Pirate King’s throne and unifies the entire Pirate power with great strength, when the time comes The Pirate forces will be the most powerful saber against the world government. This is also my understanding of Roger’s opening of the era of great voyage.”

“Is this?” Hearing Chen Qiang’s analysis, Sabo seemed to It’s the same as Penghu’s empowerment. I used to wonder why Roger started the era of great voyages, but now I understand it.

“As for whether this is the case, I can’t guarantee that this is just my own opinion.”

“Okay, I will continue to talk about other forces, this The third force is the Pirate Hunter, merchants, slave dealers, Mountain Bandit and so on everywhere.”

“This force is basically impossible to integrate together, but there are also The existence of powerful people is undeniable.”

“Under this force is your Revolutionary Army, as well as various anti-world government-government organizations. This force has Good strength, and at the same time has been resisting the rule of the world government-government. It is regarded as a thorn in the eye by the world government-government, and it is their main target. You must feel more about this than me.”

Soon Chen Qiang continued to talk about it, and also talked about the Revolutionary Army.

“I admit that what you said before is really good, but how did our Revolutionary Army rank fourth?”

Obviously, Sabo said that Chen Qiang took the Revolutionary Army to fourth. Some dissatisfaction.

“Don’t care about ranking and so on, I just rank according to the strength I have.”

“Okay, I’m talking about the last force on the sea , That is, all the ordinary people of the entire world. They are the party with the largest number and the weakest.”

“And the four forces I mentioned before, all of them are actually They all come from this force. Many of them who are uneasy about the ordinary will go to sea and join the forces to realize their ideals.”

“And these people are also the best to win over. A group of people, although their strength is the weakest, but the number is the largest. As long as the people of this force are drawn to their subordinates, the basic revolution can succeed.”

“That’s it!” Hear Chen Qiang After speaking, Sabo thought about nodded, and agreed with Chen Qiang’s words.

However, after agreeing to it, a bigger question appeared, that is, how to draw these people together, and these people who have not joined the power, their strength is not strong enough, even if they are drawn What’s the use.

After thinking of these questions, Sabo talked to Chen Qiang the question in his heart.

“You finally got the point of asking this question, and this is exactly the method I want to show you.”

“These people are not strong, not because they don’t want to To become stronger, but because they have no way to become stronger, and what you have to do is to tell them the way to become stronger. This will not only enhance their strength, but also inject more fresh blood into the Revolutionary Army.”

“As for how to solve it, Marine’s control of newspapers, this is a better solution. Since the control of newspapers is strict, then you should publish the book.”

” Book? This Marine is also in charge!” After hearing Chen Qiang’s method, Sabo shook his head and said negatively.

“Books, there are many things that can be recorded in it, such as a story, a thought, plus those ways to become stronger can also be placed in this book, as long as it is hidden, Marine Simply can’t find it.”

“Even if the method you said can be achieved, but there are still many people who don’t know the words, how can we understand the book we published?”

“Whoever told you, there must be all text in the book, can’t you draw a picture, and then add a small amount of text in it, so that the text becomes less, even those who don’t know the words want to know What is written above, just ask someone directly. There are not many characters anyway, I think many people know it!”

“This method is good, but how should I operate it?”

“The operation problem is up to you. I just put forward an idea. Of course you are here for the specific implementation. I proposed a solution, and I have to solve it myself!”

Chen Qiang directly rolled the eyes after hearing the other party’s words, then said goodbye directly, and hung up the phone.

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