“As expected of Admiral, I found it right away, but I advise you to leave it alone. After all, I have three hostages in my hands, even when The time comes, I killed one, there should be nothing at worst!”

Since Kizaru has discovered it, Chen Qiang is not ready to conceal it, but with a long knife in his hand. Celestial Dragon’s face is patted.

“Don’t…don’t kill me!” The Celestial Dragon, who was patted by Chen Qiang with a knife face, was even more terrified. He kept muttering not to kill me.

“It’s really troublesome!”

Kizaru has no other way to see Chen Qiang’s movements. Although he is Marine Headquarter, he is not dead yet. It would not be easy for him to make Celestial Dragon die because of his action!

So there is no way, he can only curl one’s lip and make a somewhat helpless expression.

Following Chen Qiang and Kizaru’s stalemate, more Marines came here, and began to surround Chen Qiang with three layers inside and outside three layers.

But Chen Qiang didn’t care about this at all. In the process, the smile on his face never disappeared, and he stared at Kizaru with a smile.

After ten minutes or so, the movement over there became more and more obvious. Finally, as the door was knocked open, countless slaves rushed out of it.

Marine, who was on the periphery, saw these slaves rushing out and wanted to shoot to stop them, but Marine Captain, who first appeared in front of Chen Qiang, stopped them.

“What are you doing, remember, you are Marine, you are a just Marine, Marine’s gun is for justice, not for you to aim at those pitiful persons.”

This Captain’s words are very effective. Those Marines who raised their guns before put down their guns one by one in shame.


Chen Qiang also heard what Marine Captain said. After hearing his words, Chen Qiang couldn’t help but glanced at him with some appreciation.

Kizaru on the other side also looked at the other side with the corner of his eye after the words of Marine Captain’s words. There was a trace of appreciation in his eyes, but it was quickly hidden in him. Under the cynical eyes.

“What about now? We have let them go, now we can talk, how do you let them go?”

Leave number one in all slaves After the area, Kizaru spoke again.

“Don’t worry! Waiting!”

“What else do I need to wait?”

“Admiral Kizaru, do you think I will not know you With the terrifying speed, after I release these three guys, can you stop them before they reach the dock?”

Chen Qiang gave Kizaru a blank eye.

“Let’s do it! Then wait!”

Since Chen Qiang said to wait, Kizaru has nothing to refute. After all, the opponent has a hostage in his hands. Now this situation can only be listened to by the other party.

Soon after ten minutes passed, Den Den Mushi in Chen Qiang’s arms rang and hung up automatically.

“Okay! Now we can talk!”

After hearing the first ringtone, Chen Qiang waited. After not waiting for the 2nd ringtone, his face The smile on the face grew a bit more, and at the same time he finally stood up from Celestial Dragon.

“Okay! Say your request, as long as we can do it, we can agree to it, as long as you let them go!”

“hehe! That’s so troublesome! I think it’s much better if you just come up and catch me!” After hearing the words of Wasteland, Chen Qiang laughed, and then pulled out the two short blades inserted in Celestial Dragon’s legs, and removed the iron chains on them. After untied and put them in the fourteenth pose, he took the long sword with one hand and said.

As the voice fell, Chen Qiang directly swung the long knife in his hand, hoping to solve the three Celestial Dragons with a single blow.

It’s just that Kizaru’s speed is really fast. When Chen Qiang wielded a long knife, he understood what the other party meant. It turned into rays of light and blocked Chen Qiang’s face, and he also appeared in his hand. A long sword composed of light blocked Chen Qiang’s this blade.

“Brat, have you been kicked by the light?”

Kizaru, who blocked Chen Qiang’s attack, still asked Chen Qiang in his at a moderate pace tone.

“Kicked! Did you forget, Admiral Kizaru, I was beaten by you during the war on the top!”


Chen Qiang’s answer made Kizaru, who had already lifted his feet, felt a little dazed for a while, thinking in his heart whether he had kicked the opponent.

But it was just such a delay, Chen Qiang jumped a step behind and left Kizaru’s attack range, at the same time fiercely with a smile at the corner of his mouth clenched a fist.

“Blood is boiling!”

“Ah!” “Ah!” “Ah!”

Three mournful scream sounds, before that, Chen Qiang When Celestial Dragon was let go, a huge amount of blood burst out from the wound on his body, and he lost too much blood, and he died in Kizaru’s in front of one’s eyes.

“Undead Chen Qiang, it seems that I still underestimated you!”

Seeing such a scene, even if it is leisurely like Kizaru, I frowned. After all, this is three A Celestial Dragon, even if he was killed by Chen Qiang, he would still be held accountable here, but at least the situation was much better than before.

But now that Celestial Dragon is dead, the surrounding Marines are no longer restrained. They lifted their guns and shot at Chen Qiang.

At the same time, those peaceful Pacifistas, under the start of Sentomaru, quickly rushed towards Chen Qiang.

However, it was indeed Kizaru who came to Chen Qiang first, only to see him in rays of light flashed, he came to Chen Qiang, and then kicked Chen Qiang through the chest.

However, Chen Qiang didn’t care at all for those bullets that had been kicked through his body, still maintaining his smile on his face.

At the same time, the Scarlet Hell in his hand draws a gorgeous red blade light in the air and slashes it directly on Kizaru’s body. But when the blade light hits him, his body is already elemental. transformation.

But after all, Yan King Keshi in Chen Qiang’s hand is a fusion of Kairoski’s, and Chen Qiang also deliberately filled his arms with bloody energy, so this blade is fast.

Kizaru didn’t have time to spread the elemental body, leaving a small hole in his chest.

“Kairoseki weapon? Interesting!”

After being injured, Kizaru left Chen Qiang’s attack range with a hint, and then almost took a look at the small wound on his chest, if not At that time, his reaction was quick. When he found that the weapon in the opponent’s hand was not right, he scattered the elements, maybe the wound would be even bigger.

That is, when Kizaru was looking at his mountain pass, the peaceful Pacifista who rushed over also came in front of Chen Qiang, and then launched an attack on Chen Qiang.

For the attacks of these robots, Chen Qiang not at all defended, letting their attacks fall on him directly, and then with the help of these attacks, he left the Auction House directly and went outside.

“Do you want to escape? No! If you let you escape like this, I will be very difficult to explain!”

It’s just that Chen Qiang just left Auction House, in the direction he was heading, Kizaru didn’t know when he was stuck there.

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