After finishing all this, Chen Qiang put the Hades in the sea, and then called Parker.

Soon a submarine appeared in front of Chen Qiang, whether it was in the water or not, it quickly opened it, let Chen Qiang enter it, and at the same time discharged the seawater in it, quickly Disappeared in the Sabaody Archipelago, and drove towards where Lin and the others were.


However, Chen Qiang’s retreat was very smooth, and Parker’s rescue operation was considered good, but there was an unexpected situation on Lin’s side.

After Lin left with the Revolutionary Army’s ship, just an hour later, she arrived on a nearby island, and Lin got off the ship, ready to wait here for Chen Qiang and the others to pick her up.

Only when Lin got off the ship, Hulk didn’t care what Lin said, just to be with her, and to protect Lin, for Hulk, in Lin’s view, the other party was powerful. Now that I want to follow myself, just let him follow. I didn’t think about that many.

at worst when the time comes, talk to Chen Qiang about the Hulk, maybe Chen Qiang is willing to add such a powerful battle strength to the ship.

So there was no entanglement, Lin took Hulk off the boat, but what they didn’t know was that after they got off the boat.

When Lin appeared in Sabaody Archipelago before, she was discovered by the cp3 troops who were always watching over there. It was just because there were too many people on Lin’s side, not at all, but Follow them carefully, not at all let them discover.

After all, no matter what tasks they are mainly responsible for, the CP organization will first pass unique intelligence training. Therefore, in the lurking area, there are no troops in this world that can catch up with them.

So after following the Revolutionary Army, they were not found, until they saw Lynn disembarking with the big man, they carefully avoided the Revolutionary Army ships that left and injured the island. .

Cautiously lurking, touched the place where Lin and the others were, and in the process, they took out their weapons one after another and quickly approached.

And at this time, Lin and Huoke were indeed sitting on the beach together, chatting with each other, waiting for Chen Qiang’s arrival.

“Hulk! After we meet Brother Qiang, I will recommend you to him and let you join us! When the time comes, they will also become your friends!”

Lin, who was sitting on a rock, said to Hulk with a smile while shaking her short legs.

“Okay! I just don’t know if they dislike Hulk.”

Heard Lin said that he was going to introduce him to friends, Hulk was of course very happy, but He quickly thought of the children in the village who didn’t like him, which made his mood a little bit depressed.

“How come! Brother Qiang is so good to talk, and he loves to laugh very much, and he often puts everyone on his lips as equals, and he will definitely be friends with you! There is also Parker, although he has been studying Things, but he is also very talkative, basically will not refuse other people’s requests!”


“Of course, I won’t lie!”

“Very good! Hulk is going to have friends again!”

Hearing Lin’s affirmation, Hulk jumped up from the ground and cheered happily.

Seeing Hulk like this, Lin also smiled from the bottom of her heart.

Only at this time, those cp3 members who have come behind them long ago and are waiting for the opportunity, also at this time, quickly rushed out of the hidden place.

Some people rushed towards Lin and wanted to catch her directly, while the other part attacked Hulk directly.


Those who attacked like Hulk, not at all hurt each other, but instead quickly rebounded after their attack fell on Hulk. When I went back, I was forced by my own strength to fly out at a faster speed than when I first came.

“Bad guys, why do you want to fight Hulk!”

After rebounding the attack, Hulk looked at those who flew out with dissatisfaction, and also saw Those guys who rushed towards Lin quickly lifted the iron ball on the ground and fell towards those people.

“You are not allowed to hurt you, Hulk’s friend!”

The huge iron ball flew over, causing these cp3 members who put their eyes on Lin to be greatly affected. If it weren’t for Tekkai’s instinct, it might have been smashed by the iron ball.

But even so, they felt a sensation of internal organ displacement, and a big mouthful of blood came out of their mouths.

It was at this time that Lin realized that she was attacked. After all, she was a child in a small village. She had only experienced a Copperfield battle. The experience of the battle was still too much. It’s less, so not at all reacts immediately.

If Hulk over there was not the first to be attacked and reacted to help her, maybe Lin had been caught before she could react.

“You bad guys get out, Hulk won’t let you hurt your friends!”

When Lin reacted, Hulk ran to Lin’s side, and then He grabbed Lin with his hands and placed it on his shoulders, and at the same time retracted the huge iron ball, looking at the masked CP3 members very fiercely.

Lin, who was put on her shoulders at this time, also started her action. After all, she signed a contract with Chen Qiang and has the bonus of the opponent’s physique. Her strength is still very strong, but she has little combat experience. Just a few.

So after reacting, purple rays of light flew out of her hand and quickly wrapped these cp3 members in it.

But these cp3 members are indeed very strong, and there are only ten people in total, but Lin’s contract can only affect half of the people.

This shows that at least half of these people are at the same level as Lin, or one level higher than Lin.

But that’s enough. With five people who can do the backing, Lin’s safety is already guaranteed. With the powerful battle strength that Hulk has just shown, these people can’t help them at all.

“It’s really a bunch of trash, even a small sneak attack can’t be completed!”

But just when Lin thought that the battle was tenable, the voice of a lesson appeared. Behind those people, two white clothed men with cp printed on them appeared here.

But these two people, you can see that they are different from the other sneak attackers. After all, the people who just attacked the sneak attack have white uniforms on them, but they don’t have any text. There is the existence of words on the body.

In addition, the tone of the person just now is obviously the tone of the superior instructing the subordinate, which confirms that the status of these two people must be higher.

And One Piece World, if you want to climb to a higher position, you must be strong, otherwise you simply cannot rise to a higher position.

So when the two appeared, Lin’s already somewhat relaxed face revealed a touch of solemnity again.

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