After the cp3 members evacuated here, Hulk and Lin did not chase it out. After all, neither Lin nor Hulk were good at speed, so they gave up. The pursuit.

“Lin! You are so amazing!”

After being completely safe, Hulk took Lin off his shoulder and touched his own. The wound healed, Hulk looked at Lin with some admiration and said.

“No pull! Hulk is also very difficult to deal with! One person defeated them!”

For Hulk’s straightforward praise, Lin blushed and was humble. Answered one sentence, and then praised Hulk.

“en! Hulk is very strong, Hulk can definitely protect Lin!”

For Lin’s praise, Hulk smirked and touched his head, accepting calmly , And said seriously at the same time.

In this way, after the two ran away the cp3 members, they started to chat at the beach, but this time Lin was really careful. When chatting, they also deliberately guarded against those cp3 members The sneak attack again.

Ten minutes later, Lin not at all waited for another cp3 attack, but waited for the submarine driven by Chen Qiang and Parker, and came out of the sea toward here.

“Hulk! Look, Brother Qiang, they are here!”

When I saw this submarine, Lin immediately recognized this submarine as they were going to Sabaody Archipelago. At that time, the one that drove, so happily stood up, waved to the submarine, and explained to Hulk at the same time.

“New friends?”

After Hulk heard Lin’s words, he was also a little excited, but in his excited eyes, there was a trace of fear in it.

It seems to be afraid that the other party will not want to be a friend of himself. When the time comes, he doesn’t know what to do. After all, the children in the village are not willing to be friends with themselves.

“Don’t worry about pulling! They will definitely be friends with Hulk!”

Like Hulk, all emotions are shown on the face, even if you don’t know how to look at the eyes Lin could see through what he was thinking at a glance, so she smiled and said with relief.

Although Lin’s comfort has reduced the anxiety on Hulk’s face a lot, there is still a little bit of anxiety.

Fortunately, Chen Qiang also found Lin at this time. They drove the submarine directly and came here. It was only one minute. Chen Qiang and Parker came out of the submarine together and came to Lin’s. before.

“Brother Qiang!”

The moment Chen Qiang appeared, Lin swooped directly into Chen Qiang’s arms, and then hugged Chen Qiang’s Waist up, not coming down.

And Hulk, when they saw Chen Qiang coming over, they were very nervous for a while and didn’t know what to do, so they stupidly touched their heads, and they showed a naive look towards Chen Qiang. Smirk.

“Come on! I met new friends, don’t you introduce us to it?”

For Lin who was throwing herself on her body, Chen Qiang touched her pamperingly At the same time, the other party’s head also noticed the Hulk who was smirking there. Chen Qiang reluctantly pulled Lin away from him, then gestured to Hulk on one side, and said towards him.

“Oh! This is Hulk. I have worked hard at the training base. He is very strong. I want him to go to sea with us. What do you think?”

“Of course no problem!”

As for Lin, Chen Qiang not at all retorted. After all, Lin is also a crew member on her own ship, so she will definitely not harm her interests on the ship. Since she is someone she recognizes, Of course Chen Qiang will not object.

“Hello, Hulk, I am Chen Qiang, I heard Lin say you want to join us? Then I am here to welcome you on behalf of all the crew!”

I comforted Lin for a while Afterwards, Chen Qiang came to Hulk with a smile, and then stretched out his hand to the other side.

“Well! Lin said that you will make friends with Hulk for a reason, and Hulk is willing to be your friends!”

Although some don’t understand what Chen Qiang meant, However, Hulk still understands this point when he sees the other party’s outstretched hand, that is, he is willing to be friends with himself. A silly smile appeared on Hulk’s face again, and he stretched out his hand and shook Chen Qiang’s hand. .

“Hello Hulk! I am Parker, the boatman on the ship, welcome you to join!”

At this time, Parker also came over. It was a little stiff due to mechanical reasons. On his face, he also pulled out a weird smile with difficulty, stretched out his hand, and released his kindness towards Hulk.

Seeing Parker who came to him, he also stretched out his hand. Hulk was reluctant to let go of Chen Qiang’s hand, but he quickly stretched out his other hand, thinking about Parker’s Hold it.

It’s just because the hand is reversed, no matter how Hulk turns his hand, it seems that he can’t go with the opponent’s hand, so I feel a little anxious.

But seeing Hulk like this, Parker also understood what was going on, so he naturally changed his hand and stretched out, holding Hulk together.

Seeing Hulk’s somewhat embarrassed look, Chen Qiang laughed, and at the same time Lin, who had just arrived, and Parker on the other side also showed a kind smile.

Everyone laughed, Hulk didn’t understand why they laughed, but this didn’t prevent him from making two new friends and laughing together.

For a time, a voice of laughter rang out on this small island.

“Brother Qiang, let me tell you! Hulk is really difficult to deal with. Just when we came to the island, we met a group of people attacking us, and he took those people alone. It’s beaten away!”

After everyone was down for a while, Lin Zai said to Chen Qiang.

“Oh? Have you encountered an attack?”

“en! It’s a group of guys in white clothed suits and masks, about a dozen people! There are also two with The words cp!”

“Members of the cp organization? How could they attack you?”

Hearing Lin’s words, Chen Qiang was a little puzzled, but he soon thought of the original work in Ke When Biffel, when Toby called for support, it seemed that the little girl was mentioned.

I didn’t pay attention before, but according to the current situation, the little girl should be Lin, but I don’t know why they want to catch Lin. Chen Qiang has not figured this out.

“Don’t worry about who attacked us, look at these places around you, but they were all left behind when Hulk fought! It’s amazing!”

See you When Chen Qiang focused on the person who attacked them, isn’t this a departure from her subject, so Lin interrupted Chen Qiang’s thinking again, and then pointed to the nearby opposite side that was smashed into pits and pits. Chen Qiang recommends Hulk’s battle strength.

“Well! Hulk is really amazing!”

When Lin was interrupted like this, Chen Qiang didn’t think about the reason. After all, even if he wanted to break his head here, He must have figured it out, so he looked in the direction Lin pointed and saw those huge potholes. After looking at the huge iron ball next to Hulk, Chen Qiang couldn’t help but patted Hulk’s thick arms and praised him. Said.

Hulk was also very happy for Chen Qiang’s praise, touching his head, showing a signature smirk.

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