Just in all influence, when Chen Qiang killed Celestial Dragon and completely destroyed Sabaody Archipelago area 1, he made various reactions. Chen Qiang was with Parker. Designing the ships they will use when they sail.

At the same time, Harry’s small island has been lurking under the sea, driving in one direction, and their destination is the daughter island in the Calm Belt, where Pirate Empress Hancock is located. .

As for why I went there, it was just for the Haki cultivation method there, and Chen Qiang believes that there is a relationship with Luffy, plus his own killing of Celestial Dragon, it should be exchanged from the other party. Their unique Haki cultivation method.

I have to talk about it. In this world, many people in New World are using Haki, but their cultivation method is different. Without cultivation Haki, the method is different. Yes, the effect is also slightly different, and it is these subtle differences that may be a possibility of winning at a critical time.

Haki’s cultivation method, Chen Qiang also got a copy from Sabo before. It’s just that kind of cultivation method, Chen Qiang is not satisfied, because that kind of cultivation method is determined by physical fitness, etc. After reaching a certain level of physical fitness, you can get Busoshoku Haki by following the above methods.

This is obviously not what Chen Qiang wants. What he needs is the kind on Daughter Island, which can be cultivated regardless of your physical fitness. No matter what your physical fitness is, you can cultivation. And can be applied slightly.

This kind of cultivation method, power and so on, is definitely related to physical fitness, but it doesn’t matter. This cultivation method itself is for Lin, so that she can cultivation even if her physical fitness is not up to standard. Haki, so as not to fight against the powerful fruit ability later, there is no way to take the opponent.

Chen Qiang’s real purpose is to teach Luffy’s Dark King Rayleigh on the small island next to Daughter Island. He wants to ask him how to use energy.

Actually speaking, Chen Qiang’s physical fitness, in fact, the Haki method given by the cultivation Sabo should actually be able to use Haki, but the fact is that no matter how Chen Qiang is cultivating, he cannot use Haki.

For this situation, Chen Qiang also has some speculations, that is, he should have a certain amount of blood energy within the body, and he has a certain rejection of Haki ability, or that Haki is actually a kind of energy. Skills.

As for whether this is the case, Chen Qiang cannot guarantee. Since it cannot be guaranteed, of course it is to find a Haki expert to understand the situation, so Chen Qiang puts his eyes on Rayleigh’s body and wants to learn from the other person. There is no doubt.

Of course, these are all things that will be done later. The most important thing for Chen Qiang now is to design the boats they will use in the future with Parker.

“Parker, I think our ship can be made entirely of steel, and then integrated with a transformation function. When fighting, you will directly control our ship transformation and battle.”

In Parker’s exclusive research room on the island, Parker is drawing blueprints while Chen Qiang is also standing aside, telling Parker some of his design ideas.

As for why Chen Qiang had such an idea, not only did Chen Qiang like Mecha very much when he was in the world, but also because when he made weapons with Xiaoha, Parker actually used his own words , Designed a small combat armor.

When Chen Qiang saw the armor, he felt like he had seen a ghost. Although it has been known that One Piece World has a lot of black technology, it is not so unscientific. , Even Mecha can be designed and produced within one or two days, which is simply too unscientific.

Although Mecha still has many flaws, it was an unfinished thing in Parker’s time, but in Chen Qiang’s view, it is already very powerful.

Since there is such a powerful black technology now, you might as well play a bigger one and turn the whole ship into a Mecha, just like a deformed Vajra. When not in use, it is a ship. When in use, It can become a Mecha, and think about the smallest ship that is more than ten meters long, and how big it is after being transformed. It is very exciting to think about Chen Qiang.

“Captain, the kind of ship you mentioned can indeed be made in theory, but in that case, we can’t provide energy for such a big ship!”

After hearing Chen Qiang’s advice, Parker thought for a while, and then Lifting spoke out the drawbacks of doing so.

“What did you use as energy before?”

When Parker mentioned energy, Chen Qiang almost forgot. Many mechanical launches require energy, but Soon Chen Qiang thought of Harry’s small island. It was so big, and it was the energy from there. For a while, he was a little curiously asked.

“We usually catch a fish that can discharge electricity in the sea, and then modify it biologically so that it can continuously provide electricity to our machinery! You look like this!”


I heard Chen Qiang ask, Parker had nothing to hide, he went directly to the small Mecha I designed before, then opened a small mouth, and pointed to one of them while wandering while still charging. Said the fish.

Although Chen Qiang was prepared for a long time, knowing that the energy they used must be wonderful, but when he saw that fish, Chen Qiang was still a little shocked and didn’t know what to say. .

“Okay! Is this small island also the energy provided by this fish?” After clearing up his mood, Chen Qiang continued to ask.

“This is not the case. It is a Sea King type that provides energy to this island. I heard Master say that he used to catch this Sea King type that only discharges, but it drifted in the Calm Belt. It took almost a year to find it!”

“Then why, don’t think about it, use more of these small fish to generate electricity, the more the number, the more electricity?”

After hearing Parker’s words, Chen Qiang even curiously asked. After all, Chen Qiang knew that electricity could be collected in his previous life, so I was a little confused.

“No, these fish must be kept in the water first, so that we can continue to provide electricity, but if there are too many, the water area needed will expand, and electricity simply cannot be collected, let alone It is said that this fish has a very strong offensive, even if it is of the same kind, if it breaks into his domain, it will be attacked by Dao.”

“That’s fine, but have you ever thought of changing it? How about energy supply?”

“I have thought about it. Before you came, Master and I were studying whether sea water could be converted into a source of energy. Unfortunately, the study has not been successful yet!”

After explaining the reasons to the city wall, Parker answered some questions from Chen Qiang.

Chen Qiang also didn’t expect that his own ship encountered such a problem only in the design stage, and he didn’t know what to do for a while.

“What about the energy of the sun? Can we use it?”

After thinking about it for a long time, Chen Qiang remembered the solar energy used in his previous life, so he turned to Pakti For a moment.

“Solar energy? I haven’t tried this, but I thought about using the heat of the flame as energy before. I made this kind of machine. In the end, I gave up because there was no that many fuel. There are ways, but the flame and the sun are both heat. I should try to change it!”

After hearing a suggestion from Chen Qiang, Parker decided to try it after careful consideration. For a moment, maybe it can be done or not.

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