Originally, the empress wanted to agree directly, but thought that she hadn’t seen Luffy for a long time, so she should bring her something to eat.

So in the end not at all followed Chen Qiang and the others, but let one of his staff go up to the island and show Chen Qiang the way, while she herself returned to the island and began to prepare for Luffy. Love Bento.

On the way back, the embarrassment on the face of the empress was always there. It was obvious that something weird had been thought of again.

And Chen Qiang here has no opinion on the arrangement of the empress, as long as someone leads the way, anyway, the empress will follow along and teach Lin the cultivation method, so what is the process like? , It is not important, what is important is the result.

Soon, after the Empress’s hand landed on the island, the island continued to set off, heading towards the place where Luffy and the others were. Although the island traveled very slowly, but between the two islands It was not far from the original, and it took a long time for Chen Qiang and the others to reach the outside of this nameless island.

Just arrived here, the powerful Kenbunshoku Haki of Rayleigh on the island discovered their arrival, and took Luffy and Ace to the edge of the island, which is regarded as coming to welcome Chen Qiang and the others.

But what made Chen Qiang a little puzzled was that Harry, who should have been in the research room, studying various things, came to the edge of the island with him at this time.

“Chen Qiang! hahaha! Didn’t expect to see you so soon!”

Luffy first jumped from the island to Chen when he saw that it was Chen Qiang. In front of Qiang, he hugged Chen Qiang and said enthusiastically.

“Of course it’s coming soon! You know, I’m here specifically to find Rayleigh Old Mister this time!”

Heard Chen Qiang’s words, Luffy hasn’t felt anything yet, but just fell in Chen. Ace beside Qiang suddenly felt something was wrong.

But as long as it is not important, both Ace and Luffy have a kind of carefree personality. Although they think something is wrong, but it is useless to think that many, so I threw away what was wrong just now. In my mind, the smile on his face appeared again, and then he patted Chen Qiang with his remaining arm.

After all, Chen Qiang saved him from death. Such a person, anyway, Ace is impossible and disgusted.

“Harry, you Old Guy, you really are not dead!”

And here Rayleigh also jumped over, but he did not at all come to Chen Qiang’s side, and He walked towards Harry with a smile, then looked at Harry and said.

“You this bastard didn’t die, how could I die so easily!”

Hearing Rayleigh’s words, Harry replied with dissatisfaction, and then the two of them Looking at each other like this, I don’t know how long I looked at each other.

When Chen Qiang, Luffy, and Ace came over, the two suddenly looked at Issho, and then fiercely hugged each other.

“I’m old! I didn’t expect to see you as a fellow. It’s really surprising!”

“Who said no? If I didn’t hear Chen Qiang Brat said that the person he was looking for was you, and I thought you were dead!”

“hahaha! Let’s go and drink!”

The two lost a lot of each other this time. After the sentence, I laughed heartily again.

After that, Chen Qiang introduced Lin and Hulk to Luffy and Ace and Rayleigh and they knew each other. Later, at Harry’s request, after taking Parker out of the laboratory, Rayleigh cited As everyone went to the island.

In the joyful atmosphere, everyone had a good game barbecue, and then Chen Qiang found Rayleigh alone, and asked each other about Way of Sword and Haki’s knowledge.

I learned a lot of Haki’s use skills from the other party. Chen Qiang also tried it with blood energy according to the other party’s method. Although the energy is different, the restraint of the fruit ability is much weaker. But the effect of improving defense and attack still exists.

This made Chen Qiang very happy. After all, his weapon itself was made by Kairosaki, and he has an innate restraint on Devil Fruit’s ability, so it doesn’t matter if the energy restraint is weakened.

The main thing is the protection ability. Chen Qiang didn’t want to meet an expert and so on when he would cut off his sword directly. In that case, some of the gains would not be worth the loss.

So in the application of energy, Chen Qiang can barely achieve the ability to improve his own defense, but in Way of Sword, Chen Qiang is indeed a bit awkward.

Chen Qiang showed off the skills of using Sword Art in front of Rayleigh. Rayleigh bluntly said that he has nothing to teach him. What he now has is not skills, not strength and so on, but What is lacking is the perception of Way of Sword. As long as Chen Qiang realizes it, he will be able to advance on the Way of Sword and become a real swordsman. If not, then it will be impossible.

Moreover, in order to experience the strength of the swordsman more directly, Chen Qiang specially let Rayleigh slash on himself so that he could face the strength of the swordsman and realize the difference.

After knowing Chen Qiang’s abilities, Rayleigh did not refuse, and took Chen Qiang directly to the beach, then let Chen Qiang face the sea, and then cut Chen Qiang away with a sword, even The sea behind was cut in half by this powerful sword intent, and he recovered after a few breaths.

Chen Qiang, who faced this sword directly, did feel something from it, but always felt that it was almost something, so he never understood or understood how that kind of slash appeared.

However, there is really no explanation for these Rayleigh. After all, it is late at night from the end of the banquet. The others are now asleep, and he needs to rest.

Adding these things is that what you need to comprehend is your own way. What other people teach can always be used as a reference, and you can’t fully learn from others, otherwise the other person’s future road to powerhouse There will be a lot of restrictions.

And Chen Qiang did stay directly on the beach, looking at the sea surging forward with great momentum, thinking about it all night, and wanting to understand where he was missing.

Unfortunately, some things are that the more anxious you are, the less he can solve it. Chen Qiang is in such a state now, so the night passed. Luffy and Ace were trained by Rayleigh this time. At that time, Chen Qiang was still sitting on the beach thinking about what his Tao was.

However, Chen Qiang did not give up after thinking about it. He just gave up thinking about it by himself. Instead, he was going to see Luffy and their training. Maybe he could understand anything from it. Of course, the most important thing is that Chen Qiang has something to tell Ace and Luffy.

And this morning, the empress also came here and brought Luffy a lot of food, and at the same time began to teach Lin.

Harry and Parker, the master and disciple and Parker’s elder sister, returned to the ship and began to continue their research.

I have to say that Parker’s elder sister is no less talented in scientific research than Parker. During the time he was rescued, Harry took her directly into the discipline and began to teach seriously. , So now it can be said that the three of them are all addicted to the ocean of knowledge, unable to extricate themselves.

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