Just when Chen Qiang and the others were in their dreams, they had been monitoring Lin’s CP3 organization in the vicinity of the island. At this time, they also discovered their movements, and started to follow. Behind them.

Although they are still following behind, they are not in a hurry. Although they are no longer by Rayleigh at this time, Chen Qiang is still there, not to mention that they saw it during the day. That huge robot.

So for action and so on, they are not at all sure, and they will not choose to act at this time.

Only when they were following, they notified the Marine where Chen Qiang and the others were going. I believe Marine would be waiting for them when it came to Sabaody Archipelago.

When the time comes, when Chen Qiang and the robot are restrained, it is the time for them to take action.


Soon the whole night passed in peace.

When the sun jumped out of the sea again and let this World regain its light, Chen Qiang also woke up in a daze.

Chen Qiang, who just woke up, did feel that something was holding his neck to death, and for a while he felt a little difficult to breathe.

In a daze, he flung the thing on his neck aside with his hands.


The sound of a heavy object falling, followed by a clear cry of pain, made Chen Qiang who was still a little confused. He woke up, and then looked towards the place where he had just cried out.

I saw that Chen Qiang was thrown to the ground at this time, and Lin, who fell to her head, also got up from the ground.

“Lin? Why are you here?” Seeing Lin’s silhouette, Chen Qiang quickly opened his quilt. After seeing the clothes not at all inside, he was a little relieved, and then a little bit more relieved. Silently glanced at the other party, and asked him.

“Brother Qiang!”

At this time, Lin also realized that she was discovered. Originally, she was going to return to her room before Chen Qiang woke up. Blame Chen Qiang’s arms were so warm, he overslept in one fell swoop and was caught by Chen Qiang, so Lin lowered her head at this time.

There is still a grievance expression on her face, coupled with her petite body and Little Loli’s cute face, like a child who has made a mistake, waiting for the adult’s punishment.

“Let’s talk about it! What is going on?” Seeing Lin like this, Chen Qiang wanted to say and so on, but his heart softened, and then helplessly asked the other party.

“People…do you just want to sleep with Brother Qiang?”

“Sleep together? You are not a child anymore, you are sixteen years old. Don’t you understand the relationship between men and women?” Hearing Lin’s answer, Chen Qiang was speechless.

“But people just want it!” Lin lowered her head and blushed and said in a low voice.

Seeing Lin like this, Chen Qiang also shook his head helplessly, then thought of something, and asked Lin this time: “Is it because of the contract signed at that time?”

Hearing Chen Qiang’s words, Lin, who was still bowing her head, raised her head all of a sudden, and then looked at Chen Qiang speechless with surprise on her face.

“Is it really a contractual relationship? When you asked me to sign a contract with Parker and Hulk before, I found out that the contract with them seems to be different from yours. Now look Your performance, it seems that my guess is not wrong!”

“Tell me, what is going on?”

Seeing Lin’s expression, Chen Qiang also I understood that my guess was not at all wrong, touched my head speechlessly, and then asked Lin what was going on.

“There are indeed two kinds of contracts. The contract I signed with Parker before was an equality contract, and the contract I signed with Brother Qiang before was indeed a symbiosis contract. I don’t know very well, I’m afraid you’ll have an accident, so I signed this contract with you. If one party dies, the soul will be inherited from the other person. In this way, even if there is an accident, you will not really die! “

“But I can guarantee that, except for this one, there will be no difference in other feelings. As for me, I ran into your room before, just because people really like you. !”

Lin explained to Chen Qiang what the previous contract was about, but when talking about running into the room later, Lin lowered her head again, and her voice became more and more. Xiao, at the same time, her entire face was completely red, and even a puff of smoke came out of her head.


To tell the truth, Chen Qiang has been a mother-to-fetus solo from his previous life to the present, and simply has never had a girlfriend and so on. Let alone being confessed by a girl, Chen Qiang’s face turned a little red because of all the sudden whitening, and he opened his mouth to say something, but for a moment did he know what to say.

“I’m leaving now!” Okay at this time Lin was also completely afraid of not looking at Che Qiang because of her bold performance just now. She even saw Chen Qiang open her mouth and wanted to say and so When on, he ran out of Chen Qiang’s room in a hurry.

“Someone likes me. It feels really good. It’s just that Lin looks too young, she can’t handle it at all!”

Run out in Lin After the room, Chen Qiang stiffened for a long time. When he reacted, he was already calling for dinner. He looked at the place where Lin had slept next to him, and Chen Qiang also smiled.

However, thinking of Lin’s current appearance, the expression on Chen Qiang’s face became a bit tangled. After all, he was not a lolicon and so on, although Lin said he was 16 years old, no It’s a loli, but 16-year-old is also a minor in Chen Qiang’s eyes.

But she still looks like a loli, so Chen Qiang sat on the bed again for a while and got tangled.

During the time when I rushed to Sabaody Archipelago, Chen Qiang and Lin often met. After all, there were only four people on the boat, and it was difficult not to meet each other.

When we met later, the two of them didn’t mention the previous things, but the relationship between the two people who said the meaning seemed to be a step closer, becoming more intimate.

After that, Chen Qiang no longer thinks about the previous things, he just wants to let things go as they go. Anyway, 16 years old is still very young, and what happens is to wait for the other party to be at least 18 years old. I’m saying no when I’m officially grown up.

After figuring this out, Chen Qiang put the matter down, and then everyday all came to the boat and started fishing. On the one hand, he provided food on the boat, and on the other hand, he was ready to hone. Own state of mind.

I don’t know how many battles are waiting for me. When I realized Haki before, my spirit was sublimated and I was able to cut out my own slash, but this is the case. ‘S strength is far from enough, it needs to be stronger.

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