The new world has completely become a place of power competition.

Soon after that, the members of the Rocks Pirates also began to show their talents.

The Golden Lion, who is now known as the Admiral of the Flying Pirates, Charlotte Linlin of the BigMon Pirates, Whitebeard... these big pirates have risen in the New World and become a headache for the Navy.

However, there are also many frictions between them, which also relieves some pressure for the Navy.

It can be said that the stage of the New World is now almost completely occupied by the remnants of Rocks. Of course, this is not absolute. In addition to these people, there are also people like Redfield, Bondi Wald and the most important future Pirate King Roger.

Roger's reputation in the world is not very loud now, it can only be said that he has a little reputation, but in fact, all the navy and pirates who participated in the battle of God Valley have a deep impression of him.

If it weren't for this person, Rocks might not have been defeated so quickly.

However, Roger is different from other pirate forces that continue to recruit troops. He is not interested in these. In fact, he is still looking for the real end of the Grand Line.

Now he has a little clue, but he has not yet focused on the historical text, and even if he has noticed the historical text, he has no way to interpret them.

Before the scholars of Ohara began to study the blank hundred years, the only people in the world who could recognize these words were the Kozuki clan.

Thinking of this, Xia Lin put down the newspaper brought back from overseas.

"Now that Kozuki Oden has gone to sea in advance, can Roger still become the Pirate King?" He couldn't help but think that if Roger hadn't met Kozuki Oden on the sea, then perhaps he would not be able to become the Pirate King.

Given Roger's physical condition, he couldn't wait for the O'Hara scholars to come up with results.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter at all. After all, Roger is just an unlucky guy who didn't eat the Nika fruit." Xia Lin shook his head and stopped thinking about it. He never liked the arranged fate, so he lost interest in the great secret treasure.

"The bounty for Shutenmaru has increased again." Yukiko looked through the bounty list. On the latest bounty list, Shutenmaru also became a bounty target, with a bounty of 390 million Baileys.

"I heard that he had a conflict with a follower of the Golden Lion before." Xia Lin explained, "It was probably because of the flag that he was recognized."

In addition to Shutenmaru, several retainers of Kozuki Oden also had their own bounties, but they were only tens of millions of Baileys. Now they are wandering around the paradise. I heard from the sailors on the ship that Kozuki Oden seemed to be planning to travel all seven routes of the paradise.

Xia Lin's bounty has also increased a bit during this period, reaching 2.5 billion.

The last time he appeared overseas was during the battle of God Valley, but he only took Buggy away from the battlefield, and only a few people noticed him.

The fundamental reason for the increase in bounty during this period is still the development of Shutenmaru and others. The name of "Inazuma" has gradually become louder overseas. Coupled with good players like Kozuki Oden and Shutenmaru, he has become the leader of a huge force in the eyes of the government, and his influence has exceeded that of ordinary pirates.

But in fact, it is indeed the case.

Later in the day, Xia Lin continued to try to receive the vampire fruit.

To be honest, the progress of receiving is much faster than he expected, but the door-door fruit is very difficult. The battle with the vampire soul is essentially a collision of strength, but the battle with the soul of the door-door fruit makes Xia Lin a little confused.

At this moment, the space he was in was a dark space. The vast land was printed with thunder patterns and magatama. On the border of the land, red torii stood tall, looking like a pure land.

"Is the torii also a door?"

Xia Lin sighed. There was nothing in this world except these things. His consciousness passed through layers of torii and finally left the consciousness space.

He now felt the difficulty of the superhuman fruit. What he had to face was not only the door itself, but also the concept of the door, and the space behind the door.


No matter what the outside world is like, at least the country of Wano is still very peaceful now.

Everything in Jiuli

The booming and constantly exported weapons have become the main source of overseas economy. After seeing the two big swords, Xia Lin has more ideas.

The best weapons in this world are the Twelve Works of Supreme Great Business. Unlike the good swords that increase or decrease year by year, the number of Supreme Great Swords has not changed for many years.

Some of these weapons are spread in the sea, but most of them are still missing.

The third generation of Kitetsu was destroyed when he released lightning with all his strength, and he got two big swords, which made Xia Lin have a lot of expectations for the Supreme Great Sword. After completing the transaction with Shimotsuki Ushimaru yesterday, he asked the other party for a lot of swordsmiths and some sword forging techniques. Now Jiuli's sword forging industry is very prosperous.

Inazuma had the Five Thunder Transmissions in the past, and now Xia Lin also wants to get one of the Five Thunder Transmissions, among which Shimotsuki Ushimaru is one of his favorites.

"Tenmoku, Isshin, Jingjin, Senju, Hyakumoku..."

The surnames don't have to be exactly the same, but at least they have to be able to forge a great sword to be qualified to be one of the five.

"Maybe I can forge a supreme great sword, or even... a weapon that surpasses the supreme great sword." Xia Lin thought, this is not impossible. The most suitable iron ore for forging Inazuma is sake iron ore, but what if the properties of sake iron ore can be changed to make it more precious?

The top-grade materials and the best craftsmanship may really be able to create extraordinary weapons.

Xia Lin is looking forward to the emergence of some weapons that are qualified to be named "Mist Cutting Return Light", "Thin Edge Manmu Tenko", "Ha Ran Yue Bai Jingjin" and so on.

After all, it is the name of a five-star weapon, at least it must be a supreme great sword to be worthy of it.

Among them, Thin Edge Manmu Tenko is the real fight of Tenmoku Kage Tachi.

But let alone the supreme sword Ouan, even if it is just a sword, it is not so easy to forge it.

Fortunately, the swords of "average" quality will be exported. Given the overseas situation, there is no need to worry about the weapons being unsalable. As for more advanced weapons, they can only be studied in the laboratory.

The newly established laboratory was temporarily moved to Arpaiado, where there are no people and Tevarin's protection, which is a very good testing ground.

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