The ship was so big that it was difficult to see the ship.

"What a big ship." Xue Zi couldn't help but sigh as she followed Xia Lin on the deck.

Although she had seen the size of the Death Star from a distance before boarding the ship, she was more impressed by the size of the ship when she actually walked on the deck.

However, in fact, the size of the Death Star is not ranked among the top ships overseas. Let alone island-level ships like the Horror Three Ghosts or the Golden City, even ordinary pirate ships are huge.

The people in this world have all kinds of strange figures. Even if they are not giants, there are many monsters with a height of more than ten meters. In this case, the size of the ship is generally large.

The Death Star is 260 meters long, 26 meters wide, and weighs 40,000 tons. This ship was originally designed as a sailing ship when it was built, but later due to the research on Pluto, the entire ship was extensively modified. Although it still retains three masts, the main power has been replaced by electricity.

With the research on Pluto and the one-eyed little treasure, Xia Lin's technology has far surpassed this era. It may be a bit exaggerated to say that it has been five hundred years, but this Death Star is indeed full of modern atmosphere.

A huge electric crystal is installed in the power room-the kind of gem that is full of lightning elements but very inert is eventually called an electric crystal. The huge electric crystal can continuously provide power for the ship.

The attack weapons on the ship are not lead shells, but energy shocks that are the same as the energy released in the core of the one-eyed little treasure.

The bottom of the hull refers to the technology of the navy, and the powder of seastone is mixed to simulate the fluctuations of the sea to reduce the possibility of being attacked by the sea king. In addition to the living room, it is also equipped with a soldier dock system like the Sunny.

Whether it is a submarine or a small speedboat, everything is available.

In addition to these, there is a special floor for placing war machines. This time, the Death Star was loaded with 100 relic guards, which were modified from the original "tillage machine".

Although it still does not have much intelligence, it has formed a fixed attack mode and can barely distinguish between enemies and friends.

A lot of information is recorded in the core of these relic guards. Through the comparison of these information, it can roughly attack the enemy. However, due to insufficient intelligence, it is impossible to conduct autonomous analysis and obey flexible instructions. It can only be directly deployed into the enemy's battlefield in large-scale wars. That's why it is called a war machine.

However, Xia Lin will not be satisfied with this level. These machines are much inferior to pacifists, let alone Seraphim.

Xuezi stood at the bow and blew the sea breeze. The fishy sea breeze blew her soft hair. The sound of the waves came and went. It would feel a bit monotonous to just look at the sea. However, although Xuezi did not see the scenery that Jasmine had mentioned before, she felt open-minded at this time.


When Xia Lin and Yukiko were looking at the sea on the deck, they suddenly heard Yayoi’s angry roar.

“July?” Yukiko was stunned for a moment. July was Yayoi’s sister. Before, Yayoi obeyed those gangsters because July was controlled.

“It seems that a disobedient child has followed us secretly.” Xia Lin laughed. He released his observation Haki and detected the breath of Yayoi and July in the warehouse of the Death Star.

There were hundreds of sailors on the Death Star alone. A strength like July was very inconspicuous among them. Unless Xia Lin was in a state of fully receiving the Lightning Soul and took the initiative to open the heart network, it would be possible to accurately capture everyone’s thoughts.

But he was not as boring as Enelu.

“Why did she follow us? Didn’t you plant the Great Snake Seal on her?” Yukiko asked curiously.

"The seal of the snake only ensures her loyalty to me, but it will not change a person's entire mind." Xia Lin explained that this ability is not to turn someone into a puppet. Different people think differently and sometimes make different judgments.

"Let's go and have a look."

Xia Lin took Xue Zi to that side and saw from a distance that Yayoi was scolding a girl who looked very similar to her with an angry face.

July and Yayoi are not twins. July is a few years younger than Yayoi, but the two are almost cut from the same mold. At this time, facing Yayoi

July lowered her head stubbornly with a pursed mouth.

"July! Why did you hide on the ship secretly? Do you know how dangerous it is? The enemies overseas are much stronger than those gangsters. What if you get hurt? This time, Master Xia Lin didn't go out to sea for fun!" Yayoi had a stern face. What she was most worried about was the safety of her sister. If Ayame hadn't contacted her with a Den Den Mushi and said that July was missing, she didn't know how long this guy would hide in the cabin.

However, Yayoi's serious look always made Xia Lin feel like she was an old mother.

But it's no wonder. Yayoi's family used to be a samurai family. Later, the family fell into decline, and only the sisters were left to depend on each other. It is very likely that July has long become the pillar of Yayoi's life.

"But...but, since it is so dangerous, I will also worry about my sister..." July said in a low voice with her head down.

This sentence made Yayoi, who was originally full of anger, extinguish the fire all of a sudden. She bit her lips and looked like she was about to cry. It felt like a mother who blamed her child for doing something dangerous, but was killed by the child's innocent heart in return.

Yayoi's tone softened suddenly.

"Forget it, it's not realistic to return now. You have to be honest now and don't make trouble. I'll take you to see Lord Xia Lin and tell him about this."

Hearing this, July smiled and nodded vigorously: "Yes!"

Seeing them so happy, Xia Lin and Yukiko didn't bother them.

"Lord Xia Lin, is it really okay to let July stay?" Yukiko asked. Unlike Yayoi, July didn't practice swordsmanship since childhood, and her strength was not as good as Saya. Yukiko was worried that it would be too dangerous for her to stay.

Although they were controlled by the Great Snake Seal, Yukiko didn't regard them as consumables.

"It doesn't matter. Yayoi has good talent. Qiyue should have the same talent. I'll train her when I'm free." Xia Lin thought, and then said, "Oh, let her become a Fatui."

"Let her become a Fatui?" Yukiko opened her mouth in surprise.

She knew a lot of Xia Lin's plans, but most of them had not yet taken shape. Fatui was just one of them.

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