The two sides have been in a state of chaos, and the two sides have been in a state of chaos.

Yayoi and Nanatsuki have both become demons, and naturally have become part of the Hundred Demons. People who join the Hundred Demons will automatically get a title, which is related to their abilities.

Now Nanatsuki's code name is "Dragon Demon" and Yayoi's code name is "Raven".

"Originally, they were supposed to become members of the Faints, but they ended up becoming the Hundred Demons." Yukiko smiled.

"This is not a conflict. The Hundred Demons were originally trained as mid-level combat forces and are part of the Faints' advance team." Xia Lin said. The chief officer of the Faints naturally needs subordinates, and these demons of the Hundred Demons are just right.

The status of the Hundred Demons is like the real fighters in the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

There is also a ghost king among the Hundred Demon Service, and the status of the ghost king is equivalent to the Flying Six. Xia Lin thinks that with the strength of Yayoi and Nanatsuki, it may be a bit difficult to become the chief officer of the Fatui, but it is still possible to become a ghost king.

Because of the plan to establish the Hundred Demon Service, the large number of animal-type devil fruits originally collected by Kurozumi Orochi have been put to use and have now been brought back to Xia Lin from Onigashima.

There are already 25 people in the Hundred Demon Service now, and there are still many remaining animal-type fruits. If you want to become a Hundred Demon Service, you also need to look at your strength. People without strength and potential don't waste fruits on them.

"We're almost there." Yukiko stood at the bow, and she could see the island in the distance that looked like a small black dot in her sight, and the sailors on the deck also began to get busy.

Xia Lin saw Kurozumi Muchan standing at the port waiting for him, and when the Death Star docked, he began to unload the cargo.

Hundreds of ruins guards were transported down, and these machines were not yet running. Once a war broke out, these machines were the best weapons to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers.

"Lord Xia Lin!" Kurotan Muchan came up to him tremblingly. What surprised him was that Shutenmaru was also here.

"The trading volume of weapons has been decreasing recently." Kurotan Muchan explained, "In order to deal with possible wars, we also need enough weapons and equipment on our side, and other sellers are also waiting and watching, and don't want to be involved in the struggle between Golden Lion and us."

It is precisely because of this that Shutenmaru has been relatively idle recently.

"What is the situation with Golden Lion now?"

"According to the news from the informant, Golden Lion Shiki has been expanding his power during this period, and many pirates who have just entered the New World have been recruited by him. It seems that there will be big moves."

"Does he want to be the second Rocks?" Xia Lin couldn't help thinking after hearing his news. This person is very ambitious. He has no interest in One Piece, but he is very interested in becoming the King of the World. He is a person who is very like-minded with Rocks.

But there is nothing wrong with this. Compared with the inexplicable One Piece, the King of the World is certainly more attractive.

In fact, in this era, there is no concept of Pirate King at all. It was not until Roger became the first Pirate King that Pirate King became the object of the dreams of those pirates on the sea.

However, because he found the real end of the Grand Line, he became the Pirate King. But for this achievement, it should be said that he is the Adventure King.

"Although what he did is very similar to that Rocks, the real strong people don't seem to be willing to follow him." Shutenmaru smiled.

"Of course, even Rocks was able to gather these people together because he recruited them when they were not fully grown up." Xia Lin said.

Just like Whitebeard, he was already a crew member of Rocks when he was very young, so he has been staying on Rocks' ship for so many years.

If Whitebeard at this age meets Rocks in the past, he will never get on his ship.

If Golden Lion wants to develop its power, it is impossible to recruit those old strong men, but to look at the new blood. Whether it is Rocks, Shiki or the four emperors in the future, they all pay special attention to the supernovas.

Although they seem weak and arrogant when they first enter the new world, they have the potential for development.

"They are so noisy and have so many people. It will be very troublesome if they take action. We still have a lot of time to prepare." Yukiko said, "Kurozumi Mushin, you should go back to Wano Country as soon as possible. Leave this to us."

Kurozumi Mushin nodded and prepared to find time to return.

But before that, we still have to explain everything here.


We have occupied five islands. In addition to the recruited troops, there are also many civilians on the islands. Do we want them to leave before the battle begins? "

"No, let them stay. The current situation in the sea makes it more dangerous to go out to sea." Xia Lin said, holding the map of the five islands, and then said, "Let the civilians move to the central islands and try not to let the battle affect them. I will wrap the three islands in the east, south and west with thunderstorms, and use the north island as the battlefield."

It is a helpless thing to use the islands you occupy as the battlefield. The main reason is that the enemy is the Golden Lion.

If it is an ordinary enemy, Xia Lin may have raided directly by himself, but the Golden Lion established the Flying Pirates after the fall of Rocks. The entire pirate group occupied the sky and was nowhere to be found. It is very troublesome.

"However, if a strong thunderstorm can be created, I guess even the Golden Lion will not be able to break through. "Shutenmaru said. He had never seen the strength of a great pirate like Golden Lion, but he had also seen many masters during this period. There are indeed people beyond the sea.

"Who knows? I'm afraid he will directly use the island to hit me..." Xia Lin shook his head and said something terrifying.

"Use, use the island to hit me directly?" July, who was listening on the side, was stunned. This kind of power was simply unheard of. Is it really possible to lift an entire island?

"It's not impossible. Lord Xia Lin used the cloud of the sky to realize the ability of the island of luck. That Golden Lion seems to be the ability user of the Float-Float Fruit. It must be easier in this regard. "Said Yukiko.

She has been studying the Golden Lion and other powerful beings in the sea on the Death Star for a long time.

The power to move islands, the power to shatter islands, the power to cut islands...

This is the power of the monsters in this sea!

"I'm still far away..." Yukiko sighed. She felt that her strength was indeed a little behind. But in fact, her current strength is also good at the sea.

"Speaking of this, there is something I forgot to report." Heitan Muchan seemed to suddenly remember something, and quickly turned around and turned out a snow-white fruit.

"This is the natural system-Snow Snow Fruit."

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