The fruit was eaten, but the fruit was eaten.

Xuezi felt that Xia Lin's words made sense. It was a rare opportunity to eat a devil fruit, but it would be a waste if she could only use blade attacks subconsciously. It doesn't mean that one must give up one of the fruit ability and swordsmanship. If they can complement each other to make up for the shortcomings, they may be able to improve their strength in a short time.

"Snow·Wolf Pack."

Xuezi's mind moved, and the white snow under her feet seemed to come alive, condensing into white wolves. The wolves bent their front half and then immediately rushed towards Xia Lin, like a predator that smelled blood.

Xia Lin took the initiative to meet them. These snow wolves were very fast in movement and speed, and their physical strength was far greater than that of real wolves. Their claws and fangs could tear even steel.

"Source Flow·Scorching Flying Flowers!"

Xia Lin swung his sword, and the blazing sword energy attacked the wolves like a shotgun, piercing the chests of all the wolves that were attacking him in an instant. The bodies of the wolves were instantly shattered, turning into flying snow and scattering down.

In fact, the snow wolf was not a living creature, so it would be fine even if it was pierced through the chest, but Xia Lin's move used internal destruction, and the overall structure of the snow wolf was completely destroyed in an instant.

"Source Flow·Cry!" Xia Lin then stabbed the cage fishing bottle with one heart, and the rapid sword energy burst out, making an eagle-like cry.

"Frost Curtain." Xue Zi quickly compressed the ice and snow to form a barrier. Although it was an ice and snow barrier, it had a hardness far exceeding that of steel. Swordsmen who had not reached the level of cutting iron could not even leave a mark on it.

However, Xue Zi still felt uneasy and thickened the snow wall a lot. However, she was completely overthinking. Xia Lin just wanted her to adapt to the power of the Snow Snow Fruit, and he didn't really intend to compete with her.

The flying sword energy dissipated after piercing the nearly 20-centimeter ice wall.

"Not bad, your domineering aura is not bad. You will be able to master the power of the Snow Snow Fruit soon if you get familiar with it during this period." Xia Lin said. Xue Zi has been practicing with him since he was still in Baiwu. Except for Shu Tianwan, her strength is not worse than anyone else.

Shu Tianwan is different from Xue Zi. Shu Tianwan is actually a talented player. He is the type of person whose physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people when he is born. Xue Zi was just an ordinary person at the beginning. Being able to get to this point now is enough to show her efforts.

Now with the Snow Snow Fruit, this gap will gradually be filled. The Snow Snow Fruit does not have such a strong attack power, but it still has similar properties to the Ice Frozen Fruit in many aspects.

Ice itself is a kind of power.

"So, Yukiko, do you want to be the chief officer of the Fatui? The third seat of the snow girl, not bad, right?" Xia Lin suggested. The original third seat should be a girl, but since they are already in the pirate world, there is no need to use the same title as the real Fatui.

And Yukiko's strength is enough. Even if she doesn't eat the fruit, she can be comparable to some weaker navy vice admirals.

Yukiko nodded when she heard it. Of course, she would not refute the decision made by Xia Lin.

"However, the Kanjo Bugyo..."

"Isn't Keiko doing well? Let Keiko be the leader of the Kanjo Bugyo." Xia Lin said.

Yukiko immediately smiled, as if relieved: "Great, I have wanted to transfer all the work to Keiko for a long time. Now I don't have to worry about those troublesome things."

Although she did a good job in the Kanjo Bugyo before, this was the level she achieved after careful consideration and personal efforts. Even things like recruiting people from other villages required her to go out in person, which can be said to be very tiring.

But Huizi is different. She is very good at this and can easily solve some problems.

Xia Lin actually planned to let Huizi take over the affairs of Kanjo Bugyo directly, so she asked Kurozumi Murasaki to tell them about this when she returned.

"Huizi will definitely complain that she has less time to read." Yukiko smiled, with no sympathy on her face. "By the way, Lord Xia Lin, I think Yayoi should be the leader of Tenryo Bugyo. She is much more serious than Shutenmaru."

Yukiko remembered that Yayoi was much stricter than her when she trained July on the ship before, much better than Shutenmaru, who was a sloppy guy.

"Hey, if you want to say bad things about me, at least wait until I leave, right?" Shutenmaru had a dark face, but

He didn't care about the position of Tenryo Bugyo. That job didn't even have a salary, and he couldn't drink and have fun. It was really meaningless. Shutenmaru felt that he was much happier during this period at sea.

"Me? But I'm also overseas now, and I can't deal with Kuri's affairs." Yayoi said.

"In fact, Tenryo Bugyo was quite idle, especially after the appearance of those tilling machines, we can't even do farm work." Shutenmaru scratched his head. There were very few samurai left in Kuri now. Most of them left with the fleet. The people outside were the ones who needed to use the troops.

"Shutenmaru should continue to be a samurai of Tenryo Bugyo. Yayoi, you will be responsible for the training of the Hundred Demons." It would be good to let Kujo serve as the general of Tenryo Bugyo, but it was not necessary.

And Yayoi already had her own tasks to do.

And Shutenmaru was a simple samurai. He also trained a group of elite Tenryo Bugyo - Kairanki.

Like the Hundred Demons, becoming a member of Kairanki is not easy, and you must have the corresponding strength. And Shutenmaru is the leader of Kairanki, and Xia Lin actually wants him to be the fourth seat of the Faints - the captain.

Although there is Kairanki, Xia Lin does not intend to have a Nobushi. The so-called Nobushi originally refers to the bandits who live in the mountains or the homeless beggars who beg on the roadside. They are not something that can be put on the table.

In this way, Shutenmaru suddenly became the "captain", but fortunately it is just a title and will not add burden to his work.

"It's not just a title." Yukiko was very dissatisfied with Shutenmaru's stupid look, "If you want to become the chief officer of the Faints, you must be the most valuable eleven people in Xia Lin's eyes. If you can't keep up with the strength in the future, you will be replaced immediately!"

In Yukiko's view, becoming a chief officer itself represents honor and status. Shutenmaru also reacted.

"It may not be the most important, but only outstanding people can serve as the chief officer."

"So that's how it is. I will definitely not let you down!" Shutenmaru's slightly funny sausage mouth became serious and he said seriously.

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