"What's the situation?"

When Xia Lin brought Xue Zi and Yayoi to the outlying island, the entire outlying island had completely turned into a chaotic place, with thousands of pirates fighting together. Of course, most of the pirates were passive. Their strength was not strong enough, so they could only run around on the battlefield, trying to avoid the attacks of those strong men.

The noisy sound constantly filled Xia Lin's brain, forcing him to interrupt the perception of the heart network.

In fact, the sight of the color is like breathing. Generally speaking, it is a passive skill when you don't notice it, but when you notice it, it can also become an active skill.

Now Xia Lin is like holding his breath, suppressing the sight of the color to a very small degree.

"It's almost the same as planned. Several strong people have basically revealed themselves." Shutenmaru looked outside. There were several areas in the vast venue that were obviously different from other places. Those were the locations of the strong.

There were also some crazy people making trouble in the crowd, relying on their strength to kill the weak and provoke the strong.

"The guys with good brains have begun to gather followers or follow others."

"Are there more than a dozen people with good strength? Just right." Xia Lin looked at the situation on the field. There were more than a dozen people whose combat power was almost at the same level, including the four people who were talking before.

"It's about time to let them stop, Lord Xia Lin, some people seem to have killed people." It was the first time that Yukiko saw such a tragic scene. It's not that she had never killed people, but killing people and this kind of tragic situation that was just like war were completely different.

Xia Lin nodded.



The golden figure kept passing through the crowd, leaving red bloodstains.

Chris kept chasing after Batiko, causing all the pirates along the way to suffer. She was as agile as a real cat, using those people's bodies as springboards. But the strength of her legs was enough to kick a few-meter-high boulder to pieces, and her claws could even tear through steel. You can imagine how miserable those who were used as springboards were.

Batiko fled in a hurry, looking embarrassed. The crowded crowd formed an obstacle for his escape. He could only keep pushing through the crowd and escape like a wild dog.

"A stinky rat that sneaks into the gap!" Chris bit her sharp teeth and cursed, but in fact she didn't hate the feeling of chasing prey. It's better to say that she enjoyed it, otherwise Batiko wouldn't have been able to escape for so long.

However, there seemed to be an accident in this chase.

Batiko, who didn't have long eyes, suddenly broke into another strong territory and even hit his head on the other's chest.

"It hurts, who is it? Get out of here!"

Batiko was terrified when he thought of Hawks' miserable condition. He was full of resentment towards the man who stopped him from escaping, and he started to curse loudly. However, when he looked up and saw the figure, he was stunned.

"Gulp..." He swallowed his saliva and watched the other person's shadow completely cover him.

Batiko was already three meters tall, but in front of this person, he was like a little devil. What was even more surprising was that this person did not seem to be an ordinary human, but a fishman, and even had a spiral horn on his head.

"Narwhal, Willle..." Batik felt that he was destined to die today. He had just provoked a fierce narwhal...

Welle was almost nine meters tall, so he had to bend down to lift Batik up. His huge palm covered the other person's head without any difficulty, and then he lifted Batik to the same sight.

"It's not bad to crush your skull like this, right?"

"Mercy, mercy..." Batiko wanted to beg for mercy, but Willie didn't want to hear it. His fingers kept squeezing, and soon Batiko's head began to deform.

Batiko rolled her eyes and foamed at the mouth, unable to say a word.

"Hey, stop it! That's my prey!" Seeing her prey being taken away, Chris's anger rose again. She seemed to have been unable to catch up with Batiko just now, but she rushed to Willie like lightning and kicked him in the head.


In a hurry, Lai could only raise his arm to block her. The length of his half arm almost caught up with Chris in the orc form.

The sharp cat claws embedded into the flesh, but only left a shallow mark.

Both sides were a little surprised.

"You are so thick-skinned, stinky seafood! Hurry up and give me my prey back, and forget about this matter."

Chris's mouth has always been stinky. Even if she actually doesn't want to provoke this big guy, she still doesn't spare him. But this time she made the same mistake as Batiko - she hit someone's pain point.

As a fishman, Will Lai hates this kind of guy who looks down on their race the most. The phrase "stinky seafood" obviously does not put them on an equal footing with humans. It's like an alien who insists on calling earthlings "wild monkeys".

Therefore, Will Lai did not hesitate at all, and directly increased the strength of his hand and crushed Batiko's head.


It was like squeezing a tomato.

He casually threw Batiko's body in front of Chris, then licked the "sauce" on his hands with his tongue, showing a disgusted expression, "The smell of garbage has always been so disgusting."

"You bastard!" Chris was furious. Just as she was about to take a step forward, she found that she was surrounded by several fishmen.

Willle is not alone, he has his own entire pirate group.

It's better to be surrounded by several fishmen, which puts Chris a lot of pressure. Although these guys are not as strong as Willle, as fishmen, their strength is much stronger than that of ordinary pirates.

"Oh, it seems that our little cat seems to be in trouble."

Just when Chris was thinking about retreating and was a little embarrassed, a piece of white paper floated down from the sky. Slowly folded into a human shape. Then, the abstract paper man gradually became real and turned into a red-haired woman.

"Too late, Loska!" Chris cursed, but she felt relieved.

Loska is the user of the Paper-Paper Fruit, which is actually the superior of the Book-Book Fruit, and is a special superhuman type like the Mochi-Mochi Fruit. However, his development direction is very different from that of the future user of the Book-Book Fruit.

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