The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

"What's going on? Why are you in so much pain, but I don't feel anything?" Jia Luo asked.

Loska lowered his head and stared at the ground, as if he had not recovered from the pain.

"I don't know, but now I can't seem to feel anything, and there is nothing abnormal." She said that the Great Snake Seal would not turn a person into a puppet completely, but it was similar to being hit by another god. Now Loska had nothing abnormal except that he had completely surrendered to Xia Lin in his heart.

However, the stronger Catral felt something was wrong.

"It's strange, I have a very strong sense of disobedience..." Catral panted heavily, he looked down at his hands, and always felt a little strange. It was as if the things he saw were no longer the original things, and everything was covered with a double shadow.

"What's the abnormality?" Garo asked hurriedly, he felt that there might be a breakthrough point on Catral's side.

But Catral just shook his head.

He couldn't explain the specific situation clearly, the sense of disobedience was very strong but he couldn't say it. In fact, the control of the Great Snake Seal on the three of them was not strong. This ability was not very effective for people with strong strength, not to mention that they still had the consciousness of resistance.

But this was just right, it would not be discovered by Garo at the beginning, and the three of them already had the idea of ​​supporting Xia Lin in their subconscious. This idea may slowly take root in the future, slowly eroding their hearts, and completely changing their thoughts invisibly.

Compared with these spies, there are also many masters among other pirates, but because they are willing to follow Xia Lin, the effect of the Great Snake Seal is much better.

Seeing that Catral's face had improved a lot, Garo was relieved. Now inside Inazuma, they dared not contact the World Government at will. Although Den Den Mushi was convenient, there was a possibility of being eavesdropped.

If it wasn't for a particularly urgent situation, they would not contact the World Government rashly.

"However, I didn't expect that even if I joined Inazuma, it would be much easier than I thought." Loska said.

"Don't take it lightly. At present, we have only joined in name. Those people can't trust us so easily. Although we are spies, we still have to work for them wholeheartedly in order to gain better trust." Garo said.

This is the quality that every spy must have. Even if Xia Lin wants to go against the World Government, as long as it doesn't involve the key, they will do it. Unless they find special circumstances, they will focus on the current mission.

"You don't need to tell us, we already knew about this kind of thing!" Chris said unhappily. She is also a specially trained agent, not that kind of idiot.

"In short, just be 'loyal'." Catral said.

"That's right, just walk to the core position slowly, and find out all the forces of the other party. This is our mission. Of course, we can also assassinate important members when necessary." Garo nodded.

At the same time, he looked down at the black mark on his arm, closed his mouth and made a few gestures.

'I just neglected it. This mark may have the function of monitoring or eavesdropping. Be careful. '

Seeing this, the other three people looked at each other and talked in sign language.

'If this is the case, aren't we exposed? '

'It's just a possibility. I have to pay more attention in the future...' After making this gesture, Garo looked around again and found that no one was around. I don't know if he was worrying too much or for some other reason, but I have to be more careful in the future.

It took Shutenmaru a while to brand all the thousands of pirates with marks. At the same time, some of the good ones were also picked out.

Among these people, Garo's strength is unique, and the strength of the spies sent by other pirate forces is much weaker. Let's not talk about anything else, just like Big Mom's side, there are not many people who can carry the banner in their own pirate group, and the future three dessert generals have not grown up yet.

The same is true for other pirate groups. Except for the captain's exaggerated combat power, the strength of his subordinates is not very strong. There are many pirates following them, but these pirates are not considered confidants.

"Most of you are pirates, both

Even so, you should also know that in this sea, strength is the key. "Jiu Tianwan stood on the high platform, looking down at them.

"The strong dominate the weak, and the weak are vassals of the strong. If you want to be valued by the adults, then show your strength!"

"Since you have joined us, you are a member of the Fatui advance team. However, in the same advance team, some people can be captains, and some can only be members. If you want to be a captain, then fight!"

"I will give you three days, right on this island. If you want to stand higher, then show your strength! However, we only need thirteen people."

Jiu Tianwan's words ignited the hearts of these pirates. Who doesn't want to be a superior? If you can be a small captain on Inazuma's side, it would be an honor.

Moreover, as long as there are three people, then a captain is likely to have more than a hundred men, and this number is considered a large pirate group outside.

"Only thirteen people? "Yukiko asked in a low voice, "If the officers are fully staffed, there will be eleven people. Isn't it too few for the captains to have only thirteen?"

"That being said, aren't there only you and me now?" Shutenmaru also answered in a low voice, "There will definitely be new pirates willing to follow us in the future. When the time comes, if there are new officers, let them recruit themselves."

Yukiko nodded, thinking that what Shutenmaru said made sense. Different officers may have different personalities and responsibilities, and the people they want to recruit may have their own opinions.

The only problem is that she thinks that a district captain has more than a hundred men, which is too many.

"Don't worry, won't it be a fight? I'm afraid there won't be many people left by then." Shutenmaru said expressionlessly. He grew up among thieves since he was a child. It can be said that he crawled out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood to survive today. He is much more cruel than Yukiko.

"It's good enough for half of these guys to survive. ”

“We won’t keep useless people.”

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