The old lady looked at the picture from the Den Den Mushi and her eyes were wide open.

Who would use those shabby guns when there are such good things? In the future, if she has her eyes on an island or a country, she can just let her subordinates take a hundred machines and drop them there, and she doesn't have to do it herself.

And compared to others, Charlotte Lingling has more ideas. She is the user of the Soul Soul Fruit, who can create Homies that anthropomorphize dead things. If she buys such a machine and uses the Soul Soul Fruit to bring them back to life, the destructive power of these machines will be even stronger.

Now looking at it, these machines are very efficient in clearing low-end combat power, but it is still obvious that they are clumsy. This clumsiness does not mean that the Ruins Guards are slow in action. In fact, once these machines really start to enter the war mode, their actions can be said to be very fast.

But the problem is that their actions are a bit too rigid. Charlotte Linlin quickly saw through the attack paths of these machines after being shocked. It can be said that as long as the observation Haki is passed, even if there is no way to deal with these machines, at least they can dodge.

However, this weakness is not very obvious on the battlefield, because countless people scream, fear, madness... Various sounds are constantly exploding. Many pirates who have just understood the observation Haki have no way to grasp useful information from these sounds. Instead, their brains are messed up by these sounds.

It is originally a big killer in the low-end game. Even a large part of these pirates have not mastered the two-color domineering.

But even so, as long as you calm down, you can see through the attack mode of these machines by observation. If it really doesn't work, it's okay to stay away from it.

These are a few flaws of the Ruins Guards, but Big Mom can completely eliminate these flaws! As long as they are turned into Homies, these machines will have the ability to think, and their attacks will become more flexible.

In the eyes of the aunt, this robot army is simply built for her, and only in her hands can it exert its greatest power. And the size of these machines looks like a giant long-armed tribe.

"Mom, mom, if these machines were a little bigger, it would be great!" The only regret she felt was that these machines were not as big as real giants, but she really wanted a giant army. However, because of what happened when she was a child, the relationship between Charlotte Linling and the giants was not friendly.

The aunt felt that this army belonged to her, but others obviously didn't think so.

At this time, Wang Zhi, who was in the Pirate Island, also became hot in his eyes. No one could refuse such a force. More than 200 machines actually beat 8,000 pirates in an instant and defeated them instantly!

If they had these guys in their hands during the Battle of God Valley, they would not have been beaten so badly by the navy.

But obviously, the surprises brought to them by the Ruins Guards are far more than that!

On the battlefield, the men under the command of Golden Lion and John began to retreat. If they couldn't beat them, could they not hide? As long as they kept a distance from these things and guarded against them falling from the sky, these things didn't seem so scary.

"Retreat to the side, disperse quickly!"

The black mass of pirates scattered in all directions. As long as the number of people dispersed, the windmill of the Ruins Guards could play a much smaller role. This kind of thing was not something that these small fish could deal with, so it was better to let those with strength deal with it.

There were as many as 8,000 pirates under the command of Golden Lion and John. They were not all mobs. Even if there was only one good player among a hundred people, there were still 80 good combat effectiveness.

And the actual ratio might be even higher.

In fact, there were definitely no less than 200 people who could paralyze the Ruins Guards in a one-on-one battle, but they hadn't even played yet. It was like playing Landlord. It was understandable to have a king bomb at the beginning, but there shouldn't be many pairs at the beginning.

Golden Lion looked gloomily at the crowd that dispersed to avoid the machines. He and John exchanged glances and both felt that they had to send stronger men to the battlefield.

Originally, he had planned to use a single card, but the opponent directly used a chain. These scattered pirates were simply impossible to deal with.

However, before his order was issued, the situation on the battlefield changed again.

To be precise, it was the machines that made a strange move.

Seeing the pirates start

Fleeing everywhere, these ruins guards fell backwards with their legs bent as if paralyzed, and their arms, which were longer than those of apes, became supports and pressed on the snow.

At the same time, the glowing spheres on their spherical torsos, which were like eyes, became hot at this time. The ice and snow falling from the sky had evaporated before they even landed on the bodies of the ruins guards, and turned into thick white gas and drifted away.

The entire battlefield was suddenly covered by white mist.

"I can't see..."

"What's going on?"

The loss of vision brought panic. The pirates were in a panic and kept turning their heads to look around, fearing that a ruins guard would come out of the smoke and slap his head off.

But obviously he was overthinking, the ruins guards had already entered bombing mode!

The red flames reflected in the white mist, and before these pirates could react, they heard the sound of artillery fire in their ears!



The snowfield was shaking continuously, and countless fireballs were launched from the chest of the ruins guard into the sky, and then smashed down at the pirates like a meteor volcano!

(Akainu: Oh no, I'm a substitute.)

The gust of wind caused by the explosion swept up the red ice and snow, and it surged around like red waves.

Many pirates hadn't figured out the situation yet, and the flames in the sky were like a meteor shower hitting them, blowing their bodies to pieces, and it seemed like there were countless fire dragons roaring in the white mist!


The white waves surged, almost drowning Golden Lion and John. Both of them looked bad. Golden Lion spit out a puff of smoke, and the incoming snow waves surged to both sides as if they were a barrier, and the two of them seemed to have become pure land under their feet.

Seeing this miserable situation, he even had the idea of ​​going on the field immediately. It was really that this bunch of losers lost too quickly, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

He didn't know that he had been broadcast live to the whole world. John did have a Den Den Mushi sent by Shutenmaru, but he had thrown it away a long time ago. In his opinion, it was a waste of time. Anyway, after this battle, Inazuma would belong to John, and he could wait and see.

But he didn't expect that he would suffer a Waterloo right from the start. Those losers were beaten to the point that only dregs were left.

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